
March 29, 2011

Missoni Glasses and Balenciaga Leggings by Andrew

Download at iCON


  1. Where is that long hair from?

  2. The leggings' detail is a little on the blurry side.

  3. i love iCON !!!!!! where can i get the lady gaga shoes in the botom pic?

  4. "i love iCON !!!!!! where can i get the lady gaga shoes in the botom pic?"

    Didn't Beyonce wear those first, even if minorly different? And more to the point, weren't they designed earlier than that?

    As for the glasses, those things are just horrendous. They look a lot like something you'd see made on Second Life.

    As for the breasts. Why is it when it's anything casual, such as Sims3CC, naked breasts are considered improper, distasteful, and smut? But if it's artwork, especially antique artwork, it's consdered part of the feminene figure's beauty?

  5. The glasses are a little bit weird.

  6. where is the middle part hair?

  7. How can I download something from this site ?

  8. The bottom shoes were designed by alexander McQueen and no Beyonce didn't wear them before lady gaga. she filmed bad romance with the looks from his spring 11' collection before they were even released on the runway.

    I have yet to decide to release them after mixed reviews.

    The glasses are exactly as i wanted them. perfect missoni glasses. look them up. they are spot on with size color and proportion.

    As for the leggings, i tried three times to make them work and look better but they just looked messier. i could have just not released them, would have be better?

    why is everyone hating?

    Breast are breast, i have nudity on my site all over the place. next week im updating with *gasp* a mens lace oversized shirt complete with penis in picture!

    someone call the village elders!!

    my site is about fashion and is not meant for children. people need to grow up. fashion is what it is, deal with it.

  9. lol@people freaking out because of some pixel nipples. This place is either filled with kids or very immature/prude adults.

    Oh dear.

  10. do real people wear these kind of glasses?

    for real?

  11. ^haven't you heard of fashion shows? It's obvious they are not everyday glasses.

  12. iCON'S BACK UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *hyperventilates*

    now if he'd just FIX THE REST OF HIS DOWNLOADS i'd love him foreverrrrrrrrrrrrr

  13. How can I download something from this site ?

  14. "Breast are breast, i have nudity on my site all over the place. next week im updating with *gasp* a mens lace oversized shirt complete with penis in picture!"

    ...Sims dont have penises. Are u just going to download a mod penis for the sake of "art"? Spoken like a true Lady GaGa fan

  15. i dont know what downloads dont work anymore, send me a email with the ones that dont and ill work on them.

  16. ^Some people like to have anatomically correct sims in their games. I, for starters, don't like barbie boys. I'm sure I'm not the only one with that mod already added to their games.

  17. It's all what see on your site :(

  18. Omg Welcome back Icon! you're one of the cc creators i would hope would return! Please dont leave this long ever again!!! And please ignore the haters in here. EVERY ONE HAS AN ISSUE WITH EVERYTHING ON THIS site!!!

  19. To be honest, aside from the resort dress, for me it's just been that none of the men's tops have worked :( I think I've tried to download pretty much all of them. I haven't tried all the downloads on the site, though...

    In any case, iCON has some simply gorgeous and excellent clothes. No other sim sites make couture as well, and only AAS seem to go for real-world designs. Nothing wrong with original designs, but sometimes there are lovely lovely things that you know you'll never own, and at least your sims can have them ;;

    Speaking of which, oh my god I want the McQueen curly wurly water theme Spring 2010 heels so much ;; it's a very important collection and they are very lovely shoes

    n.b. on the matter of false penii, some people like to play the game in different ways, you know, it's meant to be representative of something closer to a real human body.

  20. It's not for shock value. It's modeled after a photo shoot I recently did. I liked the look and so I'm recreating it in the sims. done.

  21. Hi

    Where is download page on this site ?


  22. @Shivar. Apparently so. Although you would never catch me torturing my sims with them.

  23. LOVELY
    where can we download lady gagas shoes ?

  24. I love the glasses! Never would I wear these, but for a crazy sim? Perhaps...

    Also, Boobs are JUST boobs, not Hitler propaganda. All females have them, get over it. It's not like he's encouraging kids to do each other.

    But I have downloaded from his site before, and it's pretty poor. Theres a particular pair of shoes on that site, (yellow pumps) when you download them a different pair shows up in game. Also, a yellow dress on that site (this: is also borked. Some weird mesh shows up in its place.

    While I appreciate how funky and cool these articles of clothing are, I'll pass this time.

  25. Lol @ the boob shots.

  26. I'm against boobs but all for public executions. I am good, I have morals.

  27. Those leggings look like something a C3P0 fetishist would wear.

  28. Andrew- ignore the hateful anon comments. It's sort of par for the course here. People just will shout out whatever they think will get a rise out of the creator before the mod comes through and deletes the worst of them.

    Take the actual critiques for what they are, negative or not, take the people who seem genuinely interested, and throw everything else out. They don't deserve a reaction.

    Glad you're back and you're going into meshing. That's very complicated, and I love that someone's trying to mesh out high fashion clothing.

  29. Porn is JUST porn. I'm glad to see some tits up here for a change.

    Hopefully this opens the door to MS3B screenshots with some poo-non-nayyyy. :P

  30. Keep it up, whiny trolls. This is why several of the best creators have either ditched the Sims 3 or they have asked MS3B to no longer showcase their items here. Why should those of us with sense have to suffer for you imbeciles?

