
August 26, 2014

Audition For Band Gigs by icarus_allsorts

 Mod Description

This mod adds a custom Audition for Band Gig interaction to all instruments (and certain role sims) which lets your band sims directly audition for band gigs at virtually any community lot, and if successful a band gig opportunity is generated for the band to perform.


A lot must have
enough musical instruments (of any kind) in one room for all the band members
at least at least one proprietor, bartender, barista bartender, or some sort of register merchant sim on the lot to judge the audition
in order for auditions to be available. The type of lot does not matter so long as it is a community lot. Also the sim has to be part of a band (obviously) and must not have any Skill opportunities or you won't be able to accept band gigs.

Read more and download

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