
April 02, 2011

New Things by QingshuangTongZi

This site has been updated and Mediafire links have been added for this stuff and more.

Download at QingshuangTongZi's Blog

and thanks for the update, Anon:)


  1. i'll check it out joe. :) see what i can find.

  2. He doesn't share any download link on this side.

  3. I can't see anywhere on the site to download anything. maybe he just likes showing his creations, but doesn't like to share?

  4. I think it's either friends only or he's showing off what he's put up on Gamesir.

  5. ^or shares them somewhere else and uses the blog to showcase the creations.

    I like some of the things they have there, so if anyone knows how to get them, please let us know.

  6. I actually have the lute in my game but I cant remember where it was posted at. It might have been this site. I think the blog is just for showcasing. The actual objects must be on a different site.

  7. ^yeah, the lute was posted in mtsims, and so was that dragon thing.

  8. From what I've gleaned from it, they share their creations on gamesir, and just use their blog for pictures of their work. Which makes it annoying as hell for those who can't register there or speak Chinese.

    I've left a message on the creator's blog to see if they can possibly put these up on a place where non-Chinese speaking people can access them. If they're not the creators, they'll probably say so here.

  9. I remember the lute as well. The problem with the lute is that it completely replaces the guitar, I think.

    I can't remember if I've seen that particular headdress before (I know I have a few in my game) but I have seen the dragon costume. Those lamps are really gorgeous, though, and I'd like to have them! I hope someone can share! So is the TV, jewelry box, and the hanging scrolls!

  10. "From what I've gleaned from it, they share their creations on gamesir, and just use their blog for pictures of their work. Which makes it annoying as hell for those who can't register there or speak Chinese."

    I don't speak any Chinese, but I am members of aholma and Netshow. With aholma it's as annoying as hell because both the automatic Google translator and the plugin you can download give "the translation failed because of a server error" messages. I might sign up for Gamesir and take a look around.

  11. I signed up at Gamesir a long time ago but it also required a post minimum or something (I forget) to access the downloads. I just remember it was annoying.

  12. you can download it all on peggy sims

  13. Also, looking around, I found that if you leave them your email address, they'll send it to you. Maybe, if someone gets in contact with them, they could be asked if this can be put on SimsCave.

  14. "you can download it all on peggy sims"

    ^ I heard you can download Sims 4 there too. Fully working!

    Also, there's swampland in Georgia that you can download. For pay, of course. To me.

  15. "I signed up at Gamesir a long time ago but it also required a post minimum or something (I forget) to access the downloads. I just remember it was annoying."

    It is very annoying! Aholma makes you do this and so does Netshow now. Ugh. However, it's easy to just type something at the google translate site and then just post it.

  16. All of this is included in World Adventures

  17. I'm pretty positive all this stuff is available on Anubius's Website.

  18. "The Sims: Livin' Large" is required to use these items

  19. Went to try to sign up for gamesir and I'm also getting that translation failed because of a server problem error. Guess I'll have to treat it just like Aholma...copying and pasting the stuff I want to read.

  20. Is that ponytail a Newsea one on the guy sitting and watching tv?

  21. I read Chinese, it says you need to install the Sim Hot Date in order to use these downloads.

  22. ^Will you shut up already with that bull? You're annoying, not funny.

    If you can't tell us how to get these downloads, then stop cluttering up this post.

    I searched some of the Chinese sites I'm a member of and haven't found least not yet.

  23. ^you need sims unleashed they are included in that expansion pack

  24. lol nooooo! you need SUPERSTAR :-p

  25. ^Will you keep up already with that funniness? You're hilarious, really funny.

    If you can tell us how to get these downloads, then keep cluttering up this post.

    I searched some of the Nazi sites I'm a member of and haven't found least not yet.

  26. I think this time they were funny trolls.

  27. I thought these troll's were funny. I laughed when I saw Livin Large mentioned, that seems like so long ago! haha :)

  28. "The Sims: Livin' Large" is required to use these items"

    LOL@ livin large!
    I couldn't figure the site out though

  29. This started off serious, and now it's just gotten....out of hand with the same troll.

  30. The dress that the woman in green is wearing looks just like a mysterious dress one of Lemonleaf's models was using! Maybe Lemonleaf is a member of Gamesir and has access to these dls? :( Anyone think they might be able to get in contact with LL and convince him/her to set up a Simscave account and share the stuff in the Gamesir Sharing section? I for one joined Gamesir eons ago, but I'll be honest: If i have to join the stinking site AND waste my time reading people's conversations and posting stuff AND wasting more time getting Google to translate every frikkin thing for me on top of it, then Id rather not be bothered. >_< That's why I told Gamesir to shove it and haven't been back since. It's like the Chocopoints at Simcontrol--just a waste of time, like some people actually can just sit in front of a PC and gab all day just to ingratiate themselves with people they can barely understand all for the sake of getting a tv shaped like a guitar (sorry Google--that translator's a bit dodgy at times! :P ) Sorry, I just get aggravated when this keeps happening: Gamesir gets on my LAST nerves, it is NOT internationally friendly, and though the creations and skill there are MINDBLOWING, one would think that they are doing this for the ENTIRE Sims 3 Community of fellow simmers, not just the Chinese, who can communicate with one another and understand what the heck's going on over there. Gamesir might as well make it a paysite while they're at it, if they're that determined to exclude Simmers. >_< I mean, Rose Sims, MT Cakestore, Lemonleaf, Blog Sina AND Blog Naver all have clear cut ways for people of any language to easily get in and get out (the links may be a bit challenging to recognize at first, but they're THERE, you know?!) Gamesir is a prima donna diva I just don't have time for. *clapping hands* yes, your creations are beautuful, but now you're just showboating. Take your creations and shove em.

  31. 這個我知道他的載點在哪兒!
    I know where his mount point!

    But the need to apply for

    Click here

  32. How do you register for Gamesir? Even with a translator, I click to show I've read the rules and one button just takes me back to the page and the other tells me I have to be logged in to read it?

    What am I doing wrong?

  33. ^when you use a translator it won't let you register. Open a translated page (so you know what everything means) and then open the normal one in another tab/window and register.


    I've suggested SimsCave to the creator, as well as placing links on their blog. If others have ideas, please let the creator know.

  35. Well, I'm glad the creator was generous enough to add mediafire links for us foreigners. Some of that stuff is really nice.

  36. I am SO happy those mediafire links were posted! *jumps up and down* That makes things so much easier for us poor folk who can't tell what's what and where what is and who put that what where they put it!!! :D Thank you so much Anon and MS3B for bringing this to people's attention!

  37. polycount be KILLIN it

  38. Thanks Tee Sang for making this stuff available for foreigners!!!!

  39. This is really cool, It must have been a lot of hard work.

  40. Yeah- I was the one who asked (I usually am anon for here since I'm lazy). The creator was very nice and very willing to try out something. I'm glad they found something that fits them!

  41. Those shoes are SO sexy.
