
February 15, 2011

Manzanares - New World by Ale_Sims3

Download at Ale_Sims3 Creations


  1. it looks like they went a little crazy with the road placement, some of it just looks randomly thrown down

  2. I think the road placement is the best part. It's really hard to get the roads to go naturally curvy and pretty like that with CAW.

  3. someone make an awesome world that doesn't require eps :[

  4. "someone make an awesome world that doesn't require eps :["

    It's going to be really hard to do that. Each EP brings new functionality, objects, plants, decor etc. that are all beneficial in making a world unique and "awesome." For instance, WA brings a lot of new build objects, sculptures, decor, and tons of plants that take a world from being bland into being amazing. The other EPs add a lot of value gameplay-wise and scenery-wise as well. People want to use everything available to them that comes with the games.

    If you are looking for worlds with no EPs, then look at some of the earlier worlds created before WA came out.

  5. "someone make an awesome world that doesn't require eps :["

    or, you quit being so tight and buy some eps :)

  6. IMO it looks empty.

  7. ^^ don't be ignorant
