
February 24, 2010

Female Dress ~ Teen ~ Elder ~

Download at Tomislaw Sims3 Fashion


  1. very cute........

    what can i say? If i dont like something i dont post! lol

  2. ^No offense, but way to toot your own horn for something nobody really cares about. IMO there's nothing wrong with saying you don't like something as long as you're not a dick about it. If you say it in a constructive way, even better.

    I really like the dress but the shading is a little too sharp for me; with lighter shadows I'd download it in a heartbeat.

  3. ^ Exactly, but it's very annoying when people are just insulting it.
    I actually really like this dress, but I'm worried about how it will look in the game.

  4. ^^I do not use any filters on images, which means that it looks like the game.
