
February 02, 2013

Updated Landscape Set by Suza

Set includes: 17 plants, 5 stones for fake fence, 6 stones,1 empty pot and lot of recolors

Download at Simply Styling


  1. Gorgeous! Every bit of it.

  2. I completely agree RD. This is lovely!

  3. I really like this! Great job.

    The only comment I have is that the cacti look a little funny. Especially the short, bulby one. The dark square on it looks strange.

  4. I love every plant!
    OMG now I really wish to start my game and clutter my gardens! :-)
    Thank you so much!

  5. My favorite clutter and Suza has me feel like I am in heaven! Thank you very much. Getting it now!

  6. this is off topic but can anyone explain how to get the store content from MATY to work in game? i've been messing around with it all day and can't get it to work.

  7. ^convert it to packages

  8. ^^or decrapify them.

    Those plants are beautiful and high quality. I don't normally download plants because they look too fake, but these are a must have.

  9. Wow, these plants are gorgeous! They look realistic and have very nice quality. And not to mention the huge selection ♥

  10. OmGzLoLz!!!11!111!1!11!!@@ I jUsT fArTeD!!!111 hAhAhAhAhAhAhAhAh!!!111

  11. I've discovered the secret aliases of Katsu and Jubes. LOL

  12. ^^ How did you find out I'm Katsu? ;_;

  13. Ayaa (the real one)January 2, 2011 at 9:09 PM

    Aww, I have my own douchebag immitators <3 :D

    These are some lovely plants. I like them. Quite well done, but still artificial enough to look good in the game.


  15. Wow. These plants look really great. Will be a lovely addition to my game.

  16. So many thanks! These were much needed and are stunning :D

  17. "The only comment I have is that the cacti look a little funny. Especially the short, bulby one. The dark square on it looks strange."

    You are right it looks a bit strange, but I can´t change this. The only way to put plants without shadows in game is to clone thes from a rug, but the they have no shadows at all :(.
    The shadows get generated from game and it only looks so strange with the white background. If you but them in the "real" garden it don´t disturb so much :).

    Thanks everyone for your nice comments :)

  18. I found it funny as this is a UPDATE on a set that WAS ALREADY POSTED BEFORE!

    Is teh reading hard?

    Oh and I am sorry but if you fuck up with sims3packs it means I will uninstall and never install that person creations again ... why? because unlike packages that are easy to find and delete, sims3packs are A PAIN IN THE ASS due to the way the Launcher just throws everything on the same basic categories as a big mess that means I have to scroll over so many damn items just to find the ones that broken and HOPE I got then all.

  19. So wait, what was updated?

  20. ^I believe there may have been a problem with the .sims3pack versions of the plants.

  21. "Oh and I am sorry but if you fuck up with sims3packs it means I will uninstall and never install that person creations again ... why? because unlike packages that are easy to find and delete, sims3packs are A PAIN IN THE ASS due to the way the Launcher just throws everything on the same basic categories as a big mess that means I have to scroll over so many damn items just to find the ones that broken and HOPE I got then all."

    You know what, there's this little thing called putting effort into it.

    Sure, you can't make a thousand folders to organise your Sims3Packs, but you could always take a much simpler and time-saving route, and just RENAME THE FILES!!!

    Seriously, I've been doing it for a while now, and I can find anything I'm looking for in a few seconds.

    Granted, I guess this isn't something a lot of people think of, but really, it can be as easy as you want. From just saying Plants - Fern by blahblah to [Name of website] [name of creator] Decor [Type of decor] - Name of decor item.

    In my opinion, I'd rather rename Sims3packs then spend time making folders, subfolders, and sub-sub folders for my packages.
