
March 11, 2011

The Sims 3 Generations Official Trailer + A bunch of screenshots added

Thanks to Bubba Gump Shrimp, Liz and Anonymous:)

UPDATED - I uploaded the trailers myself so I hope they won't get taken down:)

The Sims 3 Generations Trailer

The Sims 3 Unleashed Trailer

I just took a bunch of screenshots and thought I'd add them, in case the video gets taken down. 

Added some Sims 3 Unleashed shots since the video was taken down


  1. Is any of it for REAL??

  2. ...real weddings? Yes plz. Teen pranks look fun.

  3. all I see from the trailer is that this pack is mostly...pranks. Fun fun. And it looks like they're going to add body hair now? lol

  4. "Is any of it for REAL??"


  5. i love the animals

  6. OMG!!!! animals look perfect!!!

  7. The Sims 3 Unleashed will also be on PC and MAC :

    What some good news ! :D

  8. EA got my money for Generations. I need more for the Unleashed EP. Not really excited for pets, but I am so crazy for horses. Then again, that might sell me on Unleashed.

  9. So is this going to be two EPs at once? They both seem like fun but I can't afford two EP's!

  10. egging houses and crazy parties?!
    dogs, deer, cats, horses, raccoons?
    sign me up.

  11. Horses! never liked them much but this is still really awesome! god darnit why october, why not spring :((( tho then it might not get so well developed

  12. OMFG horses!

    So is the "unleashed" one an expansion too or what? Anyway, I'm not too exited about the generations EP, but I'll get it anyway because I feel that sim's lifes lacks something in my game.

  13. oh god 3 great news in one day! generations, pets and mod the sims has mod to make own animations, AWESOMENES. Cant get any better

  14. Generations & Pets?? Maybe this year won't be so bad after all!! LOL!!

    ~~doing a HAPPY DANCE~~ ='D

  15. I don't think pets is only for consoles cause it shows that it's for windows and mac users :x

  16. I'll get Generations for the spiral staircases. But I'm feeling rather.. eh.. on the rest of it.

  17. Erm ... i think the "prom" will be another interaction you can choose by clicking on the school rabbit hole ... but nothing exciting. The "bachelor party" etc will be another phone call like "birthday party or "wedding" etc. ...

    I think EA has a talent to place basic game decoration in a very good way to make the trailer look interesting.

    Anyways, I won't expect too much ... EA's Sims 3 has been VERY disappointing since it's beginning ...

  18. i love the fact that they used an all time low song for the generations trailer.

  19. To the anon who said they can't afford two EPs, you do realize that they're coming out 6 months apart, right? Generations will be out sometime around late April/early May and Unleashed won't be out until October.

  20. OHMYGOD. put the animals in the PC games! and seasons...whats the deal EA

  21. ^ Unleashed will be available for PC as well, but it appears to be a separate game, like Sims Medieval.

  22. Hey you negative EMOS shut up being so grumpy about the expansions, it's new stuff and new things to do in sims, be happy of what you get even if it's not perfect.

  23. A slip 'n slide!!!!!!

  24. There's ENGLISH on the fridge?!

    "40th Dad"... that is NOT SIMLISH!!!

    EP fail.

  25. ^ LOL. I noticed that too. Verrrrrry strange.

  26. Love the kids in costumes shot. Now they will act out what costumes they wear. Too cute.

    Kid with video camera, will they be able to catch the parents woohooing and putting up the video? That will be funny.

    Love the snapshots can be put on the fridge door and all over the walls in frames. Makes the house personal. Hope they can take them when the household moves.

  27. ^I didn't see that slip and slide at first!

  28. Something tells me the that english '40th dad' won't be in the actual game. Would surely go against everything they've tried to accomplish simlish-related.

  29. They didn't show the horse rider in the pets video. Can't wait. It's going to major awesome to have our sims riding horses.

  30. Generations, hmmm, not that excited.

  31. "Unleashed will be available for PC as well, but it appears to be a separate game, like Sims Medieval."

    You've GOT to be kidding me... point us towards where it says this or you're just blowing smoke. Unleashed clearly would fit perfectly in the existing PC Sims, thus what you just said makes no sense.

