
October 27, 2010

New Sims at Mod The Sims

Alexis Hawkins by Bellgirl

Irina Gorbech by claudya6

Aoi Mori by Arisuka

Ryan Reynolds by dutch_1991


  1. that Ryan Reynolds sim is just bad...the other 3 sims on the other hand are gorgeous and well made

  2. That Ryan Reynolds Sim is BLASPHEMY.

  3. Does not look like Ryan Reynolds at all. How did that get approved?

  4. that's the worst celeb sim i've ever seen, and wtf is going on with the 1st sims eyes-eww

  5. It's a face mask too! I don't want to know what he looks like UNDER the face mask *shudder*

  6. I really don't like Dutch as a creator. He's a total shit on the Creator Feedback forums. When his Robert Downey Junior sim got rejected for having a terrible facemask, he threw a hissy fit, claiming the mods were just jealous of his skills, and had something against facemasks (which, apparently, it is impossible to create male sims without).

    The sims bears a passing resemblance to Ryan Reynolds, but little else. I just don't see how he got approved.

  7. Disagree COMPLETELY with the first comment. First sim looks like a failed attempt at a vampire-elf hybrid. The 3rd sim needs food and medicine STAT!! :o

    The Ryan Reynolds sim is the only one that actually looks decent. Keep in mind I have no clue who the real person is, but as a sim, he's solid.

  8. ^^ Agreed. The 2nd and 4th are the only ones who look realistic whatsoever, and not look like complete non-human freaks.

  9. The comments near the top are far too harsh. The Ryan Reynolds sim isn't surely perfect, but in the world of TS3 celeb sims, he's about average, and faaaaaaaaaaaaaaar from the worst.

    But the first sim... she's creepy.

  10. Agreed. Dutch is actually one of the very few TS3 creators I've seen create decent looking face masks that don't look like sloppy pictures-cut-and-pasted-onto-faces.

  11. All of these Sims are so awful and below average,I thought Mod The Sims had "high standards for uploads",I mean,WOW.

  12. I meant to add that the only unique one was Irina,the rest are blehh.

  13. This batch of sims is a little... odd. MTS isn't living up to its high standards...

    @the Arisuka sim

  14. Ryan Reynolds? Rofl. Ok. Looks like MTS are playing favorites.

  15. lol @ the people standing up for the terrible Ryan Reynolds job. Nobody was saying it was absolutely awful as a sim, but it most certainly shouldn't have been approved under the actor's name. I honestly giggled when I saw the picture and read the name.

  16. I like Aoi Mori, but he reminds me of Shaggy from Scooby Doo a little. It's the overall face shape and thinness.

    Ryan Reynolds sim is decent. Off that bat, he didn't look that much like Ryan. But eyeing him a bit closer, I can see the resemblance.

  17. Irina unique??? Make me laugh!!!
    Only Aoi Mori is less ugly...

    And about Ryan Reynolds???

    "Does not look like Ryan Reynolds at all. How did that get approved?"

    Yeah... even MTS sucks now ¬¬!
    In fact, if you become a donator, you will can upload ANY thing!

  18. As a Sim it's not bad, but speaking as a fan of Ryan Reynolds, that does not look like him.

  19. "All of these Sims are so awful and below average,I thought Mod The Sims had "high standards for uploads",I mean,WOW."

    I AGREE! MTS used to knock back so many creators... I think tehy're regretting it now, because so many creators have stopped submitting and this is the shit they get to upload lmfao

  20. Well at least we get to lay our asses back here and just bash the hell out of stuff without having to put in any amount of effort like desperate MTS wannabe creators.

  21. that Ryan Reynolds sim doesn't really look like the person, but i take it it's not an easy celeb sim to create

  22. ......How the fuck do people think Ryan Reynolds is attractive? Maybe it's because I saw a sub-par sim version of him first but whatever. Teenage girls probably shouldn't be gushing about him on the interwebz all the time.

    MTS.... its evident that its standards have been lowered recently. I mean, I look on my MTS profile page and I think "how the hell was that approved?" because my earlier stuff is an abomination. And no matter what they say, they DO play favorites! I keep thinking about Dal's bridesmaid dress being approved so quickly, and I just think come on. She is a mod, so she can get whatever approved, and quicker than other BETTER items or sims too. I just use my own blog a lot more now.

  23. Oh, and I love Arisuka's sim! I'll give her the benefit of the doubt because I'm not sure if he had asian parents, she just said he was born in tokyo, but those eyes beg to differ a lil. :) She is such a unique creator, though!

  24. *In fact, if you become a donator, you will can upload ANY thing!*

    I became a donator and they totally rejected the sims I tried upload even if they looked pretty good. So it has nothing to do if you're donator in MTS or not.

    And I totally agree who ever said that Aoi looks like shaggy from Schooby doo! now I want him to my game even more XD expect I change the hair and clothes that match Shaggy ;)

  25. Am I the only one here who thinks that Aoi looks like utter shit? I could make a sim that looked like him on my own.

    The only one I would download would be the first one. I find her derpy eyes charming.
