
February 25, 2011

Everything Counts - TSS Jeans for Females by Aikea Guinea

Download at Club Crimsyn


  1. hmm, some straight-leg jeans for women. Quite nice.

    Except for the butt. It looks very odd. Saggy, shapeless, and the pockets are usually higher up on female jeans.

    Though, she could just be wearing her boyfriend's/brother's/bought-in-the-men's-section-because-she's-one-of-those-girls-who-has-trouble-finding-women's-jeans-that-fit-properly jeans, I guess.

  2. where are the bangles from?

  3. Ayaa you ramble more than me old lady

  4. Love 'em, thanks AG!
    I think the bangles go with that store top, but I'm not sure, sorry :O

  5. I don't doubt the skill of AG, but the butt looks a bit... saggy, yes like anon1 said, saggy seems to be the best word for it.

  6. You know. Sometimes jeans do that IRL when they are really worn out. Get sags in the back-crotch area while the rest is straight-legged and formed . I guess that's what she's going for, but I'll give em a try. Thanks, AG.

    and i'm off searching for those bangles, damnit. do want.

  7. The bangles are part of the shirt from the EA store...

  8. Boy, a whole bunch of people aren't apparently aware of this style and how jeans work, huh?

  9. Because we don't wear cheap crap.

  10. I must say that these jeans have really great texture, something AG seems to be really good at. These jeans would certainly be good for a "manly" female. Anyhow thank you.

  11. It looks like she has resized (and otherwise altered) the YA/A/E torn career jeans to fit teens - that is why the butt looks a bit weird. I'll have to take a look in game before I pass final judgement.

  12. These are under the wrong tag in this post. They're for YA/A females, not teens.

    Second, the butt isn't exactly what I would describe as 'saggy,' they're just not skintight. There's nothing wrong with the size of the back pockets; they line up exactly with the original pocket texture. Are kids these days going around with jeans that have really small pockets? An honest question! I have no idea.

    Last, it's an EA mesh (the torn career jeans). I didn't touch it, just retextured it.

    I just wanted some simple, non-painted on, non-buttcrack exposing jeans for personal use. If you like them, great. If you hate them, that's fine too. You can put whatever you want in your game. :)

  13. I appreciate these jeans a lot. I was tired of things looking totally skin tight on my sims. Thanks a lot for these.