  32. Doesn't make sense that unleashed is gonna be like medieval. Making another "the sims" just to add animals? sounds rather pointless to me.

  33. Yeah, it doesn't say anywhere (I've seen anyway) about Unleashed being on PC as a stand-alone, or on PC at all. The anon who said that was probably trolling.

    If it gets released on PC, no doubt it'll be an incorporated EP.

  34. Unleashed better be an expansion pack, too! The console games are all so terrible, I have no idea why they keep making them...

  35. Horses and pet traits, that´s what I wanted! Too bad we´ll have to wait till October. I would prefer unleashed first and generations next. Oh well, they both look great.

  36. Unleashed would obviously be an expansion IF it comes out on PC. Don't waste time listening to silly trolls.

  37. "Yeah, it doesn't say anywhere (I've seen anyway) about Unleashed being on PC "

    Another anon posted the screenie already about it being for PC too.

  38. ^ Yeah I caught the PC logo on that. But it doesn't say anywhere about it being a stand-alone game. No doubt it would be an EP.

  39. Seeing as none of this has been released on the actual EA site; or facebook page; or even thesims3 site for that matter, I highly doubt any of this is real.

  40. "You've GOT to be kidding me... point us towards where it says this or you're just blowing smoke. Unleashed clearly would fit perfectly in the existing PC Sims, thus what you just said makes no sense."

    Um, go watch the trailer? Or just look at this screenshot, that a different anon took from the trailer -

    Unleashed will be released for Xbox 360, PS3, Nintendo3DS, Windows, and Mac. Generally, expansion packs for computer games aren't released for consoles. Plus, the Generations trailer clearly states the game is an expansion pack. The Unleashed trailer doesn't. And since when does EA release info about two expansion packs at once?

    Go ahead and write me off as a troll. I'm just saying, you guys are going to be disappointed if you get your hopes up for a pets EP.

  41. ^Generations info appeared in the official website and was posted here too, so it's not fake.

  42. Nicole K needs to stop being whine-more emo. Pets is for PC/Mac and consoles. Reading is fundamental!

    Why do you want seasons so bad? So you can build a snowman and be bored in five minutes with your adhd mind?

  43. "Yeah I caught the PC logo on that. But it doesn't say anywhere about it being a stand-alone game. No doubt it would be an EP."

    Okay, lets assume Unleashed is an EP for The Sims 3. Then what the fuck is being released for the consoles? An expansion pack for a non-existent base game?

  44. I definatly want the generations and will anticipate official release information.
    I like how they're adding traits to the pets. I'll probably wait until I have a better graphics card for that one because the Pets EP's always ssem to have a lot of errors :c.
    I hope the Pets EP is real.

  45. Go disappointment ...

    There is no this mods:

    mod the sims has mod to make own animations, AWESOMENES

    Please put the link.
    Thank you

  46. I love the animals, and I'm thrilled that they have horses. However, as an avid horseback rider with a horse of her own, it's disappointing that EA didn't put effort into the sim's position on a horse. Even though it's fake, if a sim is going to ride a horse it should at least do it the right way. :(

  47. "Okay, lets assume Unleashed is an EP for The Sims 3. Then what the fuck is being released for the consoles? An expansion pack for a non-existent base game?"

    omg are you that stupid, the sims 3 unleashed for pc will be a EP just like the sims 2 pets was a EP.

    the console game will be a standalone game, just like the sims 2 pets console game was standalone.
    Pets are really popular, and therefor they can and will make it standalone. I'ts not assuming i'ts just reading what has happend in the past.

    Just think about it, most of us that has been with the game from the start knew that pets was comming in a matter of time, because the sims had it and the sims 2 had it.

  48. "Okay, lets assume Unleashed is an EP for The Sims 3. Then what the fuck is being released for the consoles? An expansion pack for a non-existent base game?"

    I'm guessing it'll be an EP for PC and the full game for consoles. It makes no sense to create the same game twice for PC, now does it?

  49. ^ So you think they made one trailer for two completely separate games? Okay...

  50. This comment has been removed by the author.

  51. "Okay, lets assume Unleashed is an EP for The Sims 3. Then what the fuck is being released for the consoles? An expansion pack for a non-existent base game?"

