
June 26, 2010

Peggy 05424 Converted by TumTum Simiolino

Download at My Blue Book

File name: TTS-Peggy05424

Other versions here and here by Missbonbon. Cazy's version here and this version by Kokychi.

Package and Sims3pack available:)


  1. Sooooo PRETTY :D great conversion too
    awesome how it has morph states instead of just floating randomly..
    GOOD JOB :)

  2. Looks great, TumTum!

    Love how you added morph states to it!

    I didn't think this hair was pretty enough to download when others did it, but I'm giving yours a shot!

  3. This is the absolute best version of this hair. You've done a fantastic job and you're now my favorite hair converter/re-texturer.

  4. ^ I agree with anon above. I've loved this hair, but removed the other versions from my game because it didn't compare to the new hairs coming out today. But this one is so beautiful- thank you TumTum!

  5. You are a true talent, Tum Tum! I am so happy that there is the ability to add morph stages to hair so we don't have to have floaty hair. Thanks so much for sharing your work with us.

  6. Tumtum, I love all of your conversions.

    Loved this hair before, but the quality wasn't that up to par.. thank you SO much!

  7. Anubis should retexture it...

  8. ^
    Of course you'd say that

  9. Why don't other people create their hair with morph states? Even the latest Myos hair still goes through the boobs of my Sim.

  10. Tum Tum is hands down the best converter and I'd say Anubis is the best retexturer hands down. But to me, slightly dark roots doesn't look nearly as bad as hair going through the boobs and I've had to delete several lovely Anubis hairs because of this. So THANK YOU, Tum Tum!

  11. one of the cuter hairs, glad to see it fixed!

  12. this is soo beautiful!

  13. Nice hair!

    But can anyone help me to find out from where this hair is?

  14. ^It looks like this Rose hair.

  15. Morph States = Work with T$R Workshop.

    That's not gonna happen, at least, with me :)

  16. @ Anonymous with link

    Yes thats it.
    Thank you for the link! :)

  17. ^I can understand not wanting to use TSR Workshop, there are only about 100 valid reasons not to deal with anything TSR.

    However, if they work with TSR Workshop, then why won't they work with CTU or any of the other Delphy programs? There should never be a time when TSR Workshop has an advantage over Delphy's tools or else people will be ultimately drawn to the workshop.

  18. "But to me, slightly dark roots doesn't look nearly as bad as hair going through the boobs and I've had to delete several lovely Anubis hairs because of this."

    Darker roots are at least realistic of several actual people (for instance, take all the people with naturally "dirty blonde" hair). However, you're not going to find anyone on Earth with hair that actually cuts through the flesh of their breasts, which I do see in multiple hairs that either a. don't have morph states or b. don't have enough float.

  19. I have a question for you, Anubis. I usually wait for you to retexture hairs before I download, but I already downloaded this one.

    Since you said you don't use T$R Workshop, which allows for morph states, if you retexture this hair, does that mean that whichever program you use will cause the morph states to be lost?

  20. Thanks Guys!

    Just a note, this hair DON'T HAVE DARK ROOTS, in the pics it have because i like...;)

  21. "Just a note, this hair DON'T HAVE DARK ROOTS, in the pics it have because i like...;)"

    THANK YOU. This needed to be said because of the morons who would be tempted to say, "WAH WAH! THIS TEXTURE SUCKS! IT HAS DARK ROOTS WAH!"

    Also, thanks SO MUCH for adding morph states to this hair so it looks more realistic. You have no idea how appreciated this is. Your work is amazing.

  22. Morph states won't get disabled with retexturing because I'm changing the textures, not the mesh :P
    BTW, this mesh is a big mess! I have to work harder with this because some textures are separated, like, the top here, the middle there and the bottom far from both XD (I'm blaming Peggy, not Tum)

  23. Yay! I've been waiting for another conversion of this one. Thank you, TumTum! <3

  24. Not everything has to be about you Anubis.

  25. ^ "Not everything has to be about you Anubis."

    Why don't you read a little before you speak? People were asking Anubis questions and mentioning retexturing.

  26. It's really nice, Tum! And great it has morph states, even if this was made using a tool from T$R. lol (I'd try making morph states using CTU, but Idky it won't work for me :/)

    Thanks Tum!

  27. Leave Savio alone. We'd be stuck with shitty hairs if it weren't for TumTum (<3), Anubis, and Savio.

  28. Finally a hair that doesn't float. I have so many great long hairs and I hate how they float.

    I hope people will fix them now that it's possible.

  29. LOVE this! Thanks Tum Tum :)

  30. The discussion at MATY about CTU and TSRW was brought about by Pescado, Inge, Delphy and jfade. They all checked out the differences in the programs, what works, what one program can do over another. I for one agree with Inge, after long talks with Thomass and the developers of TSRW, there was no reason other than hatred of TSR to not use their Workshop. You may not agree with packing it as Sim3Pack, that is what the CTU is for, making .package files.

    Inge and Delphy both agreed that using the Workshop was fine, and they didn't want to confuse the community with more programs to do the same thing. One issue they both stressed to Thomass and his crew, that if charges were applied (making it payshit) then the community will do something to make their own freeware program. Jfade agreed that he will not support the workshop if it came to that, and Thomass supposely promised it will stay free. Being a cynical person, I will believe that as long as I see it. Although Thomass hasn't made the program pay, he does go around to sites and push (I call it harass) for creators that use TSRW, to promote it largely on the the site homepages and next to the creations. I've read that at PMBD from creators complaining about it. I don't know if Tum Tum has gotten the e-mail yet.

    If I was a creator (still trying to learn), I wouldn't have a problem with using TSRW, even though I hate the practices of Thomass and cronies. But my creations would always be in .package form cause I think it is better than for organizing and finding files, IMHO. Just like in Sims 2, once you fill the folder with lots of stuff, you will have a slower loading time. Sometimes, you have to take the good with the bad. Again my opinion.

    OMG, I am a tealdeer. Shucks!

  31. that sim looks like an obese Cheryl Cole

  32. ^ I mean the last picture...

  33. looks nothing like sheryl crow....

  34. It doesn't change the fact that the Workshop adds unnecessary bloat. Each new revision of the thing seems to bring an improvement but ultimately I get more broken objects produced by the TSRW than those produced by the Jones'. Not only that but they're quick to sort out issues unlike the TSR lot. TSRW FTL.

    Back on topic: the hair does looks nice.

  35. "Shut up Sávio."

    Hey, where are you from? Your keyboard has ´ accent :D You write my name just right.. Hm. That's great. :)

    And on the 'TSRW or not' discussion: I don't feel like using TSRW simply cause I don't want to. TSR sucks. I use their tool to preview a hair, and for make hairs with colorable accessories. TSRW adds lots of unnecessary and hence generates huge files. And some files just wont work for me if I compressorize them.. O.o So, I don't feel like using it with every hair I convert/make, even if you can have morphs.
