
July 08, 2010

Game Update for: 1.14/2.9/3.5/4.2

Before installing this game update, you must check for corrupt content that may be slowing down your game. Follow these steps to remove the content before installing the game update:
  • If you have an object called "Girl Doll Dressed" in the Installed Content in your Launcher, please uninstall it.
  • To delete the file: 0x038a68fe04da61a6aa65f939d77fbc37.package, go into your DCBackups (C:\Documents and Settings\your name\My Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\DCBackup), find the file and delete it.
  • If you had that file in your C:\Documents and Settings\your name\My Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\DCBackup folder, this may have attached itself to your exports. If you had that file and recently exported content to your Launcher, delete that content from your Export folder and your Launcher.

Before installing an Update for The Sims 3, an Expansion Pack, or a Stuff Pack, it is a good idea to run through the following checklist to ensure your game continues to work smoothly.

Custom Content is all Sims content that did not come from an official The Sims 3 Update, The Sims 3 Store, Expansion Pack, or Stuff Pack. Custom Content is created by 3rd Party Developers that are not regulated by Electronic Arts or The Sims 3 Development Team and may not work with new updates. Custom Content may cause the game to behave unexpectedly or not function entirely.

Read more at The Sims 3


  1. my game stopped working after the last patch, because of an unknown custom content(s) I downloaded. I haven't had the time to look through my mod folder to see what was causing my game not to load. If anyone knows any exact custom contents that cause the game to crash, can you post it here?

  2. @ 1st anon

    Try looking through this thread. Most of the mods in it have been updated by now.

  3. im only getting this patch of death when my fave mods are updated or they force it into my game.

  4. Awesome Mod's already been updated FYI!

  5. Don't download crap from the exchange, never!

  6. I have a non-related question. I've had Sims 3 since it came out, but I uninstall-ed it recently with the purpose of re-installing it. However I don't have the booklet with the product key on the back and I deleted all Electronic Arts folders. I have no idea how to get my product key info. without finding the booklet again (I've searched the entire house) If anyone could give me some advice, it would be much appreciated. Thank you and have a wonderful day. :D

  7. If you registered your game, the site should have it saved on there. If not, try and find an "EA Games Keygen". It's a program that has a list of EA games, and you click the one you want, and it gives you a code for it.

  8. ^ Google it. I was in the same situation but I just used my google-fu powers to help. Just Google Sims 3 serial number or product key and try out different ones until you find one that works for you.

  9. ^You know what, scratch that last part. If you're too stupid to keep up with your serial numbers for your games, then you sure as hell don't need to be going anywhere NEAR the registry. Let those of us with brains take care of it.

  10. whatevs i updated fine didn't remove anything and my game is just fine

  11. "whatevs i updated fine didn't remove anything and my game is just fine"

    Then you got fucking lucky. How hard is it to be safe rather than sorry? One of these times you're going to leave all your content in there and then something is going to go wrong and then you'll be all over the place screaming and crying about how EA ruined your game with their patch when it was your own damn fault for not following the instructions.

  12. The same people who can't be arsed to keep up with something as simple as a serial are usually the ones who are also too stupid to buy an external hard drive and back their shit up, then they're crying and shaking when their computers crash.

  13. I'm enjoying how that damn doll caused enough problems that EA warned for it in the patch update.

    (But I'm sure HP and the other mods at modthesims still think it's a hoax, or a prank or something.)

    Someone has an axe to grind with Rebecah (aka Ms. Future FA At TSR), and are just being mean to her, and somehow got EA onto the prank! /sarcasm.

    Who knows how many people were infected because that thread was closed.

  14. It seems like it doesn't take much to get someone to throw an online temper tantrum here.

  15. Be sure to check your files if you download from TSR. I am still finding packages that are corrupt. Maybe EA is not at fault for everything. Maybe TSR needs to be the one checking their artist's uploads and making sure the corrupt works are taken care of better than they have been in the past. Just a thought.

  16. O.O oh my! I did have that file in my packages.....I can not belive this....>.>

  17. "Agreed. Who the F*** throws away their booklet? Sounds like a "I didn't get a legal copy" cover-up to me." - Exactly what I was thinking, but then again people the world over are known to do stupid things when it comes to organizing themselves & their belongings... Now having said that, GO HERE...

  18. EA have obviously gotten shitty at TSR for that stupid doll. I just did another search through my folders to make sure I don't have it still. It's annoying when you have no idea if something is corrupted until you install the stupid shit. Thanks EA for giving instructions on what to do before installing this patch.

    "Be sure to check your files if you download from TSR. I am still finding packages that are corrupt. Maybe EA is not at fault for everything. Maybe TSR needs to be the one checking their artist's uploads and making sure the corrupt works are taken care of better than they have been in the past. Just a thought."

    For sure dude! Totally agree with that one.

  19. Holy mother of flying cowshit i didn't do this before updating is my game dead forever?

  20. The patch broke this hair: MyosFemaleHair15_byAnubis360 for me. Anyone else having a problem with it?

  21. Oh man, why oh why did I update. Shame on me for doing that. My game was FINALLY stable with all my CC but I was enticed by the supposedly improved memory performance with large houses containing lots of items (my fiancee and I's houses)... Big mistake! Got the manual patches though and I'm reinstalling. Hope it all goes swimmingly.

  22. I've hade that "Girl Doll Dressed" file for awhile now, the file was only in the backup section so I removed that, but the doll is still there. It just won't go away. So is the only option to reinstall EVERYTHING?? (hope not =( )
    I've already reinstall the game I don't know how many times, and I'm getting sick of it. First it was that "blue lot problem", now it's the "doll problem". What's next?

    I don't really want to update my game anymore. I've learn my lesson when the second newest completly shut down CAW. Boy that was a big dissapointment.

