
February 23, 2010

Bedroom 2 by Jope

Includes: Bed, 2 endtable, dresser, 2 bed pillows, paintings, tablelamp, orchid, sign, deco, scraf, 2 sunglasses, 4 bags, 4 hanging dresses, hanging scraf, deco wall.

Download at Simply Styling


  1. I love this set, except for the bed because it looks a little... square.

  2. Oh dear. That bed looks like a rectangular sugar cube. No thanks.

  3. I love the dresser!!! Kind of old fashioned...but still very retro contemporary! I may have to get the dresser!!

  4. The bed is a big no. It looks like a block with some pillows on it.

  5. Has anyone else had trouble with the rugs?

    And I don't generally like her furnishings.... but I adore her decor items.

  6. The bed actually doesn't look as bad in game, IMO. I think it's a bad combo of pattern + lighting. (It looks better with solid colors.)

  7. True, it does look better with solid pattern with a texture. I adore Jope's stuff, even the boxy beds. Puts me mind of the comforters with the fitted sides. Love the dresser too.

  8. "Has anyone else had trouble with the rugs?"

    Rugs in general or THIS rug?

    I just like the decor items, they look great in game.

  9. The bed looks too boxy, but the rest (especially the clutter) is very nice quality :) She also makes really nice 'basic' furniture, though sometimes it's hard to see in the preview pic because of the white/pink/black color. Makes it easy to find in the catalogue though.
