
March 10, 2010

Shymoo Hair 003 Retextured by Anubis360

Download at Anubis Under The Sun

File name: Anubis360_Fix_ShymooSims3hair-a003

Converted here at Shymoo


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. hawt...^^^that was me, forgot to log out lol

  3. THAT is a 'longish' guy hair that looks like a guy's hair! Awesome!

  4. the texture looks much worse

  5. Yeah, my texture for hairs is not great yet, but if anybody wants to retexture the hair, retexture this one, because my version is fixed. Shymoo's has a huge bald spot and uses the same for all the LOD's (very stupid idea)
    Sorry if you don't like the texture :/

  6. Thanks anubis!
    I wonder if this could pass as Sam Winchester hair...

  7. I think I will retexture this one, but I will put that other maincontrol. (the one which you can control the shine-thing)

    Is it ok to use your LODs, Anubis?

  8. It's not a conversion, but I've created the LOD2 and LOD3 that were missing. But, yeah feel free to use them :)

  9. I know, but I just wanted to ask you. :)
    (tbh, I thought you had edited all the lods, cause I saw you saying something like 'I fixed bald spots')

    But I will put credits for you and Shymoo! :)

  10. Now, I've just added a scalp and a face overlay :P I didn't touch the mesh, just made the missing lod's.
    Oh! And I couldn't make the LOD1 because the mesh looks really weird when you reduce the polycount, and as this is an important LOD, I couldn't leave it with ugly dark spots everywhere.

  11. ^Sorry I typed "Now" instead of "No" XD

  12. Hm, I see. also, np! mistakes happen everytime :P

    Ah, I did try to make the lod1 as well... If I check Auto Smooth, the hair looks ok, besides some planes that are all messed up :s

  13. Yeah, I don't know, maybe you could try to convert it again? And for both genders if you can :)(I could convert it for children and toddler if you don't have time ^-^)

  14. It looks much better than the original, especially on the brunette. :)

  15. What I did was trying to convert it.. I had to still fit it better, but then I saw this hair.. I thgought, 'why not just retexturing this one?' lmao Then I did it. :D But I will try to convert it for females tomorrow :) or later, idk.

  16. It's up:
