
April 13, 2011

Flapper Hair for Females by The Ninth Wave

Download at The Ninth Wave Sims

File name:


  1. thanks, i like it.

  2. It looks sort of like a turd stuck to her head...

  3. Well, you could say anything looks like a turd, chocolate pudding looks like a turd, mud looks like a turd, sometimes slick hair looks like a turd. Just cus it's brown, you don't need to compare it to a turd. That's called being a tard.

  4. Please be nice people, 1. I'm no expert on making hair, 2. My graphics card makes everything blurry.

  5. I think you did a good job NinthWave :)

  6. Thanks, I'm sometimes scared to create hair based on the comments from my other hairs. I think if I knew how to make hair in The Sims 2 it would look much nicer.

  7. Nah, easy isn't the issue, once you practice and continue you'll get good. Just don't give up.

  8. Making the textures in Sims 3 is what is hard for me, getting the simPE part down for Sims 2 is beyond me. I did a lot of recoloring of hair in 2, but it's a lot different in 3.

  9. I prefer the Sims 3, although modding for the Sims 2 was somewhat more simplistic in some areas.

  10. sorry but this hair isn't good, the textures look unnatural.

  11. "I prefer the Sims 3, although modding for the Sims 2 was somewhat more simplistic in some areas."

    Some things in Sims 3 are simplistic too, I think patterns are super easy, xml tuning mods as well, but hair is the one thing that everyone agrees is a nightmare. Actually adding a slot to something in sims 3 is a lot less work than adding 1 single slot in 2. This hair isn't really all that bad, I don't think. Maybe not as bad as say, my Reba haha. I'm still practicing with hair, folks. I guess if Joe and Shyne like it that's 2 people, well I like it so that's 3. :P

  12. Exactly. Sure, we create so that other people will like our work, but in the end there's always someone who will like it, even if it's just one person. In the beginning it is hard. Sometimes it doesn't get much easier either lol But you will get better, and I'll always give you any help you might need :)

  13. Neat conversion. But I agree, the texture makes it look as if it's a turd on her head. If someone else gave it a retexture, I'd download it.

  14. When this hair was first released, I LOVED the style, but the hair texture bugged me. As well as the gap on the head (the forehead is to high).

    Other then that, I loved this hair.

    Good job!

  15. This is "flapper hair"? Seriously? Obviously, this was made by someone who has no idea what a flapper is. The EA-supplied finger-wave style is far more flapper-esque than this gelled-down plunk. Yes, plunk. because if it fell of her head, it'd make that sound.

  16. ^ Fuck off, Ayaa.

  17. this is awful... just a plop of hair and a spit curl...

  18. I was going to post a link to a bunch of pictures, but your ignorance doesn't deserve that. So just try the google search I did -

    And realize that you are wrong.

  19. Its a cute idea...
    But it looks like she hasnt washed her hair her entire life...
