
March 03, 2011

New Things at The Sims 3 Store

Futureshock Living

Brilliant, clean, and expertly designed by Sims from the future. Bring a new age of living room comfort to your Sims home.

21 items are included in this set - 1,650 Sim Points

Street Couture

Add some global avant garde high fashion to your Sims life with this Harajuku inspired street wear.

15 items are included in this set - 950 Sim Points

Through the Spy Glass Bathroom

Adventure doesn't have to stop just because your Sim needs to visit the little Sims room!

20 items are included in this set - 950 Sim Points

March 2011 Compilation

Get everything new for the month of March with just one click! This compilation includes Through the Spy Glass Bathroom, Futureshock Living, and Street Couture.

3,000 Sim Points


  1. ^ I was thinking the same thing.

    The outfits are obnoxious. They'd be okay for teens, but on adults? No thanks. I do like the stompy boots.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Lame! EA will only allow the hot tub if you buy the expensive futuristic crap set! The hot tub looks more steam punk, then futuristic.

    Boo! Hiss!

    I was actually going to buy a set and the hot tub, but now I cba.

  4. Does anyone have a link to the unmodified .sims3packs of the sets individually (specifically the Spyglass bathroom)?

    The March 2011 compilation set was uploaded at MATY, but I don't want everything from March. Also, I am nearing my monthly broadband bandwidth limit and can't really afford to download a 50 MB file when I only want one set.

  5. Well considering the rest of us paid $40+ for the hot tubs included with Late Night, it's not such a bad deal.

    Those clothes look ridiculous on adults but they'd be great on teens. Which they're not for. Boo!

  6. Hey! Lolita clothing! Boo, not for teens. Come on, for pete's sake! I would have loved something *different* for teenage males from EA. CC seems to be filling the gap, but everything EA brings for teenagers is always so... bland, usually.

  7. I payed $40 for LN, and $20 for OL.

    It isn't a bad deal ,but they included the fishtank (equivalent to HES) but not the hottub? EA's marketing at work! Hell even the washers and dryers from Ambitions!

  8. Guess I'm getting it the other way, ARR!

  9. I was so excited about the street couture set until I saw that it isn't available for teens. I'll never use any of that stuff on an adult. :(

  10. @ Anonymous: I know right, EA's creators lack the talent to create for anything but young adult/adult.

  11. Nothing really screams 'must have' for me, except maybe the male pants and shoes. I also hoped it would be for teens, and the futuristic theme isn't really my thing. So I guess my downloads folder will get a break this month.

  12. These sets are kinda lame, except the Street Couture one, I like it

  13. I agree the clothes would look better for teens, but the members at the official site went crazy for these clothes. Ugh, don't even want them, but love the boots. Ooh, the pink shoes are cute.

    More futureshock stuff? Meh. I do want the hot tub, perfect for my inventor sim, steampunk home. That sucks if it's not separate.

    Spyglass tub is cute, but really not into the Alice in Wonderland theme.

  14. Hey, frilly Lolita dress we liked from Pocci, only as clothing. ^^

    And I don't play teens much, so meh about that. As for the furnishings... I can use the futuristic stuff, oddly. And it blends well with the HELS stuff, which is a plus, since HELS was kitchen free.

    Wonderland stuff is rather useless to me though. Maybe someone like Armonia can create a lot out of it.

  15. I love these and I'm not ashamed to say it. Woot woot.

  16. I really wish they'd remove the accessories from the hair and just sell those. Not just for these but for everything they've done.

  17. For anyone who doesn't want to DL the whole set because it's so big, you can always uninstall the individual things you don't want later. That's what I do with sims3pack sets.

  18. A lot of you were wanting that lolita dress off the mannequin a few posts back and now that you actually get lolita dresses to use you're all, "BAWWW, not for teens". Damn, some of you are annoying.

  19. On another note, I hope they release another Street Couture set down the line, there's a lot of potential with it. I'd also like for EA to make a follow up that Japanese bathroom set, some properly animated futon beds would be amazing (maybe they'll release something like that with a future update/expansion?).

  20. I like this stuff, but...and it could just be me...has anyone noticed how similar these sets are to custom content already released by the Sims community? The Lolita/Goth look has been around for several months now and available for teens as it should be. The "Through the Spy Glass" set is a total ripoff (the IDEA not the meshes)of Pilar's "Cartoon Furniture" and Livingdeadgirl's "Surreal Surfaces". I find it amusing to see EA reduced to competing with the Sims community modders for inspiration.

