Pages with Fixes imported and More by ellacharmed

What is this?
So, here is the Sims file with the FIXED Resources imported, for people who don't want to mess with files in S3PE. It is in one single archive file. That's right! No multiparts here, it fits in one 50MB archive, YAY!
You can find the full guide on how to use this in Game Help:World Routing Lagswiki. For other suggestion to fix lag, read the Game Help:Intermittent Freezeswiki FAQ

 What has been done?

A Before and After image that you can use as Visual Indicators on how to check if the world file is the original or fixed version.
For a more comprehensive list of things done, please read this download thread Resources for's various Fixes for ALL of the problems that were addressed.

 This image has been automatically resized. Click to show image at full size.


Heed that backup instructions in Game Help:World Routing Lagswiki, really! You've been warned!

If you care to continue any legacy games or Saves that you care about in the fixed version, use Twallan's Porter to transfer any Sims or Household you care about from your previous Saves. The World Routing Lag wiki has a FAQ section.

Read more and download

Harmonium Tonal Ramps by Absimthes

Ever wanted a bit more color variation in your Berry Sweet gene pool? Ever thought it would be cool to have two very different colored parent Sims produce offspring with a real mix of those two colors? Yeah, me too. Which is why I made these tonal ramps to use and to share, just in case anyone else had the same desire.

If you’ve ever used Scatter Genes Color Sliders, then you should be able to use these with no trouble, because they use the same principle. Basically, these are color overlays that work with whatever default skin you happen to be rockin’. They show up in the skin UI just like any other non-default, but allow you to add some vibrancy and color to your vanilla default.


Have fun with these things. I made them for other people to enjoy, but if I get wind of these things being re-uploaded by other people to paysites (adfly included), I’ll take them down. Don’t be a dick and claim them for your own either. I have ninjas and I will use them.