
February 06, 2011

Long Untucked Teeshirts for Females by Robodl95

Download at Mod The Sims


  1. LONG overdue! I can't stand the look of those short t-shirts in game. And the designs are from Threadless. I couldn't ask for more!

  2. I like the idea, but if you look at the blond in the last pic, you can sort of see my problem with these. The bottom of the tee, the part where it's extended, is darker than the upper half. It looks weird and I don't like it.

  3. I like this idea and I don't look any problem.I like it,thanks!

  4. Ayaa (Misty Rain by Shunichi Miyamoto)February 7, 2011 at 4:08 AM

    I see what you mean, about the shading issue. However, I can forgive it myself, and just say it's because the shirt is sheer and her jeans are showing through the shirt.

    Even with that odd problem, it's still a really nice shirt, and I'll enjoy having it in my game.

  5. Really cool shirts ;) thanks for sharing

  6. I see the problem in the last picture, but I wonder if it's only the dark shirts that have it. You can also see that line in that "a long time ago..." shirt.

    In MTS, the creator says the t-shirt have some problems, so I'll try it in game and see if they bother me enough to delete it.

  7. That's a mesh problem that I couldn't solve, the mesh has a couple problems as I said in the post (most are only visible in CAS), the weird seam thing only seems to affect dark colors.

  8. Great upload Robodl95! Thanks!

  9. These are so awesome and I don't even know what to say! Thank youuuu!

  10. I would love to see plain colored one as well! Thank you.

  11. ^according to the post there is a plain one included, I guess maybe its just not in the pictures

  12. This is very cute and useful. Thank you.

  13. ILOVEUNTUCKEDEVERYTHINGFebruary 7, 2011 at 2:40 PM

    Dear untucked shirts,
    I missed you so much. All my sims 2 sims wore you and only you. My sims 3 days have been filled with mostly fugly short shirts. Thanks to your return, my sims no longer have to endure the humiliation. For that I am truly thankful.
    Kind regards,
    your faithful fan.

  14. Robodl - did you look at the specular?

    That's the only thing I could think of that would make it shiny on top, but not on the lower part.

    I'll be DL'ng anyway! :)

  15. LOVE these. Robodl, you are awesome.
