
July 08, 2010

Louis Vuitton Patterns by Pascalmilano

Download at Milano's Sims


  1. Wow shut up Claeric.

  2. Uh

    well obviously a ton of people like it since is a very successful brand. I had a knock off of the flowery one when I was younger Ironically.

    I like the patterns, free is good enough for my simmies.

  3. Louis Vuitton is ugly in my opinion also. This may be because of the fact that it is chav chic nowadays though, well, fake Louis Vuitton anyway. They give the brand a bad image.

  4. i received a louis vuitton when i was 12 years old so unless you have ever owned the REAL thing you wouldnt know the quality and representation of a LV.

  5. Yes i agree i see alot of chavs going aroud with Lois Vuitton knock offs these days

  6. Claeric is always right!!!!

  7. Ugh knock offs... so low rent

  8. I was in middle school, I didn't know any better :/

  9. lol, i will never understand why people pay so much for a bag....a bag, seriously?

  10. what is a "chav"?

  11. This
    or this
    or this

    Its basically an English term for dole dossing, ASBO, scummy, tracksuit, tramps :)

  12. Claeric, just because you wish you were a woman so you could carry a purse and fuck guys without the world gawking doesn't mean you need to be a little butthurt twat.

    I love my designer purses. I have 2 Coach, and a Louis Vuitton. They are cute, and they're high quality. Most of my other purses rip or end up looking like shit because they're cheaply made, etc. All 3 of the designer bags I own are real, and I couldn't be happier with them.

  13. I have 2 Coach, and a Louis Vuitton. They are cute

    They're hideous. You are a walking advertisement, and you paid expensive premiums for that "honor".

    To stupid people they say "That person has money, therefore I should like them".

    To the intelligent they say "That person has credit card debt and probably will smoke when she's pregnant."

  14. To the intelligent they say "That person has credit card debt and probably will smoke when she's pregnant."

    I don't always agree with Claeric, but he's right about this.

    And before anyone goes "UR JUS JELIZ U CAN'T AFFORD IT," try again. I would rather save my money for more important things than blow it on fads like sheeple do.

  15. They're hideous. You are a walking advertisement, and you paid expensive premiums for that "honor".

    Argh! Excuse me but seriously you're getting on my nerves. Its just a bag, no big deal. Don't you know girls love handbags, its an obsession a guy will never understand. How would you know how to react around bags? Its just to carry stuff around. How would you not know if they had the money to even afford one, or was it gifted to them? Please just shut up.

  16. And please, you are VERY biased in comments.

  17. ^ To intelligent people they say "you should stfu and gtfo"

    Some people like to buy designer bags or certain clothing brand or whatever. I'm sure you have own a pair of nike/adidas/whatever-brand-you-can-think-of, and you were a walking advertisement too.

    Wether we want it or not, we are all walking advertisements, some just pay more.

  18. ^^ That was for claeric

  19. Whatever, I'm still downloading it.

  20. you think lv is hideous, so do i. i think everything that you make is hideous.... maybe you disagree. the difference is that, whenever YOUR stuff is featured, i just stay out of the comments entirely. i am constantly surprised at the extent of your pot-stirring.

  21. Are the backgrounds of these patterns recolorable? I know some people were having issues getting their patterns they made with CAP to have recolorable backgrounds.

  22. "
    Argh! Excuse me but seriously you're getting on my nerves. Its just a bag, no big deal. Don't you know girls love handbags, its an obsession a guy will never understand. How would you know how to react around bags? Its just to carry stuff around. How would you not know if they had the money to even afford one, or was it gifted to them? Please just shut up."

    Uh, I'm a girl and I don't like handbags. I don't and will never understand the obsession over stupid materialistic objects that scream "look at me! I have money!" they're ugly and offer the same purpose of handbags that you can find at department stores. Maybe I just don't understand because I'm not shallow or vapid. I prefer to spend money on things that actually have something to offer.

  23. I actually love the first pattern.

    I don't know how much does a Louis Vuitton cost, but knowing I can buy a gorgeous purse with just ten euros at any cheap store(and if I don't have that money, I can always ask my sister-in-law to give me some of her old bags so I can see if I like any of them), I probably wouldn't buy one.

  24. Oh my God. People are arguing about purses, now. LOL.

  25. It seems so.
    That's how comments work here, anyways.

  26. I looks cheap and tacky, give me Fendi or even Gucci and day over this tack.

    "Are the backgrounds of these patterns recolorable? I know some people were having issues getting their patterns they made with CAP to have recolorable backgrounds."

    You cant recolour them, its stupid, they give you what, 5 layers? But it doesnt matter how many of them you use there is ALWAYS only one recolourable channel in game! Its annoying.

  27. "Don't you know girls love handbags, its an obsession a guy will never understand."

    I am a girl ... a married woman in fact, and I fucking hate purses. I've never carried one, I have a pink wallet in my back pocket with a spiderman sticker on it my 6 year old gave me. I reserve blowing my hard earned cash on games and comic books. But hey, go ahead and lump me in with the hoochie mama bitches with LV bags, tramp stamps, and belly button piercings. . . .

