
Expresso Kitchen Set by Simcredible Designs

Set includes:  Table, Counter, Stove, Fridge, Wall TV, Range Hood, Wall Block, Stool, Washer and Collection File.

Download at Simcredible Designs

Game update for 1.33

This game update includes the following changes:

  • Some art updates
  • Stability improvements
  • Sims saved with game update 1.32 that exhibit overly dark textures can be restored to normal by editing the Sims in Create a Sim

Before installing an Update for The Sims 3, an Expansion Pack, or a Stuff Pack, it is a good idea to run through the following checklist to ensure your game continues to work smoothly.

More about issues, etc. at The Sims 3 - MATY - Mod The Sims Here, Here and Here.

Thanks, Simmie:)