
Psychology Career by Lily__XD

Here are the levels:
Joining Text
Do you ever find yourself wondering what others are thinking? Well, we don't claim to teach you how to read minds but a job in the Psychology field will certainly give you a deeper understanding of the Sim's mind.

Guidance Counsellor - Mon,Tue,Wed,Thu,Fri, $20/hour, 9am-3pm
Coupled with a fascination of the mind, your desire to help other Sims makes a career in psychology ideal for you. At this level you’re only going to be directing sims to classes or listening to people moan about their jobs, but displaying your understanding and empathy will get you noticed by your higher ups. Dreary hours await you. Remember this though; service with a smile will help your patients feel better, and just might put you on the fast track to med-school!

Psychology Student – Mon,Tue,Wed,Thu,Fri , $24/hour, 9am-3pm
Helping Sims with their basic day-to-day problems was a highly useful step of your training. You now understand why people feel things, but how can they? As a psychology student you’ll learn all about how the brain works, diseases of the mind and medications to counter them. Long hours of studying will be essential seeing as the brain is a highly complex organ that will take a lot of logic to get your head around..

Psychology Intern – Mon,Tue,Wed,Thu,Fri, $27/hour, 8am-6pm
With a diploma in your hand and good will in your heart you can finally set off into the working world of Psychology – or so you think! Now that you’re on a hospital ward you’ll finally get some hands on knowledge of Psychological diseases and their role in everyday life. Helping your superior diagnose and care for their patients is something you’ve been dreaming of, but in reality you’re more likely to be typing up reports for the boss. Let’s face it, what else are Interns for?

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