
June 06, 2013

All traits for all ages and ltr for 10 points and more

I hated that some traits especially those from every new expansion are only available for children or even teens, so I had to change that and make every trait available for newborn babies and up. I know some traits (like hopeless romantic) are unnecessary for babies but I wanted them anyways. =)

If you prefer it any other way tell me and I can make a flavor to your liking.

I also made every LTR cost 10 points only, because some are really taking my sim’s whole lifetime to achieve the necessary points to buy.

I changed some of them so teens and/or children can buy them. Sorry I can’t recall which. Except for ChangeLifeTimeWish which I enabled for teens and children as well because why not, they can lock their Lifetimewish so why shouldn’t they be able to change it.

Read more and download at

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