    WTF ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?! Please... I know it's difficult, but please think before you type. PLEASE!! :)

  52. "omg are you that stupid, the sims 3 unleashed for pc will be a EP just like the sims 2 pets was a EP.

    the console game will be a standalone game, just like the sims 2 pets console game was standalone.
    Pets are really popular, and therefor they can and will make it standalone. I'ts not assuming i'ts just reading what has happend in the past.

    Just think about it, most of us that has been with the game from the start knew that pets was comming in a matter of time, because the sims had it and the sims 2 had it."

    I'm not the anon who you responded, but I need to ask: are you stupid? TELL ME WHERE IN THE UNLEASHED VIDEO SAYS "EXPANSION PACK" UNDER THE TITLE? WHERE?!
    Then why in Generations it says: "Expansion Pack"? WHY SUCH A DIFFRENCE?



    (Sorry for telling you stupid and all, but I just got pissed off)

  53. "I'm guessing it'll be an EP for PC and the full game for consoles. It makes no sense to create the same game twice for PC, now does it?"

    ^^ This. Pretty damn obvious.

    Both of these look fantastic too... now all I want is an EP that allows you to rightfully interact any job/schooling (instead of just a few).

  54. Kudos to EA for showing us that they ARE listening to our requests for EPs by announcing Unleashed for October.

    And Generations actually looks quite fun. I'm excited about real weddings and prom for teens! Very cute. I will have to eat my words about not buying this EP. I'm definitely going to pick it up!

  55. Sims 2 pets was a stand-alone game as well as an expansion for the Sims 2 on PC, so who knows :D

  56. "So you think they made one trailer for two completely separate games? Okay..."

    I think it'd be stupid to make two different trailers to show the same thing, which are sims and animals.

  57. If anyone truly has ANY doubt that Unleashed wouldn't be an expansion on PC (like Medieval), please use your head and think logically for a moment.

    Medieval is a COMPLETELY different game, in a COMPLETELY different world, with COMPLETELY different play mechanics. Watch the Unleashed trailer again. It's the same exact game as TS3, only with animals incorporated. Does that REALLY look like something they'd release separately? I beg you... think logically for a moment.

  58. ^ You nailed it anon. Logic doesn't work for some people sadly... :(

  59. there's never much logic here on MS3B comments typically. so I'm not surprised to see people making such silly conclusions. lol

  60. I think Generations has the potential to be a really good EP - this game desperately needs more for kids and elders to do - but nothing in this trailer really impresses me. Hopefully there's some fun stuff in there that EA hasn't told us about yet.

  61. ^I'm really surprised that people keep arguing about it when, not only it doesn't make any sense to say it's a separate game, but the same thing happened when Pets was released.

  62. Hahhaahahaha ... the screenshot with the men sleeping actually looks like when sims pass out if they haven't caught enough sleep, the guy on the right is in the same position when sims are dying. :-) nice production.

  63. Did anyone notice if the Unleashed trailer is taking place in an existing town or a new one? If it's an existing town, than it's an EP. However, all the content (CAS and Build/Buy objects) is identical to what's already been released. If it was a standalone, I would think the worlds would look a bit more original. Besides, October is about when another EP should be expected. So, I'm thinking this is an EP (EA isn't going to compete with themselves, so they're not going to release a standalone and an EP at the same time). Also, this video has either been leaked WAY prematurely or EA is trying something different by announcing the next two EPs (possibly because, as previous suggested, this will be offered as an EP AND a standalone). On a more personal note, I hope they include an English Bulldog in the game. :-D

  64. i am so excited about the unleashed!if you watch carefully, at the end of the video, it is for Win/mac too! not only for console!!!!!

  65. omg a slip n slide?? PROM?? AMAZING

  66. HORSES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG I CANNOT WAIT

  67. Generations is much better than I thought, and Unleashed omg!

  68. did mod the sims really release custom animations?

  69. This is so exciting! Generations looks like wholesome fun and Unleashed looks like a blast!

  70. A PROM! ITS GOT A F*CKING PROOOM! *___________________*
    I'll definitly buy it! è-é

  71. yay! Happy about some tree forts and more cool interactions... all about egging some annoying neighbors.
    Happy to see the variety of animals, too!