  21. Katsu, you are far from perfect yourself.

    Most of the dismay for the clothes is that appropriate teenager clothes that EA makes, they end up being for YA/A. EA's workers, lack talent to do anything other then YA/A. Clothes wise, hell most of it is re-meshed or re-textured.

  22. ^Would love, love, love all of that. I do wish a shower came with that bathroom set though.

    Also, liking all the new clutter. They finally gave us toothbrush clutter! Sure, it isn't exactly practical for every bathroom, but it's a start.

  23. I find it amusing to see EA reduced to competing with the Sims community modders for inspiration.

    I'd hardly call it competing considering all third-party custom content becomes the property of EA thanks the EULA, besides, EA's stuff is always of a better and consistent quality.

  24. Is there a tutorial that shows us how to convert adult clothes to suit teens?

  25. "A lot of you were wanting that lolita dress off the mannequin a few posts back and now that you actually get lolita dresses to use you're all, "BAWWW, not for teens". Damn, some of you are annoying."


  26. @Vinnie Vin Vin

    So the fishtank does work? Meaning it holds multiple fish?

  27. To be honest, the teens in sims 3 look really ugly compared to the young adults, I never play teens, and do love the lolita style they made. Will be getting them asap. Also IMO there is not allot of good lolita clothing on the sims 3 sitets around. I dont know anny that I would have in my game. Compared to the sims 2, sims 3 has a big lack of them.

    Yay for these clothes.

  28. @ Sarah: It should. Everything is cloned from previous objects. I just hope EA didn't half a** this and update the fish that are viewable (I.E Late Night Fish)

    I will check later on, when I can install the items I bought.

  29. KATSU。 said...
    I'd hardly call it competing considering all third-party custom content becomes the property of EA thanks the EULA, besides, EA's stuff is always of a better and consistent quality.

    I dunno Katsu. Given all of them are pay items that does strike me as competing with community modders. That said; and for the sake of clarity my use of the word 'competing' was not so much about ownership or dollars as it was about inspiration and fresh ideas. I don't disagree that EA content is of high quality, but in this particular example and in defense of the individual creators, both the Pilar and the Livingdeadgirl sets are of equal quality to EA content. I think it says something significant about EA's lack of creative ability if they have to "borrow" and worse "bank" on the creativity of others. In all seriousness the Spy Glass "look" is
    *identical* to the other two I mentioned and it would take some convincing for me to believe this is mere coincidence.

  30. Also in addition to: Now that there is a non-EP fish tank, expect to see more fishtanks by the CC community :D

  31. "For anyone who doesn't want to DL the whole set because it's so big, you can always uninstall the individual things you don't want later. That's what I do with sims3pack sets."

    I don't ever install them as .sims3packs because I do not decrapify. All I do is recompress. Once you decrapify, the process cannot be undone and I'd rather not take that risk if I don't have to.

    Also, since the last two or three patches, the Launcher tends to jumble everything it would be a pain to try to go through and individually uninstall everything you don't want when it's mixed in with all your other content.

  32. @Rhiannon You're right. I'm certain there's a bit of market testing that goes into what EA puts in their store; big companies like that tend to sell things they already know people will buy. I would not be surprised, for instance, if search engine analytics for sims CC help decide what is placed in the Sims store.

  33. "Is there a tutorial that shows us how to convert adult clothes to suit teens?"

    I think to convert them to teen versions, it would require a different mesh (the anatomy is slightly different for teens). Plus, I think all store items are encrypted and you can't edit the mesh (easily).

  34. Rhiannon, I definitely agree that both Pilar and Livingdeadgirl make excellent content but as far as saying EA "borrowed" their ideas from them is more or less just speculation. The Spy Glass set does share some similarity with Pilar's Cartoon set (in that they're both unconventional themes) but again, just because it's similar does not mean that they outright stole their idea. A lot of people create things that are similar to each other but could of had their inspirations drawn from other sources (i.e. EA used Alice in Wonderland as their inspiration and Pilar used children's cartoons for theirs). I guess my point is that just because EA creates something that may be similar to what a third-party creator has done before does not necessarily mean that they explicitly went of their way and copied it, I think this can apply to a lot of things (movies, books, games, etc).

    BTW, on a side note, EA had also done a Harajuku inspired female outfit for The Sims 2 Store before.

  35. ugh. they need more realism, less of this stuff.

  36. ^ I thought that people were complaining about the "realism" of the game and wanted more of the silly, less serious stuff like back in The Sims 2.

  37. Katsu, this is a slightly different discussion, but I do know that EA does depend on real-world references for some of their custom content.

