
February 24, 2011

Rose Island by Janas Creatives

Download at Janas Creatives


  1. Counting down to Ayaas annoying comment, in 5... 4... 3...

  2. Wow it is really nice.

  3. I will give it a try.

  4. Wow the spam filter is hungry tonight. Anyhoo I think this la isla bonita is adorable.

  5. The Sims must take quite a lot of time to travel from one point to another. They must be a little dizzy too ! :D

  6. "Counting down to Ayaas annoying comment, in 5... 4... 3..."

    That's a good idea.. Ayaa won't comment to show you up, and then we wont get her commenting all the time!

    GENIUS !

  7. Well, it has bridges, so, I guess, traveling from one point to another would take no so long time)) I like the last screen)

  8. Hmm, it seems nice, but...a bit odd. It's inventive, and I like that, but at the same time it's a very unnatural island shape, so I can't see it being easy to implemnt into a story, unless you planned out a story for the island itself.

    That said, it's nice, and I'd probably download it someday.

  9. This one is okay, but since Late Night came out, I've yet to find a nice world that feels like a city. They're either too big or too rural. *sigh*

  10. ^ikr. I've been waiting for a good city too.

    This island is not bad, it has an interesting shape. But the few houses it has, are too medieval for me and they wont fit in my game. And I don't feel like making tons of houses.

  11. Los Aniegos is a good "city" and is actually very representative of Los Angeles, the city it was modeled after. You're unlikely to find a city with quality like that anywhere else unless someone with the skills of Coasterboi makes it. He has a knack of pulling things off that only few creators can accomplish and most of the others who do only build rural worlds.

    I've been waiting on someone to do an NYC world, but to be honest with you, I wouldn't want it done unless someone with the skill level of Coasterboi or Pyronium3 did it.

  12. That's just what I need for a historical game. Good job.

  13. Los Aniegos is a good "city"

    except it suffers from the too large complaint the person already mentioned.

  14. I agree los Aniegos a good "city", but when I said city I meant something busier, with lots of buildings. Los Aniegos looks too much like a desert to me.

  15. Los Aniegos is a great city if you can get it to work I tryed for a week building and moving sims in and out it would'nt save I also put the city in and took it out keep on getting code 12 ?? I wish he would debug the world. But now the Rose Island it's square but it looks like it has big lots for the big buildings.

  16. "Los Aniegos is a great city if you can get it to work I tryed for a week building and moving sims in and out it would'nt save I also put the city in and took it out keep on getting code 12 ?? I wish he would debug the world."

    The "error code 12" is not a problem inherent to the world. I have never had any Error 12 codes when saving. How are you saving? Are you saving with Save As or Save? You really should be using Save As.

    Also, do you have enough RAM to run it? I always use "save as" and I have 4 GB RAM on a laptop and I have zero problems saving. So it's not a matter of coasterboi needing to "debug" the world; if you can't save, it's on YOUR end somehow.

  17. Looks more like a cinnabon than a rose. =) I still like it though