  72. Will definitely be buying Unleashed - roll on October.

  73. Unleashed trailer has already been taken down by EA :(

  74. "did mod the sims really release custom animations?"

    Rothn released a sims 3 animator, yes. You can check out the thread and download what's necessary to make them here:

  75. "did mod the sims really release custom animations?"

    Apparently they discovered the ABILITY to add custom animations, but I have yet to see anything really come out of it yet.

  76. ^lol that was fast.

  77. ^^someone posted a picture of a custom animation they did. It's in page 9 I think.

  78. lol... This confirms the fact the Unleashed trailer got leaked waaaaaay too soon. I'd expect to see many changes from the trailer (hopefully for the better) by the time it gets released.

  79. Wow... I too was shocked at the "40th dad" thing on the fridge... in ENGLISH!!! :o

    Must be just for the trailer... -.-

  80. ^or maybe they did it on purpose. It's not the first time something gets "leaked" for marketing purposes.

  81. ^^ Ooooooooo now it's a CONSPIRACY!!! :o

  82. Both vids got deleted! boo hoo! An unleashed trailer with no sound effects can be found here though! :). P.S. The body hair feature from The Sims 3 Generations makes me hot ;)

  83. The interwebs loves them some high-level corporate conspiracies. -_-

    Seriously though, I cannot wait for both of these EP's. It's nice to see EA doing something right for a change!

  84. "Wow... I too was shocked at the "40th dad" thing on the fridge... in ENGLISH!!! :o

    Must be just for the trailer..."

    Obviously, and it will be whatever else it is in various languages.

    This video is filled with more editing than anything. If we can actually put pictures on the fridge, that would be cool. As for now this video is highly edited to sell.

  85. "now all I want is an EP that allows you to rightfully interact any job/schooling (instead of just a few)"

    Yeah, that's about the only thing left I care about for TS3 too. If I had to pick, I'd take an all-out job EP over Seasons any damn day.

    But these two (apparently leaked) trailers couldn't have me happier about the franchise right now.

  86. spiral staircases finally!

  87. "Obviously, and it will be whatever else it is in various languages.

    This video is filled with more editing than anything. If we can actually put pictures on the fridge, that would be cool. As for now this video is highly edited to sell."

    I agree with you, but I really wished EA didn't try insulting our intelligence all the time like that. Quit with the meaningless razzle-dazzle. Just show us the straight frackin' gameplay.

  88. ^ I think most people aren't wise enough to see past the meaningless razzle-dazzle... that's what simple-minded people like these days. But I completely agree with your point.

  89. cant wait for generations. personal pics on the wall, new animations, weddings, proms, bachelor parties! this is great

  90. I'll love it, I can see it! :D

  91. Honestly I can't wait for this to be released! Reminds me of The Sims 2 release promo with the kids swining on the cieling fan. Maybe EA finally realized, hey we left the best parts out of the Sims 3, the humour, the little things?

    I agree with Anon:
    I agree with you, but I really wished EA didn't try insulting our intelligence all the time like that. Quit with the meaningless razzle-dazzle. Just show us the straight frackin' gameplay.

    I never take any expansion seriously for this reason. Yes it's nice, sells the game but when you play it is a major let down, similar to TS3 release with the footage they showed of events you can do, ended up being lots created by EA and not put into the game.

    I'm going to wait on a bit more information with this EP.

  92. Joe forgot to add this link to the updates where i had originally found the videos. I also added very similar screenshots to yours this afternoon.

  93. strollers! spiral staircases! slip n slide! doesnt get any better than that


  95. Agreed on the little critters! Many of them are sooooo underrated as intelligent great pets.

    But I must admit I'm quite impressed with the inclusion of horses.

  96. What song is in the Generations' trailer?

  97. As long as I don't have tons of stupid random dogs and cats running around my yard again like in TS1. >:O

    Surely there's a ton of deceiving "razzle-dazzle" in these trailers because it's EA and that's what they do. But I still can't help being pretty damn impressed right now.

  98. Just a sidenote, if you're worried about a video being taken down, you can always save it to your computer using a site like, MS3B.

  99. Well, there was a snake next to the sofa, so I guess it's possible critters will be included as well.

    I think it's insteresting. As someone said, EA seems to have listened to us, in some odd way. They seem to be trying to inject more diverse personality and quirkiness into the sims, which a lot of people missed from the previous games.

