
February 26, 2011

New Skinny Jeans by Precious Sims

Download at Precious Sims

and more here


  1. the bottom part looks like crap, theres no hemline, and still photoskining?

  2. Geez people she's probably a beginner
    and trying to experiment.
    I think it looks decent and yep
    it needs work here and there, But
    I think she did a great job!
    You have some great work
    Precious Sims (;

  3. its not even, even. This is a set back on her part, she was improving, but this is worse:S

  4. I don't really need another pair of skinny jeans in my game, but I do love the tank top that is beneath all the pairs of jeans on her site.

  5. Ok, it's photoskinned, but I have to admit that her textures are really cool.

  6. I've seen something like this before. It was in my game. I took it off because in game it's actually kinda short, and it looks like it's painted on they're skin. But, they're pretty with tall-ish shoes, sometimes.
