
Sims 3 Veterinary Career by himawara106

1. Animal Shelter Assistant
§12/per hour 8AM-4:30PM, MO,TUE,WE,THU,FRI
You like all the animals at the shelter in your neighbourhood? Taking care of them is what makes you happy? In this job, you will have many opportunities to care for animals that were abandoned, in need of help or even treated badly in their past. Sometimes they are in very bad condition and you will need to take them to a veterinary clinic for getting advice on how to treat their injuries and diseases. You will also have to do much simpler tasks like going for a walk with the dogs. But in general it's a tough job. The thankfulness of the animals will be your reward.

2. Veterinary Student
§18/per hour 9AM-4PM, MO,TUE,WE,THU,FRI
The work in the animal shelter was very satisfying but you want to understand more about animals, their diseases and behaviour and have decided to become a veterinarian. This wish made you apply for a scholarship at the Simmington University which was finally granted to you. Congratulations! Now you have to pour over many books… Animals are very complex, considering many different species and you must understand their specific anatomy, physiology, and also behaviour and instincts. As a veterinary student you have to extensively improve your logic skills.

3. Aquarist
§25/per hour 9AM-4:30PM, MO,TUE,WE,THU,FRI
So you got your veterinary diploma and think you know everything about animals? This is, for sure, not the case. Your theoretical knowledge is just the basis for your career entry. You start with an internship at the local fish station to study them and learn how to cure specific diseases and abnormalities. Your patients are local fishes, frogs, goldfishes that were injured from cats, and many more water loving animals. Besides logic, you also have to focus on your handiness skills since you have to repair broken fish tanks too. That’s what interns are for.

4. Bird Watcher
§36/per hour 8AM-2PM, MO,TUE,WE,THU,FRI
As a bird watcher you have to... watch birds. It sounds quite simple but it will get tricky. Birds are very complex, not only anatomically but also on a psychological basis. Think of a budgie couple, one dies and the other one can’t cope with the loss and dies too. Maybe you can find access to these fragile animals and understand their feelings and behaviour.

5. Personal dog trainer
§55/per hour 9AM-3PM, MO,TUE,WE,THU,FRI
Your first job at the animal shelter gave you impressions about dogs that were treated badly or abandoned by persons who underestimated their responsibility in raising a puppy. Now, as a personal dog trainer, you can train dogs and their owners to become a successful team. But as we all know, it is generally the owner that should have the therapy... So you need much tact and sensitivity as well as a lot of patience. Charisma skills are useful at this point.

Read more and download at Mod The Sims

No CAS Age Staggering - Updated for 1.29 by SAS_Chester

This mod makes it so newly created CAS Sims start at the beginning of their current life stage.

I noticed that several people were unable to use Rothchild's No CAS Age Staggering mod, myself included , so I updated it to the current patch level.

Read more and download at Mod The Sims