
August 28, 2010

Miyu Kimura by Slipslop

Download at Mod The Sims


  1. Is it just me, or does this Asian have no pride? lol Nice face though, and nice use of LFB's new skin <3

  2. Pretty good sim, odd clothes, lovely choice of hair.
    I didn't know that LFB makes mustached skins. I'm avoiding her work now. Mustaches aren't cute on women. Really.

  3. she's very pretty. wondering where 3rd hair for sleepwear came from. any help appreciated!

  4. ^oh nevermind. it's posted w/ sim

  5. Really nice Sim! She actually LOOKS Asian!

    I think most people think that now that LFB released her Asian faces, that they don't actually have to try to work hard at getting the eyes right...almost like they think it's a quick way of cheating to make their Sims look Asian. Not true. That's why so many people using her Asian face skin come out with Sims that still don't look very Asian. Also, it's not just about eyes, there are certain other facial features that need to be worked on to make a Sim look authentically Asian.

  6. Beautiful sim, but her everyday clothes are a bit weird lol.

  7. One thing I didn't like about LadyFrontbum's Asian face is that the yellow skintone is too didn't match the tone ramp of my default skintone and made my Sims look like they had a very bad layer of foundation on that wasn't their color.

  8. She is very cute! I like her.

  9. She's very pretty :)
    But, I just have some advice (I don't mean any offence by this) A while ago an anon posted that your sims look similar. I took a second look and for the most part this seems true. They all have small noses, a small mouth with big lips, ect.
    Maybe making a sim a bit different from this would help you improve. Of course, you don't have to, as they do look nice. This is just my opinion.

  10. Very pretty. Good quality.

  11. She's very pretty. I like her! :)

    Where is this mustache that some anon commented on? I see no mustache. Oo

  12. ^Well, sometimes LFB's skin gives an odd shadow under the lip. But...yeah I don't see it here

  13. I thought it was the facial sliders that caused that to happen sometimes. I've had it on other skins too.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Yeah, LFB's faces and bodies are a different tone than all the other default skins/faces out there. It makes it difficult to find one that matches. :P I'd have no problem at all making both her faces and bodies defaults if she'd make a non-muscular male skintone. Not all my male simmies are fit.

    LFB, hear my prayers!!!

  16. She's lovely, very unusual :-)

  17. Thanks for comments everyone, glad that the majority of the commenters like her.

    It's my second asian sim, so she was kind of an experiment and the female sims i recently made, were intended to look a bit similar, the lips and the noses, but i always gave them a few things which definitely seperates them from the other. And of course You can always play around with the sliders by yourself and tweak her to your liking ;)

    My next sim(s) will be something completely different, made enough cute girls now, so stay tuned for more

  18. Lol Andrea, one day I will. I just don't have the motivation right now.

    As for the shading under the nose, that's not my skin, it's the game shading. I removed a lot of the shading on my recent skins to make them smoother than my originals so pretty much all the shading under the nose is nothing to do with them at all.

    Sorry about the tones. I thought I used the ea sliders tones on the asian faces. *strokes her chin*
