
February 04, 2011

Riverblossom Hills - World and Population by kiwi_tea

Download at Mod The Sims


  1. This is so cute :3 Reminds me of England. I wish my computer had a better spec to enjoy this.

  2. Perfect timing, I was almost about to play Barnacle Bay now I don't have to!

  3. Just downloaded this and played for about 2 hours its great

  4. looksgreat!!!oh wait a moment.......its thanks

  5. I totally agree XD

  6. I totally agree XD

  7. The "Debate Room" area is full of self-righteous douchebags. But if you ignore that part of the forums, it's not too bad.

    Love this world, though. DLing now!

  8. World looks nice..but i hate the site too! i will use some other worlds

  9. Its really not that hard to create a world like this, you just need 10000000 trees and thats it..

  10. Has he uploaded this anywhere else? MTS is being stupid and it won't download- the downloads just freeze halfway through.

  11. the people like them because they´re free but the objects are the pure horseshit,they have no quality

  12. Wow, I think we have an insane anon here, who loves to chat with herself.

  13. This world is gorgeous.

  14. mts...I've had issues with their people too. I was terribly surprised at the time, but now I kinda get it.

    That said.. the world looks lovely. GREAT for slow expansion.

  15. I just wish MTS had more content. They used to be my main go-to site. Now I have to come here to find what i need.

  16. lemme need every EP

  17. "I just wish MTS had more content. They used to be my main go-to site. Now I have to come here to find what i need."

    I do, too, but I am glad this blog exists. I only go to MTS now for mods. I pretty much have no use for anything else that is uploaded there, other than the occasional contacts or eyeshadow.

  18. Insane Anon? WRONG, I agree with them, MTS was great back in the day, now it seems like hardly anything is even being uploaded there anymore.

    It can't be because of "high standards"either, the few things that are there, especially the clothing, are forgettable and pure trash.

  19. thank you man. Thats exactly what i thought!

    The site is trashy

  20. Recognised it straight away! Wonderful work.

  21. The rest of the downloads may be crap but Kiwi does beautiful work. His/Her other worlds are just as detailed as this.

    And she/he already adds Sims beyond your generic Sim Bin reach.

  22. I guess I have to set up a new world, cause I must have that river view. Love this.

  23. so, who's got a good Sim site now? seriously, i'd like to know. lots of complaining going on, but what sites are best now?

  24. What are the answers for registration at MATY?

  25. ew, farmland. BO-RING!

  26. "so, who's got a good Sim site now? seriously, i'd like to know. lots of complaining going on, but what sites are best now?"
    Ignore the anon trolls; MTS is still good.

  27. so...aside from the complaints that mts ppl r a lottah hair on the horse's pen1s and such. =) how's the world so far. I wna dl it :D does it have late night stuff?

  28. mts ppl r teh bee's knees, so far it's fully realized & operating flawlessly, and yes there's stuff from LN

  29. i just did a displayVampireStats right at the start of a new game, it says there are 10 vampires in town already. that's great news for vampire fans, personally i think i'm going to go on a quick vampire euthanasia spree before they turn the whole town into a bunch of My Chemical Romance fans. great world nonetheless though :)

  30. I fail to see anything about MTS that makes it so unpopular with a few commenters here. It strikes me as one of the more lively Sims community sites. Yes, there's a certain culture there but oh well. I support the site.

    Actually, good point from that last Anon. I'll go provide the number of premade Occults on the main download page.

    Other constructive feedback is welcome. If you're going to complain about the world, I expect information on how I can improve my work, otherwise there's not much I can do about it. :)

    Peace, love, and open doors. :P

  31. Wow I'm glad I'm not the only one who really thinks MTS is crap. But only lately do more people seem to realize it. Seems most are just unimpressed with the downloads, but the reason I don't like that place is because Delphy has tolerated racist, sexist etc crap from Day One -- with very little improvement.

  32. Gonna have to begin with Redcliffs, if I start downloading worlds. That being said, this one would probably be my second world to download.

    Somebody over at MTS was making a much better France vacation world, did she ever get it done?

  33. The world plays and installs perfectly even via the Steam install of TS3. Thank you for making and sharing this world of yours, Kiwi_Tea. It is much appreciated! :)

  34. I'm very picky about custom worlds, so right now the only one I play is Los Aneigos. But I think this one looks nice enough where I'll make this the second custom world I'll play.

  35. mastercontroller says these ppl have 'Aging Disabled', what's up with that? My family I'm playing doesn't have their aging disabled but I checked several people around town and they all do. Is there some kind of ctrl-shift-C enableaging I can use? I need people to get older as time passes otherwise it's a little pointless to me.

  36. I really like this town, and I especially like the varied and whimsical sims you populated it with.
    Unfortunately when I try to play it, the game crashes to the desktop at random intervals. My game is perfectly stable when I play the official towns or Los Aneigos. I use the Awesome Mod, Nraas Master controller and Story Progression mods. The problem might be a conflict with those.

  37. Looks great! And i like Modthesims :P
