
September 05, 2012

All Lifetime Happiness Rewards Cost 5 Points UPD for EP7 by The Ninth Wave

This is a testing stage to The Sims 3 Supernatural Update of all lifetime rewards cost 5 points. This is in testing because I'm having issues with the game right now and can't open TS3 (though I'm working on fixing this). I have Supernatural, so you will see more updates soon from that EP like my mirrors that move up and down walls (if applicable) and retro sims startup scrolls. This should work for all ages, genders, and pets. This will also work in any EPs below Supernatural and the base game. Let me know if you run into any problems, or if I have not included any rewards and I will update, if not and you see that all rewards cost 5 points, please let me know so I can un-label this as testers wanted. Enjoy!

Download at The Ninth Wave Sims

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