    I'm betting that Unleashed will include weather, but the "commercial" only focused on the pets, because that's all they had ready to confidently show off.

    I honeslty don't mind the "razzle-Dazzle" in these commercials. It's just adding aesthetics. Be honest. If EA had made commercials with just the Game play in them, you're criticise them of being lazy.

  100. I hope weather is included in Generations. I think it'd be perfect for it. Besides, Grant said they'd planned to include weather in Late Night but wanted time to make it better. So I would hope it would be in the ep after Late Night.

  101. The animals look greatly animated, but they look a little plasticine-ish and not furry enough.

    Generations looks promising! It's like they're adding humor to the game, that's something I really miss in TS3.

  102. Come on all...........we knew this was coming sometime! I bet they come out with "Mansion" type stuff sometime too, maybe even "Ikea" stuff! lol

  103. the generations trailer has a pic of a kid in a stroller

  104. now maybe all you baby machines will quit your whining

  105. If you dont name the video sims 3 generations and unleashed and keep the video unlisted you should be fine. Ive hidden my screenshots in an unlisted video, ill post it on my own site when all the talk dies down a bit

  106. Spiral Staircase = WIN!

  107. SNAKES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  108. The pets don't look right...

  109. You Sims fans are mental children.

  110. This comment has been removed by the author.

  111. @Anubis....I think they were possibly showing the console version of Unleashed in the trailer? It looked that way to me because things were a little boxy/plastic-like. Either way they've got some time to work on stuff so I won't get upset...yet ;)

  112. Horses, EA? Really? Gosh dag nabbit. You **&^#*&$ win on Unleashed. The animals look phenomenal. *continues swearing about EA winning me over so I have to REREREinstall TS3*

  113. I was thinking exactly the same as Anubis. But no big deal. At least they're animated right. Time has told that skins are easier than animations and if they release poor plasticine Barkley our modders will get RIGHT on it! :3

    I'm just so happy both of these are coming out. Annoyed to wait until October for Unleashed but I'd honestly love them to perfect it as much as possible first - plus on a personal note I will hopefully be employed then, having time to play instead of wasting it at college! :P

  114. It's nauseating reading your comments. Little kids getting so excited over nothing. It's truly tragic.

  115. Finally, pets! I can't wait till October, I want it NOW! Generations, not so much. To anonymous above if you don't like The Sims 3 why are you here? With all the trouble in the world what gives you the right judge people for finding fun and happiness?

  116. ^"Never lose your childish innocence. It's the most important thing."

    There is nothing wrong with keeping in tune with that child inside all of us. Some might say that makes you far more mature than some patheticly insecure arse who thinks putting down people for acting "childish" makes them mature.

  117. ^ You're a hypocrite, putting me down like that.

    I'm simply speaking my opinion. I'm surrounded by morons in real life, and it's irritating to come on here and see people ecstatic over... treehouses? Stink bombs? That'll be funny for about 5 days.

  118. Sorry for the double post, but I was so excited about the EPs that I did read all of the comments. Just to set people's minds at ease. Unleashed is clearly an Expansion Pack. Someone suggested that it might be a separate game like Medieval. Unleashed is clearly called The Sims 3 Unleashed, while Medieval is simply The Sims Medieval. As much as I would like to have Unleashed now, I agree that it was probably leaked extremely prematurely. But I'm really, really happy it's coming.

  119. can the dogs do it doggy style???

  120. if the dogs cant do it doggy style then its a deal breaker for me

  121. Ridiculously overpriced boring waste of time.

  122. What Mod for animations? Where? Can you post a link? Please!!!!!!!


  124. :D
    Pets, stuff for kids, PRAMS.

    I LOVE the sound of this pack.

  125. Gee, I can't wait to dress my stupid little kids up in those costumes and watch them do that dumb animation in their annoying voices...all 5 times 'til I get sick of it. Then I can walk around town with my baby pram and feel so incredibly fulfilled in life - I've got a virtual baby, a screaming snot nose brat who still can't do anything with me. SO excited.

  126. A lot of you simmers must be females with impatient eggs and extreme mother instincts. OMG BABIES! OMG KIDS! OMG BABYKIDSHAPPINESSOMG!

