
October 07, 2013

Improved Gift Giving! by Spamaccount

Your Gift Pile can now come with items from multiple expansions!

This mod was made with patch 1.50, but since this code hasn't been significantly altered in the latter patches it will work fine with later versions. It absolutely requires Seasons, since without it you can't have the Gift Pile. It PROBABLY will not work if you don't have all the packs listed; the only reason I won't say it 100% won't work is because each object defines what expansion pack it needs to work, so it's possible the game will never give you an object you don't have. This mod is an edit of the GiftPileGifts XML resource from Seasons, and will conflict with any other mod that edits that resource.

Essentially, the list of gift pile items is divided into four categories: Age-specific gifts, Trait-specific gifts, Miscellaneous gifts, (and bad ones). Previously, there were ZERO Teen and Elder gifts and only a handful of Child ones; I've added a couple gifts for Elders and a lot more for Teens and Children (including some from Seasons...) I've also added enough gifts so that almost every trait has at least one gift associated with it. The World Adventures cultures traits even have their own larger sections for the foreign sims in your families. [See First Post in the Comment Section for a list of gifts]

Read more and download at

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