
April 06, 2011

My Little Pony Propoganda Posters by Shivar

Download at Fuzzy Logic Dishwasher


  1. Why does everyone love this show? I've never seen it so I don't get the hype!

  2. Why does everyone love this show? I've never seen it so I don't get the hype!

    this is one of the stupidest comments I have ever seen anywhere

    "I dont know anything about this and therefore don't understand it!!!!!!!!"

    congratulations? what do you want? A cookie? An award?

  3. ^ "I don't know anything about this and therefore don't understand it", derp, that's exactly my point. I don't know anything about this show and therefore don't understand it's appeal since I have nothing to go by, which is why I asked why people love it so much. My question is no different than someone searching for movie reviews before deciding if a film is worth watching. Can you be anymore dense or are you one of those holier-than- thou, self-righteous young adults who can't be arsed to answer a simple question?

    Congrats on making yourself look like an idiot.

  4. gb2 /co/ with ur ponies feg

  5. of course he would watch a show like "my little pony"

  6. ^ Nah, if anything you're the one sounding ridiculous with your passive aggressive remark. Apparently you lack reading comprehension like your friend Shivar. Did you even bother to read my reply to him? I don't get the hype surrounding this show because I've never seen it -except for the internet memes- and that's why I asked why people love it so much. If someone could give me a decent explanation as to what makes this show so great then maybe I'd be able to understand the hype a bit more. Honestly, it's not that hard to figure out.

  7. That's a very cute idea.

  8. Just look it up on youtube. It's like fosters home or powerpuff girls but with ponies.

  9. Has nobody even noticed the reference here? -__-

    Who cares whether people actually watch My Little Pony?
