
January 04, 2011

Smokey Eyes N1 by Lemon Leaf

Download at Lemon Leaf's Sims Cafe


  1. kinda ugly there are 10000 eyeshadows like this

  2. Thank you Lemon for listening to the requests these ass holes made on your last item.

  3. i wanna marry you LL!!!

  4. greaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat

  5. 謝謝你這麼多的檸檬葉子!愛你

  6. Hey does she photoshop her pictures? Just to wonder if I should do that to then, to have better presentation :/

  7. ^she don't. I think she have a super computer.

  8. ^ shes photoshopping very much. ingame it never look good as it looks in the previews

  9. WOW! I COMPLETELY AGREE WITH THAT! But hey, all of Lemon leaf's sims look gay! hahaha!!!!

  10. im getting so bored of her stuff now D:

  11. I love her stuff.
    They pretty much look like that in my game..

  12. I have super computer as well, the make ups look pretty same but these show up pictuers are still really photoshopped

  13. Photoshopped how? Some creations are really obviously photoshopped but I don't see anything out of place here...

  14. ^Just making stuff look smoother than it is, and probably some color and lighting adjustments.

  15. okay is this eyeshadow, liner, eyes or? how am I supposed to know which is it when it says only Smoky eyes XD

  16. The female sim is really pretty.

  17. It's an eyeshadow. You can see that in her CAS preview.

    And thank you for listening to our request Lemon. ^^ I'm sorry some of the people here are being stupid as usual. Keep up the great work. You are THE premier makeup creator. ^^

  18. I really like this eyeshadow! I'm testing it right now, it seems to require WA since it has WA's icon over it thumbnail. Not sure though, maybe someone here can test it :)

  19. Wow, I love the eyes. Does anyone know where she got them and if they are default or contacts?

  20. Lemon's stuff has always looked the same in game for me at least, I don't know if she photoshops or not but if it's not affecting the content at hand then what's the big deal?

    I forgot to say before that this is really pretty, thanks LL :)

  21. The eyes are Clear eyes nº17 by Lemonleaf.

  22. My biggest struggle with her makeup is that it requires tweaking in the face morph.
    For example, I couldn't get these to look as great as they are in the pictures in my game if I don't tweak the eyes a bit with the sliders, eye corners and eye apex specially.

    They are really lovely, thanks Lemonleaf~ ;)

  23. Anubis, yes the person must have WA for these to work, since they were cloned from a WA makeup.

  24. I believe there's a very easy way (that I don't know) to convert it for base game.

    Lemon did the exact same thing for her Water Solubie eyeliner (something along those lines), and a kind Anon tweaked it so it's available for base game.

  25. Mura, there is, you just need to clone one from the base game and make it 3 channels, then just put Lemonleaf diffuse and control in the makeup textures and save. That's all.

  26. Did Lemonleaf use the right specular on this makeup?

    I ask because I've had to replace her specular with the EA one on multiple makeups she's done. With the wrong specular, it looks HORRID on darker Sims and makes them look like they have a lighter film over their face than the rest of their body.

  27. Does anyone know which hair Lemonleaf used on the second person? :)

  28. *And thank you for listening to our request Lemon. ^^ I'm sorry some of the people here are being stupid as usual. Keep up the great work. You are THE premier makeup creator.*

    Trying to sound like you're so much better than others in this blog? Like you're so good friends with LL that if someone doesn't understand something about her work which she has done with some flaws, or like her work everytime, you have to apologise for us? Your attitude sure makes me laugh XD

  29. "Does anyone know which hair Lemonleaf used on the second person? :)"

    Newsea's Baroque.

  30. ^Oh, my bad, you said the second person, the guy. I was only looking at the last two pictures before I scrolled up again.

  31. gay male model hair is NewSea Battler

  32. I hate it on guys. But on girls, it looks wonderful :D

  33. Much better than all the other Make Up crap on MS3B

  34. This is simply fabulicious :^)
