
January 31, 2011

sims2fanbg's Reload hair *Free*

Download at The Sims Resource - Free


  1. WHAT THE? A free hair? How special, That is SUCH a fair deal!

    Paysite hate out of the way, I really am torn about this hair.

    On the one side, it seems very pretty, I especially love how feathered and natural the ends look. A pleasant change from the blocky choppy hairs sometimes made.

    On the other hand, the hairline looks very unnatural. On one hand, it looks poofy since you can't see the scalp. And of course, on the other hand, the hair seems to not have the kind of volume that would make the scalp totally removed from sight.

  2. I like the hair a lot, it's not too big and it looks natural. What I don't like are those dark lines near the root, I hope it's not the dark root syndrome.

  3. The texture is....bad....She really needs to rework the textures a bit and make it pop a bit more yea?

  4. This is not so bad... I mean compared to the shite Peggy has be shooting out lately...

  5. Its a really good hair, but it needs a retexture.

    If it gets retextured, im downloading.

  6. I really really like this.

    Its perfectly straight and long. Somebody please retexture and ill use RIGHT away.

  7. its a cute hair, it just needs a retexture

  8. has anybody ever made a hair that didn't "need a retexture"?

  9. Actually the TSR hacking is A FACT. Whether you believe it or not, there is straight proof of the horrible things they've done.

    So don't believe it all you want. Stay veiled and naive to the real world and it's goings on.

  10. The mesh looks good, with a retexture thie hair would look perfect

  11. I'm surprised that somebody denies all the crime that TSR has done over the years.

  12. this hair looks pretty nice! I'll have to download it! Thanks sims2fanbg!

  13. Go away, 12 year old troll, your last statement really showed off your great intellect.

    I'm not going to let immature children like what you obviously are bully and judge my personal character just because I download things from a site that you don't like.

  14. Everything anon (<3) says is a fact.
    Step out of your veiled little fantasy world and grow alot more brainstems.

    I am someone who knows little about PMBD, but i can understand TRUE FACTS when i see them!

    What are us humans coming to?
    I sure as hell hope that you don't reproduce.

    That would be very bad for humanity.

    Oh, less aggressivness would be good,too.

  15. How dare you attack me so personally for having a different opinion than you! How dare you attack me or anyone else for that matter over something as trivial as a CC site for a pc game!

    You are either possess a black heart, were raised by wolves or just very, very bad parents in order to even say the things that you do!

  16. And I'm sorry, but just because something is on PMBD does not make it absolute truth! Those people on MATY are not geniuses or gods who somehow know it all, they are just a bunch of bullies.

  17. I was pleasantly surprised by this hair in the game, even though the lightest platinum blonde has the dreaded dark roots syndrome, it will still be very nice for darker haired Sims.

  18. I apologize, i was out of order.

    But the argument i am making in specifics isn't related to the sims at all.

    There is much evidence to back up the argumment. Thus it meaning that yes, that actually happened.(In this case, concluding that TSR did in fact do all of the bad thing they are accused of having done.

    Once again, i do apologize for what i said and i sincerily mean that. I suffer from a pain disorder and i guess i took that out on you (which i deffinately should not have done.)

    On a side note: i am schizophrenic and have seen wolves since i was a child; so i guess one could say i was somewhat raised by wolves.

  19. Sure, you can go ahead and ignore all the warnings, all the people who got their sites hacked, all the evidence. You can even avoid looking into the claims. You can have your shineys in your game.
    But you're supporting something that is criminal, and people will react angry to it. I cannot blame them.

  20. "immature children"

    You're obviously 13. <3
