
August 18, 2014

Most Viewed - True Reflective Floors by Morphead - Updated

Thanks, Anon:)


  1. They look wonderful!
    (I will also remove my arr'ed TSR mierta for these)

  2. Lovely. Since these are floors and not rugs, these will not have the seams the way TSR's do. Off to delete the old ones!

  3. But it says mirrors rugs right on his pic, so how are they not mirrored rugs anon?

    Also these do look great but what makes them so much better then Murano's that its worth going through the torture that is trying to remove files via the launcher? I am really asking, if these are better because of an actual reason and not just becuase they are free then I will take the others ones out and add these.


  5. These are classified under "Rugs", and are placed so. The major differences between mine and Murano's is they don't have the seams, they are Free, and the color matches better than his. Also it comes in .package or .sims3pack form for ease.

  6. They are rugs too. I'm not seeing much of a difference between these and the ones that Murano released (I didn't have any problem with seams showing). They work the same way, you put them down and then cast them. I had hoped they would be transparent, so you could see the floor underneath.

    The only real difference I could see is in the level of shine and reflection. These seem to be more reflective and less bright than Murano's. As for which looks better, It probably comes down to matter of personal taste... I not sure I will keep either set in my game. They both seem too reflective for my taste.

  7. If I'm not wrong Murano released a seamless version too.

  8. Truthfully it is a matter of taste, and I don't care either way. I just thought people would enjoy a free version.

    Originally being transparent would be the best, but it's not possible, to my knowledge, to make a mirror transparent. Otherwise that's what would be up for download. But hopefully one day I can make that happen!

  9. Murano's version was supposed to be seamless, but in reality there were instances when you could still see the seams. I believe Claeric/Shivar linked to a fix with CFE for them at one point.

    So Morphead, you're saying that yours completely doesn't have that problem? If so, I'd be glad to remove Murano's and use yours instead. But I do sympathize with the reluctant anon about having to find each and every piece in the Launcher and remove them just to find out that yours are the same.

  10. ^ Of course he is. Constipation is his middle name.

  11. "Murano's version was supposed to be seamless, but in reality there were instances when you could still see the seams. I believe Claeric/Shivar linked to a fix with CFE for them at one point."

    Ok, I'm the person who left this comment. I decided to download Morphead's to test in an area where Murano's were leaving seams. I'm not noticing any seams with Morphead's, so that's a good thing.

    The only inconvenient thing I can see with Morphead's is that there aren't as many variations as Murano offered. So with only 4 pieces as opposed to Murano's 20, customization isn't as easy or as flexible, especially when trying to fill larger spaces or different types of diagonal spaces. Also, Murano's actually start out as true mirrors (in case you truly want your floors to have that texture), but Morphead's start out as a pattern from the Rock & Stone section of CAST. So I'm not sure if you would be able to get that true mirror texture with Morphead's if you just wanted it.

    For now, I'm going to keep both versions, I guess.

  12. Oops, I spoke too soon...I saw that when I came out of buy mode, there was a larger, more noticeable seam with Morphead's than that I had noticed with Murano's. I didn't notice it until I had turned on the lights for that room (I had originally laid them down in a room upstairs where the lights were off). So nevermind.

  13. "Oops, I spoke too soon...I saw that when I came out of buy mode, there was a larger, more noticeable seam with Morphead's than that I had noticed with Murano's. I didn't notice it until I had turned on the lights for that room (I had originally laid them down in a room upstairs where the lights were off). So nevermind."

    Oh that sucks. I'll look into it though. Is it possible to see a picture? It's not really important though. This is just an alternative.

    As for starting as a mirror, it's not really, just it's CAST "MISC" on complete black. Also you think I should add larger sizes?

  14. Here is a pic of the seams showing:

    "Also you think I should add larger sizes?"

    That would be great if you could! The 3x3 and 5x5 really do come in handy...and it would be nice if you could do a 4x4 as well; that one wasn't included in Murano's.


  16. ^Yep, it's tacky. Since I was posting this on a public forum anonymously, I didn't want to use any houses I'd actually made. I actually opened up a game I hadn't played in ages in order to test that before taking a picture. The original flooring was in a penthouse I'd made, and I didn't post a picture from that.

    Anyway, the benefit of pointing out the seam was for everyone as I'm sure you wouldn't want seams in your non-tacky houses.

  17. +1 on more sizes, for the practicality

  18. The seam in the picture of morphead's flooring looks much less obvious than the ones from TSR, at least in my experience. Depending on the angle, I see a thin but distinct white line when taking pictures with TSR's.

    Obviously, it would be preferable if morphead can fix the seam issue, I'm just saying that it's a step in the right direction.