  23. ^ You've got to uninstall it both in the launcher and back-up and you'll be safe. If you have your downloads backed up somewhere, check through them all. Who knows where the dolls been...

  24. Glad awesomemod is still scared to touch the damn patch though.....i'll do it once the supercomputer is done, then i'll be sure i can edit my fug sims any time anywhere

  25. btw you gotta love how PROUD T$R was at a time that they only used sims3packs, the official ea file blah blah blah, now they got all this corrupt content out there screwing over all simmers, shit i wonder how Thoma$ sleeps at night. Probably on a huge bag of €uros.

  26. Hm...Girl Doll Dressed > picture? :S

  27. Useful:

  28. Ugh, They didn't fix the damn Running Bug?

  29. I won't be patching until AwesomeMode updates for this.

    I'm doing the corrupt content check, though. It don't have any corrupt .packages or .sims3pack, meh.
    I knew that not downloading from T$R was a good idea :D

  30. Oh, I heard Awesomemod is already updated. Well, they'll have to force me before I patch.

  31. I downloaded from TSR a few days ago and had four corrupt files from recent uploads. Luckily I used Delphy's tool before they got in my game. I blame TSR for the problems in the game now.

  32. You guys realize you can't actually lose anything from patching, right? The anon crying about losing all your stuff should something go wrong is a moron.


    Well, for one, you should be backing it up before patching anyway. For two, even after a failed patch, your downloads, screenshots, saved sims, saves, they're all still there where they were. Just copy them and reinstall.

  33. i backed up, removed mods folder, updated and then put mods back. Zero issues.

  34. When you patch your game, do you have to get rid of all the custom content in your launcher (in Sims3Pack form) AS WELL AS the CC in package file format? Could you just take out all the package files and the resource file, but leave everything in your launcher and then patch? Or do you have to take out all the Sims3Packs in the launcher as well?

  35. You don't have to get rid of any custom content when patching.

  36. ^This is what I do, I back up everything (sims3packs and packages). I move the mod folder with my packages and the resource file to the desktop, and pach. I put everything back where it belongs and done.

    I'd never had any issues before and nothing has magically dissapeared either.

  37. I usually make backups of my files regularly, cause something always happens and I need to go back in my files.

    I did patch without problems and no moving files around. Doggone it, I do have the running sims all over town. Never had that before the patch. *shakes fist at EA*

    Guess they wanted all of us to have the same glitches at the same time. The running around has started to irritate me.

  38. ^ I am with B. I update my backup files every so often in my detachable drive. It is a good idea to back up your stuff regularly bc you never know if you will end up with a corrupt file, achemm TSR, achemm.
    I have had no issues since patching and played about 2 hours. Although, I am one of the lucky ones that did not have any issues prior to the patch.
    Basically if your CC is messed up or the patch was unsuccessful then you failed. You have to read the instructions on patching. It is not neurosurgery. Simply cut and paste your mods folder to a safe place, patch and cut and paste it back.

  39. My games fine. Better than ever infact! I have yet to run into any patch glitches, the few i did have have been fixed :)

  40. I am sorry but I did delete this fucking doll from my game, then I deleted this 0x038a68fe04da61a6aa65f939d77fbc37.package and when I started to scan file by file with the tool of Delphy I found thousands of dolls! Removing this crap this way doesn't solve everything! Now I'm going to search through all my downloads, one by one because of a stupid mistake! The next time verify your cc before uploading it!

  41. looks like i don't need it now seeing i only have the base game and 1.11 works just fine for me! hopefully not updating wont affect the cc i might wish to dl in the future

  42. To the person/people ragging on people for panicking that the latest patch has ruined their game, has it not occurred to you that there are many people out there that aren't as computer savvy as you seem to claim you all are and don't know where to go to get all the essential information that they do need?

    Here’s an idea, maybe next time instead of acting like complete asshole’s you could be a little nicer and share your wisdom with what you call "morons” and “Stupid” after all it pays to be nice.

    it might be good to see some decent human beings on this website who are willing to help instead all the tough guys with all their nasty and completely uncalled for comments hiding behind there anonyms identities, this site is a site dedicated to Sims lovers all over the world who share a mutual appreciation and should come together and help each other and encourage each other THIS IS NOT a website dedicated to cyber bullying.

  43. ^^ Just so we are all clear I wasn't referring to myself as I know how to fix my game and if I can't I know where to look, I was actually defending the other people who had no idea how to and who were being replied to by people with just as much aggression as you just replied to me, and to make something even clearer “we as a community DID NOT break out games, our games are NOT broken they are glitched due to the PATCHES that EA bring out, thank you very much!

    But hey if going off at someone and ranting the way you do makes you feel like a big tough person then go for it, it doesn't affect me because I don't know you, at the end of the day you look like a looser.

    And yes Karla is my real name and don't you think your little comment about me hiding behind anonymity is a little hypocritical Anonymous?!

  44. Aaaaaand this is why I don't download anything from TSR. What did this doll do that it borked games so badly?

  45. Meh I don't have the doll and I still am not updating yet. Better safe than sorry. :)

  46. ^ Oh and OMG ya'll CALM DOWN! It's just a game oO

  47. DUDE!! i fuking had that file and now that i downloaded the patch my game is running smoothly.

    Thank you EA you saved my game from never being played again!

  48. ^Before i had all kinds of problems with my game crashing. it was dreadful having to save every minute.

  49. ^Before i had all kinds of problems with my game crashing. it was dreadful having to save every minute.

  50. Karla needs a life.
    ...but for her being 13 or so we can understand why a person would sit at the computer for an hour trying to think of somthing to say to someone you'll never meet.

  51. ^ Just like your doing!?!

    I just read what she wrote not bad for a 13 year old lol
