
December 09, 2012

Umbrella Tuning (Unbreakable + More) by WTFeathers

Unbreakable Umbrella:

Makes umbrellas impossible to break, this also comes in handy if your sim doesn't have the handiness skill required to upgrade it, or if you want it to be unbreakable and want it to glow at the same time.


Starting chance of umbrella breaking when it's used from 5% ---> 0
Chance of breakage increase after each time umbrella is used 1% ---> 0

Easier Umbrella Break:

Makes the chances of umbrellas breaking even higher than the default EA settings


Starting chance of umbrella breaking when it's used from 5% ---> 10%
Chance of breakage increase after each time umbrella is used 1% ---> 2% 

(So it will double the chances)

Umbrella Shock:

This is a bit of a fun bonus, to bring some realism to the game. Makes your Sims get electrocuted when upgrading the umbrella while standing in a puddle.

Read more and download at Mod The Sims

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