
January 19, 2011

Sternental New World by Janas Creatives

Download at Janas Creatives


  1. Actually, I think this looks rather nice. It's a lot better than square or round islands, and It also doesn't look too big. I've come to hate big worlds where it takes hours to travel from one area to the other.

  2. It has an interesting shape, but I think the grass growing under the seashore would just come to annoy the everlovin' heck out of me.

  3. I love the shape of this island <3

    As the anon above me said, square islands get pretty tiring.

  4. Way to go on that terrain paint. Really, great job.

  5. Yeah I'll take one of these, thanks. I can't quit Los Aniegos but I don't want any more that big either, this looks like a nice size.

  6. I love the shape of this island^^ And I think the overall layout is also fine too

  7. Actually, you like this? What do you mean "actually"? ACTUALLY, the first anon DOESN'T.

  8. Does the world lag?

  9. ^^^^^ Sarcasm can sometimes be so hard to express online. I must try harder in future!

  10. The shape of it is odd, but the city itself looks nice.

  11. Yeah, you can still see the circles of the brushes. Admittedly that's where I get frustrated while terrain painting sometimes, but you can't just leave it like that. And there's no reason to have grass growing under the ocean.

    But I do like the shape of it. If I were building it, I'd probably make it surrounded by retaining walls or something, because it has to be manmade, and may as well play that up.

  12. Hi, NaMe Is MiNdY. SoOn EnUfF y`AlL gOnNa KnO mE. CoNsIdEr ThIs My DeBuT.

  13. Hola Mindy, si este realmente es tu primer mundo he de decir que está muy bien, aunque debiste jugar un poco más con la pintura del terreno. Al igual que tu he creado varios mundo y se que es muy dificil contemplar todos los aspectos. No tomes a mal las criticas que te han hecho, es cierto que a veces podrían ser más delicados para decir las cosas, pero toma los errores y aprende de ellos. Mucha suerte en tu proximo mundo !

  14. The shape of the island is not really my case, but the world is wonderful in the game.
    I've been playing for a week and it´s fantastic.

  15. This crashes my game! Guess I'll just keep on using Bridgeport :/
