
January 03, 2011

The Vintage Sim's Bridle Converted by Vicarious Sims

Download at Vicarious Sims


  1. More of these things?

    lol shes posted like 6 different horse updates already.


  2. Any animals other than horses? >_>

  3. can we just stop with the horses. FOR THE LOVE OF SIMS, JUST STOP IT WITH THE HORSES.

  4. ^Shut up. Let creators make what they want.

    If you don't like it that's fine, but you don't have the right to tell creators what not to make.

    With that said, I have no use for inanimate horses but I could see how others might for painting, photos, or storytelling.

  5. more horses? really? week after week of these creepy things...

  6. they good for story and like what other say, photo and paint! do not be so rude! I bet you can't make own cc (sorry for bad english!)

  7. I don't have a use for these horses just yet, and while I do find them somewhat creepy (I like things to freeze when I push the pause button, but not while playing XD), I do appreciate and respect the creator for putting the time and effort into creating these.

    HOWEVER, I really do despise disgusting idiots like the Anonymous above me, who seem to think a person's inability to create something bars them from critiquing someone else's creation. Sure, it might be easier to appreciate the hard work involved, but just because you have no experience creating Custom Content, does not me you cannot voice your honest opinion about it.

    I won't download, but I'll keep it in mind for later, when I might need it.

  8. Look, if you post your creations here you are fair game to everyone who views it. (this is not a new blog or anything) There have been at least 3 other horse updates from this creator and let me say the comments so far on this update are kind in contrast. Clearly the creator likes to make these horses and uploads them regardless of the bickering, banter and criticism. (few accolades)
    Let it go...

  9. Look, if you post your creations here you are fair game to everyone who views it. (this is not a new blog or anything) There have been at least 3 other horse updates from this creator and let me say the comments so far on this update are kind in contrast. Clearly the creator likes to make these horses and uploads them regardless of the bickering, banter and criticism. (few accolades)
    Let it go...

  10. These things creep me out. Nice conversion, but seriously creepy. I look forward to seeing other (non-horse related) conversions from them.

  11. "If you don't like it that's fine, but you don't have the right to tell creators what not to make."

    Us, as the consumer have the right to tell creators what to make. If a creator is releasing to the public, some direction on what to create is to be expected.

    Unless this thing can move it is completely useless.
    People use this for pictures and stories? Really? I have yet to see this be done. So overall, useless.

  12. "Us, as the consumer have the right to tell creators what to make. If a creator is releasing to the public, some direction on what to create is to be expected."

    Are you serious? Many of these creations featured on this blog are FREE. You have a right to provide constructive criticism and point out flaws, but you do not have the right to tell creators what to make. You can suggest, but to go as far as demand that a free creator make something is completely asinine and reeks of arrogance.

    These people aren't running a business. You are not buying anything from them. Get over yourself and drop your attitude of entitlement.

  13. Also, many creators create first for themselves and only release to the public because they want to share. Creators do not have to cater to anyone and it would be impossible to try to please everyone or know what everyone would want. Don't act like you and a few others who leave comments collectively speak for us all.

  14. These are great for Simmers who create stories and stage photoshoots,they don't serve any other purpose than that.

  15. This is absolutely lovely and it takes a lot of work to make creations like this. Why don't some of you who are criticizing actually read what this creator said about how hard it is to create something like this. If you have no use for it, you are not being forced to download it. Get over yourselves and grow up!

  16. ^Not everybody has to like or appreciate a damn thing. It's called a personal opinion. We do live a free society where freedom of thought are allowed, douche

  17. this is the bridle, FOR the horses
