
March 25, 2011

New Empty World : Fort Collins BETA by My Sim Realty

Download at My Sim Realty


  1. Fixing a world is a lot more difficult then fixing a mesh for something that causes crashes.

    With worlds when submitting bugs, errors, etc you need to notify the area of issues, etc and try to be clear as possible.

    Also at times, the creators themselves don't know the answers to some errors in the worlds.

    Thanks for being a fan!


  2. ^ I don't think the above anon ever said they were a fan of your's, Peggy. -_-

    Anyway, I was really excited about this world as I used to live near Fort Collins, Colorado. But this clearly isn't supposed to look like THAT Fort Collins. :(

  3. I thought it was going to be that one as well. Fort Collins CO would make such a BEAUTIFUL sims world too.

    This one looks nice too, but I'm a bit tired of ocean-side towns.

  4. Dear Anonymous,

    You are truly special! Also you are very observant.

    Thank YOU, for being a fan! -_-*


  5. ^ lol... as long as YOU believe you have "fans", I guess that's what counts.

    Ohhh Peggy representative. Such a passive-aggressive twat. :P

  6. Dear Anonymous,

    Why you mad? Also let's all stay on topic please!

    Thanks for being a fan!


  7. MS3 blog need to stop allowing anon comments, its getting really annoying!

  8. I am considering changing the name to clear up that confusion... remnants of an old fort are in this world hence the name :)

  9. Dear MissChattbox,

    I completely agree, it is rather annoying!


  10. ooo Idk why my first comment got deleted. Maybe I shouldnt have them douchebags. But why hide the fact that they don't help their downloaders. Why have an email when it's useless.

    Deleting my first comment just shows that I'm right about the people at my sim realty.

  11. Dear anonymous,

    No idea why your comment was deleted. I guess Joe felt the need to delete the comment. I noticed nothing wrong with the comment. The trolls here do more and say worse then what you stated.

    I guess the people at Sim Reality messaged Joe to have him delete the comment.

    Thanks for being a fan!


  12. Not to get in the middle of this dispute... but I actually did no such thing. People are free to say whatever their respective opinion is of the worlds that I share or my fansite - to each their own.

  13. Dear SimRealtor,

    I was only offering a possible reason why the comment was removed as some creators get their pixel g-strings in a knot when they are talked about.

    I was actually shocked the comment was removed, nothing negative really. Frustration, yes.


  14. is that REALLY peggy omg hahahhaha

  15. I'm pretty sure it isn't Peggy, it acts pretty odd. :)

    Well, about the neighborhood, I like it! It's really pretty, I like all the bridges and stuff!

  16. I love MySimsRealty worlds. I will try this out too.

  17. ^Me too! I've always had good experiences with their worlds.

  18. I am mildly confused- what did the comment say then? If there was a technical issue with MSR I would certainly want to know so I could fix it.

  19. Okay sooooo anyway.

    Right away it's really obvious the creator spent a lot of time on this world, it looks fantastic! (:

  20. The comment in general was saying how Sim Realty sucks, they don't help fix bugs with worlds. Why have an e-mail for bug fixes if you're not going to respond.

  21. @ Peggy
    thanx for explaining but suck isnt exactly the word. I think My Sim Realty worlds are beautiful or else I wouldnt have downloaded them but you're definitely right about the last part.

    I already explained what the comment said and Peggy clarified it perfectly in her last sentence.

    "I would certainly want to know so I could fix it"

    No you dont want know, if you did you would have answered my question in the email a long time ago.
    And If you didnt know what do about the problem, you could at least replied and said sorry but I cant help you something.

    Anyways I deleted the world a long time ago, since I wasn't getting any response. It was messing up gameplay.

  22. "No you dont want know, if you did you would have answered my question in the email a long time ago.
    And If you didnt know what do about the problem, you could at least replied and said sorry but I cant help you something."

    You're basing your assumption on the fact that they didn't respond to ONE e-mail. There are a million possible explanations--the e-mail didn't get sent, it was mistakenly routed to their spam box, or they intended to reply but simply forgot. The creator is clearly responding to you here, but it's pretty obvious you want to pick a fight rather than receive help.

  23. I must agree that there are quite a few reasons as to why an email was not received - I have always made an effort to respond to each email and trust me - I get a few! Which world did you have issues with?