  127. I saw a walking stick at the end of the Generations video.~

    Also, the whole "Unleashed is an EP" argument seems very well, unknown. There are things which make it EP like, similar content, similar dates and has the "3" in the name, but the actual video looks to be in the console version, there is no logo for the "Unleashed" bit, and it would be strange for EA to make a standalone console game which is the same as the EP they are releasing at the same time. That's just my view on it, I'm going to wait and see.~

  128. "and it would be strange for EA to make a standalone console game which is the same as the EP they are releasing at the same time"

    It happened with Pets in TS2.

  129. Yeah, animals ! I hope there will be cows and chickens as well, then I'll be able to build a real farm. But I would prefer if EA made the seasons first.

  130. i wonder if the horses can mate & have baby horses ?

  131. HORSES! ZOMG! sign me up!

    OMG I SO WANT IT NOW!!!!!!

  133. it looks like they're still cleaning some stuff up with pets..the dogs look a little under detailed. hopefully they're still adding tweaks and finishing touches to make them more realistic :)

  134. PETS?! OMG :D! The dogs look odd. But holy crap this is so freakin' awesome :')

  135. c:
    The Unleashed game truly excites me.

    I'm not trying to start up an argument or anything, but it does really seem like an EP. You can see the City Hall, the Bistro, and many of the same objects.

    I'll be truly disappointed if EA doesn't release this as an Expansion Pack.


  136. omg pats :) i love it soo much.

  137. I want PETS NOW! Generations look's a little boring because there's not much to do...

  138. There have been several EP's in the history of the Sims franchises that have been made into console games. I am rather surprised that people don't remember this. Google is your friend.

    Since the game is also being made on console, my guess it the video is the console version. This early, they have released one video and it is called Sims 3 Unleashed instead of the EP because its the console version. But obviously they are making a PC version as well. No where does it say that the PC version will not be an EP and its more than likely that it will. Medieval isn't called The Sims 3 is called Sims Medieval.

    A few people are ripping apart the video and taking whatever they can find to support their theory that it won't be released as an EP when there is absolutely no evidence of this. My guess is they took down the video because it was not meant for public viewing yet...but they wanted to give us a little sneak preview to shut us all up! Many sims fans are complaining about Sims Medieval and the lack of information about upcoming packs...and complaining that Generations is a lame pack. So...sneak a little Pets out there to keep people happy and make them more willing to open their wallet.

    Great strategy actually!

  139. generations looks pretty fun! a prom, pranks and more hehe (: and the pets! we can walk them, there's even horses! woohoo! definitely buying both (:

  140. The pets look EXACTLY like the sims 2 pets! but it'll have to do...

  141. And Still no diving board? Oh yes, they are really listening to what we want.

  142. So now there will be deers... Maybe sims can hunt, and like... kill animals!!!? :p

  143. @Anonymous:
    The pets look far from TS2 pets.

    Explain the hardon for diving boards to me? Maybe I'm not understanding it?

  144. LoL @ hunting Anon that would be funny if sims could shoot them but also cool if they COULD go hunting, like a sport? but OMG I AM SOO EXCITED 4 BOTH I WANT THEM SOO BAD! but I'm also curious, I remember in TS2 Pets they had personalitys and so they kind ahd like 5 or 6 traits? I guess but here 4 each pet they only show 2, is all they get is 2?

  145. I m not gonna start an arguement but to all those who think this is fake...REALLY?...Lol there is no way this is fake. Leaked, yes, fake?...Uh not so much lol. I look forward to both expansion packs no matter what they are like because i am a hardcore simmer. Sims are awesome...nuf said. :3 I am "HyperMedication". Look me up on the official EA sims 3 site and read my story. I doubt you'll be is SO not like the annoying, stupid stories with dumb default sims that you usually see. I take the time to make my sims look nice and actually write out my story before i post it -__- Goodday to you all! :D Happy Simming!

  146. The Unleashed EP looks decent but generations looks a little strange for me, i'm not really into pranking and other teenaged joke stuff so i probably wont get it unless they included some old people stuff like accordions, 70s organs, and some more realistically retro vintage furniture, but eh... maybe there might something cool.

