
February 15, 2011

F-IN01 TS3 female default skin replacement MTS v2 by Navetsea


  1. I loved his skins in Sims 2. They were my monster defaults.

    It's great to see Navetsea doing Sims 3 skintones. I look forward to whatever's next.

  2. I'm sorry, but just one picture? We're going to need more than that.

  3. This isn't one picture. It's a collage of 13 pictures if I didn't miss one when I counted. Derp.

  4. The breasts (the small ones) look weird, like they are being squashed against the body. I don't like the shadows on the nose, it makes it look too pronounced. And the rib detail is nice when sims are thin, but a fat sim with her ribs showing is pretty weird.

  5. Pigtails looks like she got beat up.

  6. I liked! But I really like my current default, hoping someone could create a non default version, I would use it for sure.

  7. These are very nice - love the faces on these skins. Good work

  8. "I liked! But I really like my current default, hoping someone could create a non default version, I would use it for sure."

    It's actually really easy to do yourself. I've converted my favorite skintones to nondefaults with cmarnyc's skininator.

    Nice skintone! I love my Seraphita defaults but I'll be more than happy to turn this one into a non-default! I'm going to edit the nipples anyway so the placement fits with Morgade's "Real Nipples" mod.

  9. It looks okay.

    Most women dont have shiny skin like that though.

  10. "The breasts (the small ones) look weird, like they are being squashed against the body"

    I agree with this. I do like the skintone but I wish the breasts were done better.

  11. I wish there were small breasted skins that look real and not flat and against the body. But the skin is still good.

  12. This is a picture posted over at insimadult that shows the comparison pic between the two anatomically correct hues that he made:

    It's a direct DDS file, so the boobs DO look too flat. How would one go about shading to change that?

  13. I think this skin is very nice! I love my current defaults but would use a non-default in game if it were available. (I looked at CmarNYC's me, it doesn't look so easy! LOL...but I am not too tech savvy,

  14. Could someone upload a non-default? I don't have access to cmarnyc's skininator because I'm on a mac.

    inb4 "that's what you get for using overpriced hipster shit."

  15. They look dirty or bruised to me.

  16. ^

    Get glasses, then look at it again...

  17. Still dirty and bruised looking to me, as I have my own opinion.

  18. holyvajayjayhaha. ill pass

  19. I loved Navetsea's alien and vampire skins for Sims 2, but I have to take a closer look at this.

    Glad to see Navetsea creating for Sims 3.

  20. I don't really like the idea of my Sims having genitals. I think I'll stick with barbie skins

  21. The creator made Barbie versions of the skins...

  22. This link is to the barbie versions, even.

  23. I don't think they look bruised or dirty. but they do look like they have some very uncomfortable rashes

  24. Still dirty and bruised looking to me, as I have my own opinion.

    Same here. Or else a bad skin rash.

  25. The breast are a bit too droopy, but not a bad skin.

  26. ^^ Clearly, we're awesome.

  27. Uh, that was meant for a different Anonymous. STOP POSTING SO FAST!!!

  28. Ayaa (Dude by Lazy Bones)February 15, 2011 at 11:54 PM

    I'm allergic to just about everything under the sun, and my skin looks all red like this. Must have for my self-sim! ^.^

  29. ^ You're only revealing your immature sexism by that post.

  30. whys is all white around her vag vag

  31. ^Censor blur for MTS.

  32. ^^ no, it's for females

  33. ^ Why would someone make a skin only for females? Your sexism is shocking.

  34. When will the male version be released? Great Work btw!

  35. Male version? Why do there have to be two versions? Skin is skin. We all have it, and when it's cut, we all bleed.

  36. Seriously, am I missing something here? Don't we all have the same skin?

  37. Ayaa (Naked by DVAR)February 16, 2011 at 1:04 AM

    Nevermind, I understand now. ;_;

  38. Ayaa (Naked by DVAR)February 16, 2011 at 2:06 AM

    I have to reword my post about my allergies. I'm actually not allergic to everything under the sun, just a lot of things. I'm even allergic to my own hair. That's why I love this skin so much! ^.^ This sim obviously suffers the same way I do.

  39. Ayaa (Naked by DVAR)February 16, 2011 at 2:23 AM

    On second thought, looking more closely this time (Wearing contacts now! I hate going to the eye doctor. I'm scared to death of needles.) the skin has shiny legs, and they look a bit unrealistic. Sometimes humans probably look a bit unrealistic too, but only for about three seconds. It could just be someone's bad eyesight, or maybe the wind blew at that moment, or whatever.

  40. Ayaa (Naked by DVAR)February 16, 2011 at 2:26 AM

    Wait, no. I think it was actually just the lighting settings on my computer. I don't have any lighting mods, but my game isn't open anyway, so it must just be my monitor. Maybe I should buy a new computer. This time, with better graphics so my game looks better, and runs better too. I could download more items as well, and my game wouldn't lag. All around, pretty good skin, if you have a sim with severe allergies, like me in real life. ^.^

  41. Ayaa (Vo rah Arrah Iill by DVAR)February 16, 2011 at 2:40 AM

    that is probably the worst troll I've ever seen. I'm definitely making that extra account tomorrow.

    This skin had potential, but the "shading" was poorly executed. I thought the muscle sliders eliminated the need for this excessive, and bizarre style of shading.

    Try again, and look at some playboy magazines, or nude "art" photographs. Anything you can to get an idea how a naturaly human is shaded.

  42. Ayaa (Deeper and Deeper by Madonna)February 16, 2011 at 2:48 AM

    ^ I am definitely making that account tomorrow. This is nuts, pure nuts. o_o

  43. Ayaa (Kiss Me by Shiori)February 16, 2011 at 2:50 AM

    Not one of you are me! I can't believe you're that bored. I'm flattered, though. Ah, well.

  44. how about look into a mirror. we all have a body.

  45. ^except that looking at onesself tends to only give us a distorted view. And you can see a lot more angles of OTHERS than you can of yourself in a mirror.

  46. ^ maybe if you're distorted...and inflexible.

  47. It seems like a nice skin, but I have to agree with the breasts. The small ones look kind of weird. Too bad. It would have been nice to try though, but I still have a crush on Lady Frontbum's skin and can't really leave that. ;-)

  48. I think this looks very well done, If you guys don't like it you don't have to download it....just a thought.

  49. mehhh the shading, esp in the torso and shoulder blade area, looks odd imho... pass

  50. I think these skin look great, i like the shading.
    By the way Navetsea has uploaded the the matching male skin. I think he did a great job on both skins.

    Most skins put fake abs on that ruin it for me.

    I for one would like to thank the creator and can't wait to see his future skins.

  51. is it just me or do they look like they have a sunburn? I can't help but feel a little bit of ouch, that must be tender whenever I look at this

  52. Ayaa's a funny little thing. Whoever they are I wouldn't be surprised if they're 13 years old, in fact perhaps less than. Truly only someone incredibly juvenile would believe typing "lol" is a bad thing to do. It's a ridiculous thought; do you want NASA to stop abbreviating? USA? UK? UN? EU? How dare they abbreviate! Completely one of the most illogical and unintelligent thoughts I've ever laid eyes on.

    This skin is okay, a little too patchy for me.

  53. I tried these in game (both the male and female versions). They look pretty nice on lighter skinned sims. On darker skin tones though, they look kind of bad. Personally the male version of this skin is way better than the female one posted here.

  54. Tried these skins, really wanted to love them.

    But the shading around the eye socket killed it for me. Did no one else notice the ugly black shading blur on the upper eyelid? It destroyed these skins for me.

  55. No one noticed the shading...they were too busy focusing on the flat breasts. :P