    If you are familiar with a certain messageboard, you would definitely recognize both the name of the item as well as the description for it directly from that place. It came with Late Night.

    I don't want to go into it more because if you know what I'm talking about, then you know how prone it is to attracting trolls of a certain nature.

  38. The Sims 3 creators lack the talent to create anything but stuff for YA/adults?

    Seriously, take a look around the web, most of the decent CC being uploaded anywhere is for YA/adult females, your comment made me laugh.

    Noone is making anything quality for males, teens, children, toddlers and elders, it's not only EA, but also the CC creators themselves who aren't looking beyond YA/adult female.

  39. ^We got /some/ male stuff this time around, and the Looking Glass stuff is more child oriented.

  40. At least peggy will love the street clothes. With thoes, some of her hair will looks close to normal.

  41. I am street whore.I enjoy street clothing.Do not steal!You must pay!

  42. At least other creators are making an effort to have a bit more style/choice. How many outfits do elder,s teens, childrens, toddlers have compared to ya/a? Thank you try again

  43. you guys dont like the futureshock stuff?
    haha i love it.

  44. ^ I'm not a 13-year-old boy, so no.

  45. has anyone's sim ever autonomously watched the terror tv channel?

  46. I like the clothes, would be great if they were for teen also, but I can put some of my YA sims in these. I also like the concept behind the bathroom set and wish EA would make a build set for the Alice Style.

  47. Is there anything free in this March set? There's usually at least one item.

  48. I'm a female in my mid twenties and i love the futureshock stuff, when you change the colors around its quite nice actually. not sure why you guys think only 13 year old boys can enjoy the futureshock set. Also note that the sims 3 is set in the past, and from what i remember even in the 1990s where i grew up a lot of people thought we would have flying cars and all that uber modern stuff by the year 2000. So this only makes sense to me. Not every one thinks alike you know. And some one of us actually enjoy sleek modern looks.

  49. There's no free stuff this month, 2 stair cases were free this afternoon but EA promply set a price tag on them. Sucks I missed it.

  50. ^^ 13! 13! 13!!!

  51. "Also note that the sims 3 is set in the past."

    No, its not ... shall I start by mobile phones in TS3 that are NOT the size of a brick?

  52. Future Shock is not sleek and modern. It's more like futuristic fantasy, amd it's ugly.

  53. ""Also note that the sims 3 is set in the past."

    No, its not ... shall I start by mobile phones in TS3 that are NOT the size of a brick?"

    It's set in the past in the Sims world.

  54. Ugh, I hated the concept drawings for the lolita and I hate it even more on the sims. Keep that JRPG shit OUT of the sims, EA. If I wanted to look at that, I'd go play final fantasy.

  55. Ah, it's that "Gothic Lolita" look: Nothing says 'mentally unstable' than wearing oversized children's clothes in your teens, 20's, 30's, and sadly, beyond.


  57. i wish i was a teenager so i could wear cute clothes again :( but not this stuff. lol

  58. Most 20somethings I know still walk around dressed like teens. It's annoying/pathetic.

  59. Nothing says 'mentally unstable' than wearing oversized children's clothes in your teens, 20's, 30's, and sadly, beyond.

    Truer words were never spoken.

  60. ^ You forgot to log in, Erica.


  62. It's pretty sad really when over 20 years old people wears kid dresses like these. But that's how japanese are too, even when 24 they still dress to this. I guess because they's size and shape of many is very child type. so no problems to act like a kid.

  63. When I was in Japan, the only time I ever saw people dressed in anything like that was on the weekends in Harajuku, and most of them were teenagers.

  64. I bet Robod - or if not him at least someone may convert these outfits for teens :) !!!!

  65. When I was in Japan, the only time I ever saw people dressed in anything like that was on the weekends in Harajuku, and most of them were teenagers.

    How do you know those were all teenagers? Some people may look way younger than they are.

    When I was in japan I saw more than enough people who weren't teenagers wear this stuff, still beautiful and look almost like teens.

  66. You know what is truly pathetic?

    The fact how most of people can't appreciate good creations even if they dont happen to be for teens. AND people who always complain about japan lovers or anyone who likes something you don't.

  67. How do you know those were all teenagers? Some people may look way younger than they are.

    I'm sure not all of them were, but a lot of the ones I met were. It doesn't really matter, if you ask me. I see nothing wrong with dressing up on the weekends and letting your creativity go wild, at any age!

  68. ^Yeah That's exactly my point - I totally think the same with you! But no, most just always complain just about anything. How about taking a positive attitude people.

