
January 15, 2011

The Sims 3 Outdoor Living Screenshots at The Sims 3 TG

Thanks, Anon and TS3 TG
More at The Sims 3


  1. I LOVE those rock speakers, I love the outdoor fireplace, the TEACART!!!! the new bar, there's so much great stuff here!

    but it seems like there won't be any plants in here.

  2. Lol@ the gnome. I love that trolley a lot, I needed one for the new mansion I'm building.

  3. Agreeing with Ayaa, if this stuff pack is about outdoors, where is the plants?

    Other than that, I do love the outdoor furnishings, especially the fireplace. I do love that lemonade pitcher.

  4. Those rock speakers are the SHIT!

    Also, I hope it doesn't require Late Night for the hot tub, as I'm enjoying Ambitions right now and don't wanna have to install LN again. :)

  5. EA enjoys giving us round-abouts when it comes to Expansion pack stuff. The Laundry shop pack could be downloaded and used without Ambitions, so I'm positive the hot tubs will work without Late Night.

  6. lol we have rock speakers! Yay, now my sims can too!

  7. They haven't shown everything that's in the SP yet, I'm sure plants are coming. Calm down.

    All the new stuff looks awesooooome, is that a flamingo gnome!?

  8. @ Alan_Gast

    I think it does require Late Night because Outdoor Living is a Stuff Pack.

  9. ^Yeah, also LN has the animations for the hot tub, so it's going to be needed unless they decide to include them in the stuff pack, which I doubt.

  10. ^ Loads of Laundry was a STORE PACK and when you downloaded it, you could do laundry even without Ambitions, I don't see why it'd be any less of a stretch for the hottubs in this stuff pack to work without Late Night.

  11. i thought hot tubs came with the update. with or without ln. hmm.

  12. I love the new planter boxes and look! a new telescope! :)

  13. I seriously doubt you will have to have LN in order for the hottub in the stuff pack to work. That is just a ridiculous notion. Why on earth would EA put it in the stuff pack, make a whole ad picture around it but then after you've paid your money for the pack say oops. you have to shell out 40 more dollars in order to use this. Like another anon already said there is a store laundry set that works WITHOUT Ambitions. And a stuff pack is pretty much the same thing so umm yeah, I'd say the hottub will work without LN

  14. "i thought hot tubs came with the update. with or without ln. hmm."

    No, they didn't. The curved pool tool came with Late Night, but not actual hot tubs.

  15. "No, they didn't. The curved pool tool came with Late Night, but not actual hot tubs."

    Oops, I mean that the curved pool tool came with the patch for everyone, but not actual hot tubs.

  16. Meh, it's pretty nice. It looks like there should be a little something for everyone in the SP.

  17. im hoping for more clothes for teens and kids.
    otherwise it looks decent.

  18. Im lovin' the skinny jeans that girl is wearing in the 2nc pic! The tank top too! Im probably just getting this one for teh clothes

  19. Gimme that gnome. Naow.

  20. I like it, but dont think id use it.

  21. I like that telescope alot though!
