
October 22, 2010

Peggy Hair 532 ~ Pooklet'd for all ages by Anubis360

Download at Anubis Under The Sun

File names:

Peggy's version here


  1. Anubis, I love you. Just saying.

  2. Fierce, I love it. So delicious!

  3. Elegant, fun, fabulous. Haters are fat and jealous that they can't "pook" like Anubis can.

  4. SOOO high, but cute hair.

  5. Thanks for this Anubis, it's lovely. :) I knew you'd fix this one up

  6. Still not fond of the mesh. It looks like hair coming out of a hole on top of the head, then gathered into ponies. I do like the textures you use, though.

  7. Thanks for this Anubis, it's lovely. :) I knew you'd fix this one up

    Thank you!

  8. ^ hmmm like your entire persona?

  9. Give it up, we know who you and all your little personalities are.

    Try to be less obvious next time you create a persona.

  10. The funny thing is that Shyne/Briddy G/Little Miss Epic/Freckles gives herself away so easily.

    You know, you'd have a little more luck fooling people if you didn't always post RIGHT AFTER EACH OTHER. You seem to make this mistake on almost every entry you post on.

  11. if she didn't make it obvious she wouldn't get the attention that she craves. it's not like she's very interesting otherwise

  12. Ok look, LME is not me. She posts on nearly every thread here, of course she's going to want to post on something I've posted on. LME has been on this blog a lot longer than me, I did not 'create' her. It would make more sense if you were to accuse her of creating me lol but that is false as well. That is why I emailed LME in the first place, because I thought that by getting to know her I could get to know more and more people here because I saw that she was a regular. I don't care for this Briddy person or whatever drama she caused, but I do care for LME and we are not going to stop being friends or posting here just because you say we're the same person. everyone knows we're not. You can keep up with your little quest to troll me and LME, but no one cares and both LME, our friends and I know that it's not true. So you are just wasting your time :)

  13. LOL! WOW! That has got to be some of the best fanfiction ever. Congrats, Shyne/LME/Briddy G/Freckles.

  14. Thank you, Nubie! ♥

  15. didn't the other socks mention on GoS they emailed each other to become friends? yawn. get some new material already geez. who decides to just email people that comment here to become friends.. that's weird and creepy

  16. we need someone to move it down.. its so effing high

  17. ^ LOL SERIOUSLY! That's like me emailing Shivar to really get to know him.

  18. I just pookd my pants.

    Does somebody want me to upload it?

  19. awwww this hair looks so cute now
    thanks anubis!!!

  20. Why so much bitching?

    The hair is still tall but Anubis is freaking brilliant.

  21. You are best! Thanks! <3

  22. Anubis,you did a wonderful job! Thanks alot! Always! * :) *

  23. im sure nubie is really creative and stuff but she takes the shine out of hair and makes it look all frizzy and stuff :|

  24. Can't you just make the shine stand out more with the channel thing?

  25. "im sure nubie is really creative and stuff but she takes the shine out of hair and makes it look all frizzy and stuff :|"


    Thanks, Anubis! I'm glad you retextured this one, it looks really cute, if a bit big. But hey, it's Peggy, we should expect that! XD

  26. "im sure nubie is really creative and stuff but she takes the shine out of hair and makes it look all frizzy and stuff :|"

    Nubie is a HE!!! And he does not take out the "shine" and make it frizzy. He just takes out the grease and makes the hair look clean :)

  27. Anubis, if you weren't out there fixing hairs, I'd be stuck with nothing but EA hairs... because I refuse to have my sims running around with insanely high-gloss hair, so THANK YOU so so much. :D

  28. It's cute, but the giant head thing makes me not want it. From the eyebrows to the top of the head is almost the same distance as from the eyebrows down to the chin. It's like they have a huge brain tumor or something. I know it's Peggy's fault. I don't get why she puts her hairs so high on the sims' heads.

  29. The texture is very nice and I do want more hair for my toddlers, children, and teenagers. However, the mesh of the hair really bugs me. The hair is simply too high, and I know this is Peggy's doing. I've download a few hairs from Peggy in the past, but recently removed them because of the dark roots and the height of the hair. Of course, everyone knows this. So, I do adore your texture. But I won't be downloading this hair unless Peggy WANTS to fix it. But thank you Anubis!

  30. "Fake impostor is fake."

    Wow. I never bought into the idea that LME was BriddyG...until she called someone out as an impostor IMMEDIATELY after they posted, with very little actual posting to go off of.

    If you're not BriddyG, how do you know that wasn't her?

    That said, I don't give a fuck. It just seemed strange to me.
