
February 11, 2011

New Outfit by Precious Sims

Download at Precious Sims


  1. Ayaa (Jiang Ling by Top Combine)February 11, 2011 at 3:22 PM

    I don't want to sound critical, but how is this outfit special exactly? It can easily be made using some of the CC pants out there, and the same goes for the top. If I download an outfit, it's usually because it offers something I absolutely cannot get in seperates. I won't be downloading this. Also, the mesh needs to be altered a bit. give the top a little edge to seperate it from the bottoms, and give the bottoms some shape. Right now they look like underwear.

  2. This is boring and does not need to be an outfit. There are a billion patterns and tops and shorts just like this.

  3. It looks painted on and it looks like crap. I hate shorts that have been painted on, they should be on a separate mesh.

  4. and her clothes ain't recolorable..

  5. Where's her hair from?

  6. Photoskinned and not recolorable?
    Can this get any lamer?

    Seriously, I wonder if this was posted here just because that creator made it.

  7. Yeah I'd really like to know where her hair is from, or if she's downloadable.

  8. I don't know who the original creator is but I know that Lotus retextured it and even included an edited version of the mesh so you can take a look on her blog and you'll definitely find it!

  9. this hair are newsea's

  10. Precious, I understand you are still learning, but the one thing that causes people to criticize your work so harshly is that you just dish out content after content without taking into account major things you need to improve upon before releasing something else.

    On your first clothing post, it was pointed out that your clothes were not recolorable and that you had other errors. I even remember linking you to a tutorial on how to make clothing recolorable and so did others. So why are you still releasing outfits that are not recolorable?

    It seems like all you care about is the number of downloads. Focus more on improving BEFORE you upload instead of getting downloaders. Not all, but several downloaders at TSR are idiots who do not use discretion when downloading. Just because you get multiple downloads there doesn't mean it's good; look how many downloads that viral doll got there.

    So please take the time to improve your work before posting it in the Sims community. You do have the potential to improve greatly, but you have to change your habits of dishing out so much stuff too fast.


    This is just unacceptable, Precious. You have FIVE PAGES of non-recolorable female clothing. Not one or two outfits, but FIVE PAGES worth.

    Seriously, sit down and take the time to learn how to make your stuff recolorable instead of uploading as much as you can as fast as you can. You should not be using the number of downloads you get at TSR as a gauge of whether your work is good or not. Some people there will download anything. You seem to be trying to win a popularity contest instead of trying to improve.

  12. Hah, do you think she would listen? I don't think so, stuborn from the begining will be fool to the end.

  13. ^ ^^ I believe the messages would get to her if you actually posted on the site...

  14. Actually she is willing to learn but lacks the direction. Maybe you can be helpful for once if you have any advice to offer. I don't know anything so I'm useless.

  15. "Actually she is willing to learn but lacks the direction. Maybe you can be helpful for once if you have any advice to offer. I don't know anything so I'm useless."

    I linked a tutorial to her. She posted on the very same post. Precious just refuses to listen, just like when she would get comments on how all her Sims were the same with different custom content. She just kept churning out the same Sims with maybe one or two actually different. She is doing the same things with her clothes.

    Also, TSR has a habit of deleting any negative comments, so if you are looking for the truth about your work, you won't get it there. If you do, it will soon be deleted.

  16. I am having trouble understanding the tutorials. If anyone can help me understand a little better I would really appreciate the help.I would rather have my clothing recolorable.

  17. If you are having trouble understanding, then you should post in the creator forum at MTS. They are very friendly and helpful.

    Or, post here in this comments section about what you don't understand so perhaps we can guide you along. What process were you using to make the channels for the different clothing parts? Do you have Photoshop or GIMP?

  18. BTW, here is a video tutorial on making clothing recolorable. You may be able to understand it better than the written MTS one:

  19. if you look at the textures, they look same in front and i the back of clothing :/ I don't like any of her work

  20. I am using photoshop.And I am having a hard time with most of it.

  21. Which part did you get stuck on? Are you comfortable making different layers and doing flood fills?

  22. making channels is easier than drawing a nice texture.. I think

  23. It is ok I know how to do it now,I asked a friend on Facebook.All my stuff from now on will be recolorable.

  24. I honestly think her things get posted here for the sake of drama and entertainment. It is okay to be a beginner and to learn, but a little misleading to have things like this be featured here or anywhere...we can't even recolor them.

  25. I'm just going to say to you Precious to just practice and read up until you are decent enough to POST SOMETHING. I used to post such glitchy shite when I began creating, so yeah. I was there. But this just incites drama that you probably secretly enjoy, but that's just silly right? /sarcasm
