
June 26, 2013

Perfect Honey and No Auto Clean the Hive by egureh

My sims got a lot stings and attackings but no perfect honey or beeswax, and one of my sims has neat trait, he and his butler and his maid kept attempting to clean the hive without smoking the bees out and finally got a red crystal, which made me irritated. So I made this mod to improve the hive and stop these stupid sims.

EA Default
The hive produces 1 honey per 12 simhours.
You have 60% chance to get 1 beeswax (same quality) when harvesting 1 honey.
The bees are getting hungry and dirty by time, which will lead to a dropping of their happiness without being taken care of.
Smoking will decrease the hunger level to 75% and the happiness level to 85% for a while.
Perfect honey and perfect beeswax are produced only when the happiness of bees is above 97 points.
Hives on residential lots have a starting happiness of 50 points, while on community lots it will never go below 72 points.
(I don't list those I didn't modify, for more details of the beekeeping you could click here:

Read more and download at

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