
April 07, 2011

New Things at The Sims 3 Store

Frontier Finds Kitchen and Dining

Bring a bit of fresh mountain air into your home with this rugged selection of kitchen and dining items!

12 items are included in this set

550 SimPoints

Sweet Escape Nursery

Escape from the banal existance of mortalhood with this fantasy nursery. Just because your Sim has to grow up someday doesn't mean they have to grow up today.

10 items are included in this set

650 SimPoints

Street Couture - Kids and Teens

Add some global avant garde high fashion to your Sims life with this Harajuku inspired street wear.

12 items are included in this set

750 SimPoints

April 2011 Compilation

Get everything new for the month of April with just one click! This compilation includes Fairy Folk Nursery, Frontier Finds Kitchen and Dining, and Street Couture Kids and Teens.

This set contains items from the following sets:

Frontier Finds Kitchen and Dining
Street Couture - Kids and Teens
Sweet Escape Nursery

34 items are included in this set

1,700 SimPoints


  1. They need to do more Japanese furniture sets. I especially want some damn futons!

  2. I like a few bits of the kitchen and some of the clothes. I agree we could get some nice japanese furniture. The asian theme that came with WA has too many stencils.

  3. Wow, can't wait to arr this!

  4. there's a new pose at garden of shadows but it is not for download because it seems that it's bugged.
    in a few weeks we are going to have a lot of awesome custom poses, people still need practice though.

  5. ^ i am with this anonymous

  6. That set is terrible.

  7. Well at least they made those ridiculous dresses for children and teens. Only a mental patient would wear them as an adult or dress their adult Sim in them.

  8. April Street Couture - Kids and Teens huh? See, I told ya...

    March 4, 2011 11:22 AM
    Rhiannon said...

    ShortyBoo said...
    I love the Street Couture set, but I'd like it better for teens. I'm sure EA is planning to release a teen version, probably next month.

    You just answered the "why isn't this available for teens" question, perhaps without realizing it. It's all about marketing. *Re-release the same content for a younger age group* a few weeks from now and they cash in twice.

  9. Anonymous said...

    "And the typical 'just for fun' pic. After that everybody walked the dinosaur."

    LOL! That is one hilarious caption.

  10. I'm disappointed with the Street Couture Kids set. Yes, I wanted it for kids & teens, but the outfit I really wanted for teens (the one with the panda bag) isn't included and neither are the FA hairs, which would look great on kids and teens. Can't EA do anything right?

  11. ^ seriously, it's total bullshit. They converted two separate dresses for two separate age groups. Lazy EA is lazy.

  12. I wanted the outfit with panda bag too... what a disappointment!

  13. ^^ In total agreement. Should have known they wouldn't do it right. I wanted that one hair with all the barrettes and bobbles on it for teens.

  14. the hairs are cute , everything else ill save for when they stop creating stuff and ep's, lol, sucks they couldnt or wouldnt convert everything.

  15. All adult hairs work automatically for teens as well. Hasn't it been that way since base game?

  16. I didn't know the adult hairs were always also for teens. Then why do they only show it in either the teen (in the case of the new hair) or the adult (like in the Street Couture set) category, then?

    Well, either way, I still want those two hairs for kids. I also would love those two tiara hairs without the tiaras.

  17. ShortyBoo said...

    I'm disappointed with the Street Couture Kids set. Yes, I wanted it for kids & teens, but the outfit I really wanted for teens (the one with the panda bag) isn't included and neither are the FA hairs, which would look great on kids and teens. Can't EA do anything right?

    Yeah. I expected the re-release to include all of the items as well. It seems they always *have* to hold a few items back. I don't know if it's merely an oversight or an attempt to charge yet again, but you're right, either way it is disappointing.

  18. I think the oven would be nice for a retro kitchen type of set up. The rest of the items...uh no comment :D

  19. Migolia said...

    I think the oven would be nice for a retro kitchen type of set up. The rest of the items...uh no comment :D

    I like the stove too. And the clock. The clothes for teens and kids, I'm mostly pleased with, but the rest of the content is meh...

  20. Hmm, kind of disappointed. I was expecting something better than these sets.

  21. I got the stove, but it's rating is only hunger 6. That is not going to last too long in my natural cook's household. Dang.

    Just found out about the hairs, only thing I dislike, you have to download the adults with it. Ugh.

  22. "I got the stove, but it's rating is only hunger 6. That is not going to last too long in my natural cook's household. Dang."

    If you convert it to package and then open it up with s3oc, you can change the rating to something higher.

  23. Someone please tell me that the April 2011 Compilation set has the three sets as three separate .sims3packs inside it instead of just one huge one, right?

  24. ^ Nope it's just one big sims3pack that has everything in it. :(

  25. I really love the idea of the elegant dark heart hairstyle, but I hate the fact it's got roses on both sides of the hairband. I'm really hoping someone's going to edit and retexture.

  26. Still no free items :(

  27. I really like some of the smaller Frontier kitchen items, like the cute. I can make a proper country/grandma house now. ;)

  28. I don't know why people at MATY are now just buying the compilation sets. It's actually cheaper the way it was done in the past because instead of one person spending money trying to get the compilation, you had multiple people buying each individual set. That meant that one person could pay 550 points, another would pay 650 and share it, and so on and so forth instead of one person spending 1700 points. It also is less convenient not just for the compilation buyer, but for anyone who only wanted one of the sets.

    Are there any people still sharing the unmodified .sims3packs of individual sets elsewhere than MATY?

  29. I'm gonna pirate this stuff, whoever pays for this crap is stupid in my eyes.

  30. Anon above the last one, check out MATY now, they are coming.

    To Anon above, your sentence makes you look idiotic. How can you pirate unless someone buy it?

  31. {Well at least they made those ridiculous dresses for children and teens. Only a mental patient would wear them as an adult or dress their adult Sim in them.}

    I cracked up and laughed so loud when I read this, so thank you cause I needed that good laugh today :-)

  32. B said...
    Anon above the last one, check out MATY now, they are coming.

    To Anon above, your sentence makes you look idiotic. How can you pirate unless someone buy it?

    LOL! Oh man...

  33. Thanks MATY for making this stuff available for those who cannot afford it.

  34. THANK YOU SO MUCH, brownlustgirl for the unmodified .sims3packs and separate sets.

    Major props to you!

  35. This is street wear?! Why would "street wear" be SO expensive looking? I mean, street means that you live NO WHERE and usually have NO MONEY to buy FASHIONABLE CLOTHES. These are overdone...

    I think people who consider this as "street wear" should think again. Maybe it should be "showoff wear"...!