  19. These are great! Thanks!
    Murano's rugs are solid mirrors.. thats too ghetto-fab to put in my houses.
    These are 100% more usable!

    AND then just to add to the whole sizes thing...

    I hate how all Murano's rugs clog the rug catalog, so if you do decide to do sizes, could you please keep them as seperate packages, so we can delete the ones we wouldnt use?

  20. Cool! But why are people mentioning T$R? This is hosted at the sim supply.

  21. OK, so I updated the thread. I added more sizes and pieces so you should have full configuration possibilities. I offer .package and .sims3pack so choose the one you want, there all individual anyway.

  22. ^ just download them all.

    its not gonna kill ya.. jeez.

  23. I think the reflection is too strong, it's supposed to shine and show reflection so so, and not reflect like pure mirrors

  24. wtf Alan gast is a man? god dammit those female avatars misleading always. then again the name alan makes sense now.
    oh and everyone is talking about TSR because just couplse of weeks ago there was reflective floor as well except it is pay item

  25. I see T$R lackies are out in full force today.

  26. "I think the reflection is too strong, it's supposed to shine and show reflection so so, and not reflect like pure mirrors"

    As of right now, there's no way to do "degrees" of reflectiveness. These are basically transparent mirrors.

  27. Just to be clear: They are not transparent. They are cast-able solid floor mirrors. If you're hoping for transparent and semi-reflective you will be disappointed. These however, are probably the best of the shiny floor options currently available.

    Thanks for the additional sizes.

  28. "I hate how all Murano's rugs clog the rug catalog, so if you do decide to do sizes, could you please keep them as seperate packages, so we can delete the ones we wouldnt use?"

    I have all of Murano's in my game and they are ALL separate .sims3packs...

  29. pretty sucky work. Floors aren't supposed to be like mirrors, this creator should learn a little bit how real reflective floors are. unless he/she's going for mirror house...

  30. "pretty sucky work. Floors aren't supposed to be like mirrors, this creator should learn a little bit how real reflective floors are. unless he/she's going for mirror house..."

    Um...did you not read that anything beyond what this guy and Murano have done are all that can be done at the time?

    Your comment is both useless and ignorant. If you have a better solution, then by all means provide it instead of dumping on someone who put his hard work into this project.

  31. hoooooooooooooly crap

  32. it's amazing how this blog is allowed to harass the creators ... it allows people who have nothing more to do than criticize leave comments of crap to spoil the fun of others. Comments should be banned.
    It offers an interesting creations GRTATUITEMENT! If you do not like, do not load! If you're so strong, we propose to work ...
    You're not happy? Go to TSR and pay like sheep ...

  33. it's amazing how this blog is allowed to harass the creators ... it allows people who have nothing more to do than criticize leave comments of crap to spoil the fun of others. Comments should be banned.
    It offers an interesting creations FREE! If you do not like, do not load! If you're so strong, we propose to work ...
    You're not happy? Go to TSR and pay like sheep ...


  35. People need to stop hating on this item, TSR's item is not identical to this, the different methods make for different seams, Morphead is working on any seam issues.

    Furthermore, if you are not happy with the amount of reflection then do not download, limits to modding do not allow creators to make it any more transparent or less reflective.

    Lastly, this is a free download, please do not hate on it when someone has spent a lot of their time making it to share it with people for FREE. It's better than a kick in the backside, so appreciate it or don't leave a nasty comment.

  36. "Lastly, this is a free download, please do not hate on it when someone has spent a lot of their time making it to share it with people for FREE."

    Exactly! Morphead has done an excellent job, and consistently makes tons of pretty, free stuff. Thanks, Morphead!

  37. Weird, I can not find my comment! It has been erased?! This blog is censored?! It's perfect! In this case, delete insulting comments against the creators! It is better to ban comments on other blogs like this guy!
    Was tired of reading insults people who are not able to create themselves and who are not able to thank an author for his work!

  38. Sometimes the spam filter cannot tell the difference between spam and some comments. Your comments have been unfiltered.

  39. it looks very nice. good job!

  40. I created a less reflective version. Called Gleam in the catalog, located in the same place. Enjoy!

  41. :( the light 1s work for me but the other turns out black is am i doing somthing wronge or are they suposed to be that dark?

  42. omg thank you so much

  43. Having tested this out in game, the seams are darn near non-existent for me. Definitely trading the old ones out for these. Thanks, Morphead!

  44. these make my game go too slow :(


    Apparently now TSR owns mirror floors.

  46. ^I wouldn't worry about it. After testing both, I can say that Morphead's are much better. The seams are far more noticeable in Murano's when taking pictures.

  47. As much as I love these, I compared them side-by-side with Murano's and the reflection seems much blurrier. I'll probably continue to use Murano's, despite the occasional seams that appear.
