
January 08, 2011

Stuff from the 50's by Lisen801

Set includes:  Armchair, table, storage cabinet and grandma's floor lamp.

Download at Mod The Sims


  1. Very nice...and authentic-looking!

  2. LOVE the cabinet and coffee table.

  3. Is it just me or does some of this seem more 60's than 50's? Granted there's always a bit of a bleed-through, decade to decade.

  4. ^ I agree; definitely more 60's.

    Also that 3rd pic REALLY looks like a nursing home. Just sayin'.

  5. haha,it's scout!!
    awesome stuff,though.

  6. I think it looks really nice. For the 50's/60's debate, Lisen is from Sweden so their 50's era might of looked different than what Americans had

  7. americans thinking their 50's was the only 50's. typical self-absorbed american attitude.

  8. Agreed with you there above anon.

  9. I want Scout in my game!

    Nice furniture, but I don't think I have any use for it.

  10. "americans thinking their 50's was the only 50's. typical self-absorbed american attitude."

    And Ayaa stated she was from America WHEN? Talk about ignorant, unnecessary hatred against nationalities... wow.

  11. ^ this 100%... Ayaa could be from sweden for all you know. calm down people.

    and yes, some of these pictures eerily remind me of nursing homes.

  12. lol. both anons above my comment make excellent points! haters wanna hate.

    on-topic: love the set!

  13. Gotta love MS3B. Nobody knows what nationality the people commenting are, yet random anti-American hate-speech seems to feel appropriate for somebody.

    Gotta love it. XD

  14. Let's not begin a nationality flame war bc of downloads for a GAME> ok?
    moving on... lovely set

  15. Nationalism and Patriotism are old ideas that need to be dismantled. They only cause grief, hatred, and war.

  16. <3 Love it! Perfect for the retro homes in my game. Thanks Lisen.

  17. The Scandinavian countries were a bit ahead of the curve on midcentury mod stuff. This is very appropriate - America imported the look after it started there.

    Thank you, Lisen.

  18. I really like Lisen's work and can't wait to see what she comes up with next. It looks like a 50s set to me too.

  19. "americans thinking their 50's was the only 50's. typical self-absorbed american attitude."

    I'm sorry if I came across that way. I try to pride myself in my multi-national interests, however, I don't have a HUGE knowledge of furniture from across the world, so I tend to evaluate furniture from a more general perspective than I should.

    But, the way you worded that was really rude and unfeeling. Even though I'm not the biggest fan of America, or the attitude that some Americans have towards any country that isn't there own, I don't feel there's a need to stamp that negativity on ALL americans.

    By the way, I am American, and I'm also a Male to the person who called me a she.

    Anyway, I'm definitely grabbing this furniture.

  20. Erm, I don't think they were referring to Lisen, but to a comment here, most likely mine or responses to mine.

  21. This is awesome. It reminds me of photos I've seen of my mother's childhood home. Very 50s Scandinavia.

  22. Coffee table with so many coffee cups on made me laugh.. x) I guess grandma was visiting..