  69. It's a cultural thing. What seems strange or wrong to one is great and normal to another.

  70. The legs on the FS set look like claws. And what the heck, glowing furniture? lol!!!



  72. So, it's like this, okay. I farted. And then, I farted again. After that, once more, I farted. This completed my fart sequence.


    let's fart!
    c'mon, let's fart together
    we can do it anywhere
    over here or over there
    just as long as we fart together!

    let's fart
    c'mon, in dark or sunny weather
    we will stink up the sky
    kill a flower, kill a fly
    yeah, when we fart together!

  74. omg samu. i heard some stuff bout you. is it true? <3

    i'm not downloading anything. ea stole some of my points so i don't have enough. :[

  75. ^^ ? you're silly. <3

  76. Alice stuff is insanely cute but I my house? I don't think I'd be able to live like that, in game or real world.

  77. yeah it's like disney

  78. I love all this. I wish it cost less points. :(

  79. Being a young adult who wears Gothic Lolita outfits, I am THRILLED that EA have finally released a set like this. If I am still as slim and in good shape as I am now in my later years, I will continue dressing this way.

  80. I dont know how the futureshock could look ugly to anyone. I think its amazing.

  81. Personally not feeling any of it myself but then I'm not a manga or futuristic style fan. I'm sure there are others out there who are!
    I'll save my simpoints for another day.

  82. "I dont know how the futureshock could look ugly to anyone. I think its amazing."

    Um, because not everyone is you?

    What is with some of you people not understanding that people have different tastes? Why do you need some type of support system or validation from others in order to like something? I think it's ugly as hell, but if you like it, more power to you. Some of you act like it makes your opinion worth less if someone else hates something you like; it doesn't.

  83. I love the Street Couture set, but I'd like it better for teens. I'm sure EA is planning to release a teen version, probably next month. The Spyglass bathroom is ok, but I'm not sure I'd really use it much. I don't like the futuristic living room at all.

  84. I get excited seeing cat ears and Frezzer Bunny,until I realize it's not for teens and makes the adults look like royal screwballs X\

  85. "Anonymous said...
    ^ Someone's gonna kick your butt now and call you uncultured."

    I know right?

    Oh snap! Some angry mental patient, in an oversized babydoll dress is going to type mean words of cultural awareness at me.

    Anonymous said...
    ^ You forgot to log in, Erica.

    No, I never forget to login when I talk shit & back it up, like yourself.

  86. Oh snap! It is getting all serious up in here!

  87. The Street Couture set is amazing, I was really disappointed to see the dresses are not fully recolorable, I don't know what it is called, but the clothing near the neck for example.

  88. The ripoff store has some new stuff again....

    How much does all the stuff in there cost 1500$? That's ridiculous..

  89. ShortyBoo said...
    I love the Street Couture set, but I'd like it better for teens. I'm sure EA is planning to release a teen version, probably next month.

    You just answered the "why isn't this available for teens" question, perhaps without realizing it. It's all about marketing. Re-release the same content for a younger age group a few weeks from now and they cash in twice.

  90. What am I supposed to do
    Sit around and wait for you
    Well I can't do that
    And there's no turning back

  91. I remember reading that lolita is actually more popular with young adults as opposed to teens since its kind of an expensive lifestyle, and you sort of need a real job to support it, so it makes sense for it to be for adults. I'd like to see teen variations too though.

    They're not the best representations of Lolita, but I'll give EA props since they actually paid attention to the rules and guidelines of what makes lolita lolita, unlike most CC makers who assume maid outfits count as lolita.


  92. So adults actually go around wearing this stuff in Japan?

  93. Yes, the same way in certain parts of other countries people wear overalls, tunics, long skirts, etc. It is all part of the culture.

  94. So adults actually go around wearing this stuff in Japan?

    On weekends, maybe, in Harajuku. It's not something you will see most people wearing every day.

  95. Being a young adult who wears Gothic Lolita outfits


  96. Being a young adult who wears Gothic Lolita outfits, I am THRILLED that EA have finally released a set like this. If I am still as slim and in good shape as I am now in my later years, I will continue dressing this way.

    Pics or it didnt happen.

  97. I can't believe anyone seriously likes those clothes.. and street wear? Really EA. I have NEVER seen anyone wear anything like that outside where others could see them.
    I could see how one would wear that if they lost some kind of terrible terrible bet though.

  98. Alright, so this is probably going to seem really lame, but I seriously want to hug one of the EA staff members right now. Seriously Trekkies, If you check out the description for the White Rabbit Shelf in the Spy Glass Bathroom, it references tribbles~!!!
    That is all.
