
April 11, 2011

The Sims Medieval Male Hairs Set ~ Converted for Teen-To-Elder by Anubis360

Download at Anubis Under The Sun

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  1. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh
    This is awesome!
    I was waiting for someone to convert that third hair for a sim I was making!!! And it's very beautiful too!
    Thank you very much! :D

  2. I liked the Ryan hair. Seen it in forums with simmers postings. Nice hair and great conversion. Thank you.

  3. Thank You Anubis, these are great. Love the Ryan hair too.

  4. love the last one

  5. they look good, Anubis, but I'm not downloading these. I've tried so hard to like them, but no matter what they just look like giant clumps of rubber painted to resemble hair. It just doesn't suit TS3 like it does TSM

  6. Love it! Thanks for the time and effort!

  7. I actually don't like these. I love the ideas, the shapes, but the meshes look blocky and the textures are extremely good quality but you can't TELL because the meshes are so square...

  8. Thanks for converting it, but they really dont look that good.

  9. sure dont but im sure others will love them

  10. I love these! But the only snag about these textures is that they don't look as good in lighter colours.

  11. love these!!! thanks

  12. Love the first and second! Unfortunately, the third looks sort of.. unloaded? I dunno. I think it looks a bit like when a sims' face hasn't loaded yet. :)

  13. I love them and would love more medieval male hair and especially the ones with ponytails. Thank you

  14. Can't these be retextured? The medieval textures look very rubbery.

  15. ^It's the mesh that's rubbery, not the textures.

  16. I cant believe these are made by Anubis?? What went wrong?

    I really dont like how these came out. *sigh*

  17. Great work!!! Thanks

  18. Great thanks! i was waiting for someone to convert ryan hair for ts3.

  19. I think they look great, thank you for this.

  20. just for curiosity sake, and to see if they can look any better. I wonder what these would look like pooklet'd and with the highlight control. Also probably it would look better. maybe anubis will retexture his own conversions, or maybe lotus?

  21. Anonymous said...
    I cant believe these are made by Anubis?? What went wrong?

    I really dont like how these came out. *sigh*

    Nothing went wrong. They look amazing. These are being converted from an entirely different game for use in an entirely different game.
    Different meshes and there are limitations. It's like language. A little is bound to be lost in the translation. Except, in this case, hardly anything has been lost at all and given that Sims Medieval is only a few weeks old I think it is rather fantastic that all of the conversions we are seeing are even possible at this stage. Amazing work Anibus (and others)and very much appreciated.

  22. Love it! Please convert EVERYTHING!

  23. Couldn't look better. Anubis, you da man!! :)

    "I really dont like how these came out. *sigh*"


  24. "I wonder what these would look like pooklet'd and with the highlight control. Also probably it would look better."

    No, it probably wouldn't. Pooklet textures do not work for every hair and in fact make some hairs look worse.

    The problem with this hair is the mesh. As someone else mentioned, it's blocky and that is never going to change. People seem to think that retexturers can magically slap Pooklet's textures onto all hairs and make them better and this couldn't be farther from the truth.

  25. I happen to like these. I play the stylist professional a lot and I NEED more mans hair! ;-)

  26. Thank you very much for the conversions!

    Perhaps, the designers can take a tip that these are hairs that they should be creating! The third one, for example, looks like it could be meshed by any one of the main creators - so DO it - and you'll have a popular hair that's also made correctly for the game! EA especially, should be making these hairs for our sims - no excuse not to. #3 is the kind of hair I've been searching for a long time and I'd love to see it properly created!


    How is saying that you don't like them equal to trolling? I don't think you understand the definition.

    Anyway, I really love all these medieval hairs that have been coming out lately, but for whatever reason they don't appear in-game for me, just no appearance in the catalog at all. At least not after being compressed. I have not tried them uncompressed and that will probably be my next step.

  28. Does mts allow conversions from Medieval to TS3? I know they had a problem with conversions from Sims 2 Stories to Sims 2.

  29. jonas3333 said...
    Thank you very much for the conversions!
    Perhaps, the designers can take a tip that these are hairs that they should be creating!

    Excellent point.

  30. Oh hellz yeah! Anubis = awesome.

    The conversions are terrific but the texture... oh lord, that texture needs to change! Then it will look even better and more awesome. :3

  31. A handy tip for these conversions:

    If you wish to use them from CAS, set your roots and tips colors up with a standard hair first, so that your genetics pass down properly!

  32. I actually really like the textures. Maybe not 100% perfect but still really good. All the TSM hairs look much, much more realistic than the original TS3 hairs, IMO...
