
6 Brand New Afterschool Activities ~ For Kids and Teens! by missyhissy

The Activities

School Council ~ Joining the Student Council will allow you to keep up to date with what's happening!
Days: Tuesday and Friday
Ages: Child and Teen
Skills: Charisma, Logic

Cheerleading Squad ~ Join the Cheerleading Squad and support the football team!
Days: Monday and Wednesday
Ages: Child and Teen
Skills: Athletic

Gamers Club ~ Indulge your inner gamer and build your gaming skills!
Days: Tuesday and Friday
Ages: Teen
Skills: Pool, Arcade Machine

Dance Club ~ Become a dancer and dance the day away!
Days: Tuesday and Friday
Ages: Child and Teen
Skills: Dancing, Club Dancing

Computer Club ~ Become a computer whiz in no time!
Days: Monday and Thursday
Ages: Child and Teen
Skills: Handiness, Logic

Life Skills Club ~ Learn essential skills to prepare you for the world.
Days: Monday and Friday
Ages: Teen
Skills: Cooking, Gardening, Charisma

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