  28. Lol. I was the one who posted/raged at Claeric saying he was just pissed he wasn't a woman. ANYWAYS.

    lol @ "expensive". My first coach purse was $120, and my second was $35, both from a coach outlet where the sell the old purses that didn't sell in places like JC Penny's, etc. The Louis Vuitton was like $300, and I bought it as a treat to myself. I absolutely love how that anyone who carries a LV bag is considered a hoochie. I cover myself up, and still dress nice. I just like nice looking bags :).

    Sorry, I somewhat care about how I look. I may be materialistic to an extent, but that does not make me a hoochie mama with a tramp stamp and my belly button pierced. Guess what, Anon above me? You're materialistic too! You buy games and comic books, which are material items as well, that are "excess" and not necessarily needed for your survival.

    Shoot me for carrying shit in a purse smh.

    /end comments.

  29. "You cant recolour them, its stupid, they give you what, 5 layers? But it doesnt matter how many of them you use there is ALWAYS only one recolourable channel in game! Its annoying."

    You can recolor them. People are just too stupid to figure it out.

  30. I don't see why you should take the time to insult a pile of pixels, it really does nothing.
    Personally, I won't download them, because I like the patterns we have in-game. 'Tis all I wish to say. :)

  31. I just like nice looking bags :)

    Then why did you buy a louis vuitton?????

  32. Nobody gives a damn whether you like LV or not. if you don't like DON"T DOWNLOAD IT. Go complain somewhere else about those bags.

  33. "Uh, I'm a girl and I don't like handbags. I don't and will never understand the obsession over stupid materialistic objects that scream "look at me! I have money!" they're ugly and offer the same purpose of handbags that you can find at department stores. Maybe I just don't understand because I'm not shallow or vapid. I prefer to spend money on things that actually have something to offer"

    My thoughts exactly! I really hate girls who throw themselves all over shallow, vain objects like purses or shoes or make-up and then generalize that all girls are like that as well. Awesome, you're a materialistic brat, don't lump actual free-thinking people in with you. Don't get me wrong, I like buying well-made clothes and the like for comfort and endurance, but I certainly don't throw every girl into that mindset.

    Mango, speak for yourself. Not all girls are as jejune as yourself.

    As to these patterns, I prefer not to put real-life brands in my game, especially wholly unattractive brands such as Louis Vuitton.

  34. A fight for this ugly-lame patterns? ...seriously?

  35. Oh my god, you guys, WHO CARES. Some girls like bags, some don't The anon who said that girls love bags isn't stereotyping. It's just MOST girls do, I myself don't. People have different likes and dislikes, so for the people going OH OH MY GOSH I HATE THIS PATTERN! Stop bitching about it here and take it somewhere else.

  36. Those flowers are awfully cute.

  37. I also don't like handbags. Nor do I have a shoe fetish. Guess what, I don't even own a fkn hair dryer. Lol.

    You know what I hate more than stupid expensive brand-name bags?
    Those bloody chunky charm bracelets people take out second mortgages for.
    Pandora. *vomit*

  38. OMG! Fighting over bags and designer crap that is a quick retail fix and then what! How about saving that money for something that really counts, like maybe donate it to help save the orangutans in Borneo from extinction which will happen, if we let it, in around 5 years. Or here's an idea, donate it to World Vision or some other organization that helps the impoverished of our planet! Why are you all fighting about patterns on handbags. Get your head out of your accessories and take a real look at the world.

  39. This thread shouldn't be called "Louis Vuitton Patterns by Pascalmilano". How 'bout "When Trolls Attack Trolls" or "Male Trolls Pretending to be Female Trolls Pretending to be Males VS the Exact Opposite" - at any rate.. ...Troll On....

  40. Lol at the "alternative" girls (including Claeric)who think they're more unique or righteous than anyone else.

  41. Why is it considered "alternative" or "righteous" (I assume you mean self-righteous) to not like being lumped into a sexist generalisation?

    (and yes I get that mango probably didn't mean any harm :))

  42. ^Everyones different, if guys want to go around saying that all girls bum shoes and handbags then let them get on with it. It just makes them look like fools, and you wouldnt want to lower yourself to fighting with fools now would you? :)

  43. The "have nots" always critize those who have enough money to make extravagant purchases for themselves. Fake designer bags and jewlery are tacky. I happen to enjoy my luxe bags and jewlery. I have no shame in it. It is quite nice to walk into Cartier and make a purchase other than a key chain!

  44. Trolling is awuzum.

  45. SpaceChupi said...
    Trolling is awuzum.

    especially when it's claeric/shivar/pain in the ass hiding under the anon posting!

  46. See, even if I was a gazillionaire I wouldn't purchase brand-name items like Cartier etc.
    I don't like spending a fortune on a name, it seems like such a monumental waste of money to me. I'd rather buy a new computer to be honest or put a deposit down on a second home ;)

    Different strokes n all that.

  47. Anonymous post are anonymous, we don't have any evidence of Claeric/Shivar posting as an anon to prove a point.

    On the designer stuff topic...
    Everyone has the right to do whatever thew want to with their money (well, as long as it's legal).