  147. So generations is like Universtiy from TS2, i hope they include zombies on this one. I really miss them. Looking forward for the two EPs.

  148. OMFGOMFGOMFG SIMS 3 FINALLY HAS HORSES!!! I have been waiting since the first sims game! I'm sooooo fucking excited right now. I can't wait....

  149. Oh and I feel like the Generations one might actually be a separate game maybe like sims Life Stories was. If they seriously make a pets game that isn't an ep I think a whole lot of us simmers will be VERY upset. I think it's just going to be like sims 2 pets was released on console as a separate thing, but was an ep for computer. We'll all see in time, but I'm really betting on unleashed being an ep. Plus unleashed was the same name they used for the first pets ep on sims.

  150. Generations is not a separate game. It was already confirmed before this was released as an expansion pack.

  151. I hope Pets is not real.I do hope for Werewolves but.I hated cleaning up after pets. I couldn't get work done in Sims 2 because of the pets. They would always gather around my house or worse. I hated that expansion!

    I Wont be predigest against having the expansion.An we all knew it was going to happen eventually.But i hope they fix these types of problems.Pets leavings everywhere an no one cleaning them up.Pets knocking over garbage cans and so forth.Everything wrong.An lets hope Yeti are in my game.If this is ever coming out as a game.

  152. ^^^Kristina, quit needlessly worrying yourself; you'll get wrinkles. Both of these will be PC EP's.

    And for those not sure, it's clearly Sunset Valley in a few parts (at least a few) of the Unleashed trailer.

  153. Unleashed OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but the horse look skinny :(

  154. I can't wait. These look fun. Looks like my wallet is going to be taking a big hit soon. Sigh.

  155. *Sigh*

    First: to those who are complaining about lovers of Sims, get over it. So we like something you don't! Clearly the world will explode! People love Sims because it's a fun game.

    Second: Unleashed is without a doubt a major major work in progress. It's planned for release in October, which means hopefully they have plans to better it, tweak it, improve graphics and such. Oh, and I agree that it will likely be released standalone for console and an EP for computer. As for Generations, it'll also likely be an EP, who the crap came up with it being standalone?

    Third: Everyone wants seasons because it's fun. It makes the game funner. I personally would LOVE a seasons for Sims 3! But if they simply include it in an EP, cool as well. Because snow, the cold, and snowmen and snowball fights are actually a part of real life, and Sims is supposed to be a bit like actual life.

    Four: A diving board? I don't see a serious need for it.

    Now, moving on.

    I am hyped for both! As a legacy player - not that I post my legacies - having more family interactions, and tree houses, and teenage pranks? Totally awesome! And as a total animal lover, Unleashed has me super excited, but I'm not surprised it'll be released later than Generations. It probably requires a lot of graphics, and they probably wanna make the animals look nice, so I'm fine with the wait.

    So, yes, totally excited (:

  156. So pumped for Unleashed!!! I loved pets in the sims 2, so this is defs one ill be picking up.
    As for generations... I'm a little disappointed. Maybe as a stuff pack? I don't think its worth being and EP. It just looks like its full of updates. :/

  157. PETS?!


  158. The real question is...


  159. The idea of werewolves was a fascinating concept for ts2 but to be honest I never really saw one once and as for the normal wolves, I spent more time shooing them away than actually playing the game so I just ended up downloading a mod to remove them anyway. but on a brighter note, the horses could be useful for my rich sims.

  160. yay real horses! now no one will have to use those creepy genital liking horses...ashfajhld...

  161. *Faint* Oh My GaGa :D This is AWESOME!!!! Cant Wait !

  162. Generation should, *should* be released some time in May. That would mean *if* Unleashed is an EP it would come around Sept/October. I say Sept. Maybe because the Unleashed trailer is so new, they just didn't add the "Expansion Pack" under the title. Only the demons at EA know that. What good does it do to slam everyone with an opinion on here. IT'S A GAME PEOPLE!!! Geez.

  163. Nothing irritates me more than people who mis-use the word "logic".

    It's now what you think it is...

  164. I'm still holding my breath for Aliens back, I miss exploring the galaxy through my telescope while being totally paranoid of abductions... I read somewhere that Generations is offering Bunk beds, that is enough to convince me to buy it = 3 =
