
August 28, 2010

Modern Mountainish Home by Babolat

Download at Babolat Built It


  1. This looks perfect! I absolutely love it!

  2. I love this house! I think Babolat is my new favorite house builder,everything I have seen is wonderful.

  3. can anyone tell me how to take these pics to feature a 2 story room like these

  4. "can anyone tell me how to take these pics to feature a 2 story room like these"

    Sure. When you're on the lower level, hit the button to go up a floor. That will reveal both the stories and you can adjust your camera angle and zoom (it's easier to hit the tab key and take a picture by hitting "C" in free camera mode) and then take the shot.

  5. I loved this house (it was on here before) and I downloaded it, but whatever lot he built it on was not agreeing with the lots I placed it on!

    It always had a big un-accessible hill under the bridge leading to the front door, you couldn't even walk up the terrain to get to the bridge! I had to completely rebuild it myself as best I could, on a flat lot!

  6. BabolatBuilt wrote:I'm not really sure how it would work being placed in other locations, but in my game it is located at the end of Wright Way (180 Wright Way, to be exact).
