
October 27, 2010

Hair long RippleWavy by Irink @ a

Download at Irink @ a

File name:
Hair long RippleWavy by Irink@aPackage and Sims3pack


  1. Holy crap. That texture is terrifying.

  2. holy crap is right that is horrible

  3. crap hair from crap site

  4. Waaaaaaaaaaaahhh! It scares me!

    Heh sorry!! It's just ... It takes a long time to crimp hair, and I've never seen someone with hair that long crimp it! What work that would be! Maybe that's why it looks so strange.

    I think it could be a really pretty hair without the weird crimping.

    P.S. Was crimping ever really in style? And if so wasn't it like a decade ago? I suppose good for making '90's sims! :D

  5. Err... Yeah, I won't be using this. Good... try?... though...

  6. Eh... It looks like a dish mat is on her head.

  7. crimping was stylin briefly in late '80s...but certainly didn't look like this

  8. You people too rude & ruel... Yes, hair is not perfect... at all... but you might to say the least of it

  9. *cruel)) I made a mistake))

  10. "You people too rude & ruel"

    are you new?

  11. keep practicing its not blending in well with the bangs

  12. The texture is horrible. This may work as a straight style, but as it stands, she's looks like she's wearing a hair-colored scarf on her head.

  13. Crimping was also in style among a bunch of different historical cultures. I've seen more than one hair that people complained about that looked just like a woman's hair on a grecian vase.

    I'm not saying _your_ game is historical, but somebody's might be.

    This has insanely modern bangs tho...i'm just saying on the crimping...Yes, it's been in and out of style like everything a million times.

  14. I love the fringe, the rest is badly done. Crimping was in style in the 90's

  15. i crimped my hair in the 90s

  16. Nice try :)

    Now please try again.

  17. Hey... so wth? Is just retexturing this... come one... all of you "Anonymous" (that is just one person ¬¬) can make better, right?
    So please... show me your work.

  18. i actually kind of like this...i guess i'm just a fan of crimp, lol

  19. I have to applaud the creator for the hard work which is scarce in this comment section. However, I do think it would look much better without the straight ends.

  20. Have any of you guys actually downloaded this file and actually installed it in your games? Or are you judging it strictly by the preview pic?

    I just tried to download this file using both links(with a DSL connection)and neither the package or Sims3pack would extract,I kept getting the error from WinRAR that nothing was there.

    If you are able to download it,I would like to know how.

  21. hahahahaha...this looks worse than angelina jolie's pubic hair....and im totally tripping balls xD

  22. I should've realized that I coulden't get an intelligent response on My Sims 3 Blog.

  23. Worst. Texture. Ever.

  24. I used to crimp my hair when I was like ten. I can't believe I ever thought it looked good back then. And now it's certainly out of style. Even if it was in style now, the texture looks really bad with how it repeats. Hair doesn't work like that.

  25. No hair would hold a crimp like that especially hair that long. I never liked the crimped wavy look. It's so heavy looking too.

  26. its looks like my door mat, sorry but it does :L

  27. CC like this... people need to implement some quality control. You don't, and SHOULDN'T, release every little thing you make. This is a prime example.
