
April 08, 2011

Sassy Pose Pack - For cmomoney's Pose Player by traelia

Download at Mod The Sims


  1. OKayy now im starting to wish people would stop making these model poses, I want something different.

  2. Agreed, enough with the poses!

  3. ^ Hah, I have to agree considering I don't even care about poses and won't use them... But I know some people are excited about them.

    But these are nice looking. Good job with it.

  4. lol at poses 1 and 8 - it's like she's really tired and please can someone hurry up and take the photo type poses, with a kind of manliness at the same time.

  5. I hardly ever use poses, but did in Sims 2. Just to show off my sim family and to make an interesting picture.

    I could want something like these for my teens to pose their formal wear in Sims 3. They are sassy.

    Thanks to you all making these poses.

  6. Thank goodness, this creator knows how to use the spine and how to distribute weight! :D

  7. best looking poses I have seen yet, great job!

  8. Looks 1000 times better than Skylark's unnatural, stiff poses.

  9. Thank you for your fantastic job!

  10. ^ Quit bitching about the fact that you don't use poses, nobody is going to force you to, and many of us want them. If we all posted on every piece of CC we weren't going to use then Joe would have to turn off comments from the rampant idiocy.

    I like this set and I appreciate that the creator took the time to make them look much more natural than some others I have seen thus far. They did a great job with the hand placement in my opinion.

  11. ^Everything the creator above me said.


  12. I mean the commenter.

  13. OKAY!!! now im ready to download the player! cant wait to model my simmies...even though i cant really think of any other use for this stuff. is there any other use for posing the simmies?

  14. do the animations work for males and kids???

  15. The right knee on the white model is a bit ... broken? LOL Love all the poses used for the black model

  16. Does the pose player only allow poses or does it allows actually aniamtions like a dance routine?
    becasue I want to make Born This Way Video and Britneys Hold It Against Me and more

  17. The poses are well done. And the hands seem a lot more natural than other poses I've seen. But, I wouldn't call these "sassy". They're more like street-walker poses. Especially that last one with her leg thrust out.

  18. Don't listen to the troll idiots who will always show up in the comments section here.

    Poses will always be needed, especially for people who make pictures for their simuploads and stories.

  19. finally some poses i can actually use for my custom sims and they dont look too bad

  20. Nice job! I can definitely see a partier pose like this. Nice photos, nice models, nice presentation, and great, natural-looking poses.

  21. "The right knee on the white model is a bit ... broken? LOL Love all the poses used for the black model"

    Thanks so much for this comment... I didn't even notice it...but it does look twisted/broken. Definitely not a natural pose and the creator should work on that...the others look really good, though!

    This is why constructive criticism is important.

  22. Am I just missing the tutorial? I'd love to learn to make some poses, but I can't find the supposed tutorial that "Orange Mittens" has written.

  23. About the knee: Yeah I know it look a little funny, I was still getting the hang of joints, and the skintone I'm using, the knees are a little off centered as well, plus the lighting doesn't help much. It should look decent with other skintones, I didn't test that though.
    Thanks for all the comments :)

  24. Now that I'm done laughing at the temper tantrum posts and angry outbursts over a video game, I can say these are nice. Thank you for such an improvement. :) I can't wait to see more.

  25. "OKayy now im starting to wish people would stop making these model poses, I want something different."

    Oh GOD shut your trap. I scroll past/do not comment to content that I'm not interested in here. It's a pretty fucking easy practice.

  26. these look really great!!

  27. now people are going to go crazy making these dam poses.

  28. How much you wanna bet we'll see that top model crap again... like when poses came out for sims 2 XD Woooo lol

  29. Make High Fashion poses !

  30. Sim's leg is broken in poses 1 and 5
    Poor thing

  31. ^I know, it looks painful.

  32. "now people are going to go crazy making these dam poses"
    Now people are going to go crazy complaining over these "dam" poses

  33. I've been away from the Sims 3 too long! Poses will come in handy for portraits, and I love the one with the model's hands behind her back. (Sassy 2) Thank you.