    Now there are legitimate criticisms in this thread (such like what people said about some of his past items being borked) that should always be pointed out for the sake of fixing what's wrong and potential downloaders. However, bitching and nagging and calling a creator a "pervert" just because he utilizes some Sim nudity shows that you are nothing but a moronic child with too much time on your hands. Grow up, get a life, and stop trolling creators.

  31. Hmm true... now that we got boobage, does this mean its the gateway to some vadge? Hope so.

  32. Christian @ Trunk_ShowMarch 29, 2011 at 2:13 PM

    i looove the sunglasses and have the perfect sim for them! unfortunately i downloaded the glasses but the file is .wrk instead of a package or sims3pack. anyway we can get the file for the game?!

  33. It's interesting to me to see sim-nips when female nips aren't in the game to begin with.

    So is custom female pubic hair okay to show now in pics too? Should be... I don't see how pubic hair is any different.

  34. Definitely would like seeing more pubes in the preview pics guys.

  35. Christian @ Trunk_ShowMarch 29, 2011 at 2:15 PM

    Oh and where can I get that hair!?

  36. MS3B is no stranger to trolls, but show some boobage and WOW troll central.

  37. ^ Imagine how many trolls would infest the place if there was PUBIC HAIR in the pics. Hmm.

  38. We need to realize in many cultures, seeing nipples occasionally isn't a big deal. Guys need to chill; North American mainstream culture isn't the only one there is. Maybe ms3b can censor the picture here, but I don't think the creator has to do anything themselves just to save our eyes from the horrid pixel nipples. Nipples do not equal pron.

  39. I'm fine with seeing nips here. The only reason I brought it up is because it doesn't make sense why ANY sort of torso nudity is needed to display GLASSES over somebody's eyes. That's all.

  40. "You need to go back and learn to read. Clearly I am not talking about that statement and nowhere did I mention that saying a picture was "NSFW" was trolling. So you can take your pathetic counter-argument and shove it."

    Wow. You just need to reeeeeeelaaaaaaaaax. It's a video game blog. You really need not get your panties in a bunch over it... talk about pathetic. -_-

  41. ^ "Clearly" the angry anon above seriously needs to get outside and breathe some fresh air!

    Love the leggings!! :)

  42. Everybody knows a glasses pic doesn't need nipples anyway.

    Glasses pic needs pubes.

  43. You shouldn't be on this blog at work.

  44. ^ Not anymore... thanks to these nipple shots. >:(

  45. Love the leggings... VERY C-3PO/Starwars.

  46. Yeah they do look like C3PO!

    And who cares about nipples... they could show a dimply butt crack in order to showcase eye-wear and I wouldn't mind.

  47. The glasses are fierce! iCON brings Euro fashion to middle America once again!

  48. lol wtf...

    Gotta love reading though all these if you've got plenty of time to kill (ESPECIALLY at work!!). :P

  49. "You shouldn't be on this blog at work."


  50. Wow! Clearly this a creative creator and I'm so glad he's sharing his creations! Thanks iCON!!!!

  51. "Don't get mad because you were proven wrong."

    Don't get mad because you didn't prove anything. All you've been doing is spewing meaningless, angry whining between the trolls. But at least you *admit* you're pathetic.

    By the way, this is my first time responding to you. :D

  52. So where can we DOWNLOAD these popular nipples in the pic?

  53. pretty sure Andrew didn't make the nipples...

  54. "We need to realize in many cultures, seeing nipples occasionally isn't a big deal. Guys need to chill; North American mainstream culture isn't the only one there is"

    Do not assume it always north americans. Here in the middle east, the laws are even more strict. Same with many other places besides north america.

  55. "Don't get mad because you didn't prove anything. All you've been doing is spewing meaningless, angry whining between the trolls. But at least you *admit* you're pathetic.

    By the way, this is my first time responding to you. :D"

    Lying about this being the first time responding isn't going to make you look any less pathetic. You are just as pathetic as you claim I am since you are arguing with someone on a blog about pixels, regardless of how many times you have actually responded.

    Pot, kettle, black.

  56. the only thing more entertaining than a good troll, is good troll-bait! lol

    that said... thanks for the star wars-esque leggings.

  57. "^ DUDE. You're looking more and more sad every time you respond to the trolls. YOU ARE BEING TROLLED. Tuck your tail between your legs and stop before you make an even bigger joke out of yourself."

    Same IP.

  58. Omg!!! Icon is back!!! Love all is stuff and those glasses are just wow !

  59. ICON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT'S BEEN OVER A YEAR!

  60. Well, kids probably come to this site, so the picture of the bare breasts needs to be removed or pixelated. Just because someone does not want to see nudity does not make them childish or a prude, thank you very much.

  61. ^Except there is absolutely no reason to censor this website for kids, since kids shouldn't be playing a TEEN rated game in the first place.

    Not wanting to see nudity doesn't make someone a prude, screaming about how it's inappropriate, disgusting, and shameful and SHOULDN'T be shown on any website does make you a prude.

  62. please release the alexander mqueen shoes! <3 i love them

  63. Those leggings are divine, oh how bad I want them in real life...
