
March 18, 2011

Canteaka Moore by Honey32

Download at Mod The Sims


  1. The only thing that holds her back from being cute is that horrid nose.

  2. ^some ppl have noses like that in real life...why u hating?

  3. Not everyone is "blessed" with a thin nose.

  4. Hehehehehe I think it gives her character.

  5. Hehe. Um...Im black and I have an average nose that is no wider than the average white persons nose. I have an ambiguous nose. And my lips well they're not that full relatively compared to others.

    So, just because its a black sim doesnt mean it has to have a round bulbous nose. Or exaggerated features. Look at Jessica White she's dark/black and has narrow features. Anyhow =)

  6. Does it really matter people? This is the creators choice in making Canteaka Moore.

    Go back to your pudding sims who all have perfect almond eyes, perfect nose,perfect luscious lips, rocking bodies and blonde hair.

  7. I like her, nose and all.

  8. Sheesh, it's an opinion. If someone thinks it's ugly and you don't agree...GET OVER IT.

  9. While I do enjoy her nose, I think her lips are just a wee too thick, especially her upper one. And her eyes are just a smidgen too big.

    " perfect almond eyes, perfect nose,perfect luscious lips, rocking bodies"

    And to the anon who said this, her eyes are pretty close to perfect almond shape, her lips are luscious and I think her body is pretty rocking.

    It makes your argument appear invalid (even though it isn't).

  10. Well, isn't this lovely. Someone uploads a sim that you don't have to put into your game and could therefore have scrolled by, and everyone decides to turn it into an argument over her 'black' features.

  11. OMG, I'm black and I get soooo tired of every time a black sim is posted everybody starts talking about their noses and mouths. Yeah, not every black girl has big lips, but some do. Not every black person has a big nose, but some do. Get over it and stop turning every comment after a black sim a back and forth about black features. It's soooo annoying. If you think it's ugly, STFU and keep it moving, why comment? You bored little children.

  12. @ Anonymous:
    It makes your argument appear invalid (even though it isn't).

    I know my argument is valid. By rocking bodies I mean let me have six pack abs, DD breasts and long luscious silk flowing blonde hair. I'm simply tired of more of the same with Sims.