  48. Oh my God, a day later and people are STILL fighting about purses. LOL.

  49. This is the dumbest internet argument I have ever read, lol!

  50. "The "have nots" always critize those who have enough money to make extravagant purchases for themselves. Fake designer bags and jewlery are tacky. I happen to enjoy my luxe bags and jewlery. I have no shame in it. It is quite nice to walk into Cartier and make a purchase other than a key chain!"

    I knew it wouldn't be long before someone came in with this strawman argument.

    Honey, some of us have worked hard and HAVE the money. We just have more sense than you do and don't WASTE it on stupid overpriced bags. You are assuming that everyone with money blows it. Not true. Just because you're an ignorant sheep doesn't mean the rest of us are. I'd rather donate $1000 to charity or put it away in a savings fund than spend it on a purse or any other clothing item.

    Because, you see, some of us understand that nothing in life is guaranteed, especially in this economy. Those of us who are intelligent realize that unforeseen tragic events happen in life. There are people who were making 6 and 7 figures who lost it all, got sick and could no longer work, their company went under, they were in an accident, and had other tragedies happen to them. Life is unpredictable. Some of us know that if you are living lavishly and the worst happens (and don't for a second say that it won't or CAN'T happen to you), you will be up the creek without a paddle. Maybe if it does happen to you one day and you are out with no food and water, you can at least take solace that you blew a large sum of money on designer handbags and clothes you didn't need instead of saving that money.

    But please, knock yourself out with your "YOU'RE ALL POOR AND JEALOUS" fallacies if it makes you feel better about being a sheep.

  51. WOW,all of this spawned from a few pixel patterns? Geesh

  52. WOW,all of this spawned from a few pixel patterns? All of this fighting and name calling has almost left me speechless

  53. Ever think that some rich people have enough money to buy designer bags AND donate millions to charity AND have enough left over for security? Just because they can buy expensive items make them sheeple lol? Seriously who wouldn't want a treat every now and then if you can afford it.. vacations, designer bags, video games they're all pretty useless too.

  54. (What has been read cannot be unread)

  55. "Ever think that some rich people have enough money to buy designer bags AND donate millions to charity AND have enough left over for security? Just because they can buy expensive items make them sheeple lol? Seriously who wouldn't want a treat every now and then if you can afford it.. vacations, designer bags, video games they're all pretty useless too."

    I highly doubt anyone posting on this blog is a millionaire, and they'd be lying if they said so.

  56. To the "oh noes you be jumping on trends" people. You do realize the Louis Vuitton has been around for over 150 years right?

  57. Ah haha :)

    Some people love the LV Patterns and other hate it, oh well different strokes for different folks.

    I like the patterns in the dark brown and black colors, the multicolored ones always seemed a bit too much for me.

    The first image I think is the pattern from the Japanese animated short for LV?

    Fun little watch if none of you have seen it yet.

    Anyways thanks for sharing these I have some black dark LV sneakers in real life that i'd like to mimic in Sims 3 :)

  58. This comment has been removed by the author.

  59. Like another anon pointed out above me,the brand has existed for 150 years.In fact,some of the luggage went down with the Titanic,yielding some of the best preserved artifacts.Why? The quality,it's only our recent celeb obsessed culture that made them the item a "trend".

  60. good lord all this drama over CC for a game. Srsly?

  61. I know Anon! I have a Louis that my great grandmother had. These items are made with great quality.

  62. To all the "honey" business. Yes I picture a bust ass, fat broke drag queen wishing he had the money to purchase a Speedy Louis.
    That's okay "honey" you have fun at WalMart and your Kathy Lee hangd bag and Wet and Wild

  63. i hate designer s***. its a waste of money *most times*. i don't skimp out on name brands when it comes to food shopping though. that really does make a difference

  64. Citation
    "Like another anon pointed out above me,the brand has existed for 150 years.In fact,some of the luggage went down with the Titanic,yielding some of the best preserved artifacts.Why? The quality,it's only our recent celeb obsessed culture that made them the item a "trend"."

    Well that's completely true. But first the quality of design things is in most cases not that what it was at the times of Titanic. Most of the stuff is only cheaply made expensive pret-a-porter not more.

    And second this Victoria Beckham-NoBrains or Britney Spears-Emptyhead type of people that go for most of the the design crap don't buy things for that reason but seem to think that the personality they don't have is buyable.

    Mistaken ;-)

  65. Don't kid yourself. I'm sure most people here would like to own (not buy) luxury goods just because they are cool/a status symbol. It's no different than people who like to post heaps of annoying gifs because gifs are oh-so-cool or maybe they just don't have any personality.

  66. "This is the dumbest internet argument I have ever read, lol!"

    Lmao. You obviously haven't spent much time on the net.

  67. I'd say it would rank at about the fifth

  68. The guy who made these patterns is definitely a chav.

    If he wasn't, he wouldn't make such fake patterns.

    He could take the original Vuitton pattern from the original website, but he probably found this s**t on Google, and actually they look so fake (expecially the brown monogram).

    These give me goosebumps.
