
October 26, 2010

Slider Hack (Updated Patch v1.17.60) by aWT

Here's the Slider Hack for the version 1.17.60 | 2.12.8 | 3.8.6 | 4.5.6 | 5.2.4 | 6.0.81


This means, if you have another CORE mod like Awesomemod it will not work due to a conflict with UI.DLL.

What this hack will do:

* Increase the range between minimum and maximum of the Fat/Muscle sliders;
* Increase the range between minimum and maximum of other sliders;
* Increase the number of sliders available;

Read more and download at aWT's Stuff


  1. I wish aWT would make a version that just increases the number of sliders, and leaves the range alone :(

  2. "I wish aWT would make a version that just increases the number of sliders, and leaves the range alone :("

    On aWT's site there is a version of this hack that goes along with the Super Computer and aWT states that it just increases the number of sliders.

    I don't know if that's what you were asking for or not...But I HOPE I helped lol

    And thank you SO much for making this so fast! I was beginning to get annoyed with out extra sliders!

  3. Sorry, I meant Master Controller not Super Computer

  4. "I wish aWT would make a version that just increases the number of sliders, and leaves the range alone :("

    As Caliena said, use the NRAAS compatible one. It doesn't touch the range.

    Just so I'm understanding this correctly, is the Rez Delnava compatible one the one that only increases the range and the gets rid of the limit with other sliders? I don't want the fat/muscle slider ranges changed, only the others.

  5. Thanks Joe. ^^

    Yes, the NRaas compatible just increases the number of sliders available.

    The Rez one is the same as the main one.

    If you want just the increase on the sliders available, use NRaas compatible.

    If you want the increase on the sliders available and the range, use Rez's compatible.

    If you want all, plus range of Fat/Muscle sliders, use the main one.

  6. Even though I state it is compatible with such, it's an cross-compatibility, meaning you can use, for example, NRaas compatible with Rez's and vice-versa.

  7. Does this increase the range on face sliders?

  8. "Does this increase the range on face sliders?"

    The main one increases the range on face sliders (or "body" sliders in the face section like Jonha's), the fat/muscle sliders, and removes the limit on the amount of sliders you can have.

    The Rez Delnava one increases the range on the facial slider and removes the limit, but doesn't increase the range on the fat/muscle sliders.

    The NRass one doesn't increase the range of any sliders; it only removes the limit.

  9. um, english is not my native language, is the rez's compatible the mod for skins ?

  10. ^ No. Rez's mod is still not compatible yet. THAT is the mod I'm reeeeally waiting for to be updated... that and any slider mods that are having any issues.

    So again, Rez's UI mod for non-default skins is still not working at the moment. Until then, non-default skins will not show up properly (if at all) in-game. Waiting... desperately... :(

  11. ^Actually, you do not need Rez's mod for your skins if you have a mouse with a scroll-wheel.

  12. ^^ DAMMIT. That was the only mod I was really concerned about working with Late Night. Seems like most other mods are working just fine.

    But I really hope Rez patches it up soon. Please!

  13. "Actually, you do not need Rez's mod for your skins if you have a mouse with a scroll-wheel."

    Wrong 100%. I use Rez's mod and it absolutely MUST be updated before attempting to use with Late Night. I do not know about the new patches, but it absolutely doesn't work with Late Night, nor will it display various non-default skins as it once did in Late Night.

  14. ^ Correct. Rez's mod definitely doesn't work with Late Night yet. DO WANT!!

    I also don't believe it works with any of the new patches.

  15. ^ That's not what they're saying dude! They're saying that you can remove the mod and you will still be able to scroll through the skins to get to the non-default ones, you just won't see their little circle. Stop being ignorant.

  16. "Wrong 100%. I use Rez's mod and it absolutely MUST be updated before attempting to use with Late Night. I do not know about the new patches, but it absolutely doesn't work with Late Night, nor will it display various non-default skins as it once did in Late Night."

    No. Someone actually confirmed that their non-default skins work with the scroll-wheel. Read the entry for the patch update.

    all my non-default skins are still in my game. and guess what I can still use them in CAS. Without Rez's mod you just can see them all in the display box at the same time. BUT if you have a wheel scrolly thing(whatever its called) on your mouse you CAN still use that to scroll up and down the skintones without Rez's mod. I'm just saying...

    Even Rez said on his MTS page for his UI mod: "it does next to nothing that the game couldn't already do; I just made it so that you can see it doing it."

  17. "^ That's not what they're saying dude! They're saying that you can remove the mod and you will still be able to scroll through the skins to get to the non-default ones, you just won't see their little circle. Stop being ignorant."

    Thank you. To the "wrong 100%" anon, maybe you should learn how to read before disputing correct information.

  18. Seriously. How hard is this to understand? NO ONE anywhere is saying that Rez's mod doesn't have to be updated. It most certainly does. However, YOU DO NOT NEED IT TO SCROLL THROUGH THE NON-DEFAULT SKINTONES and they will still work if you have a scroll wheel button on your mouse.


  19. ^^ Perhaps you should attempt to EXPLAIN things better before getting in a hissy-fit before having to re-explain it again because you sucked at it the first time. You know, since multiple people misunderstood you. Own-up to your mistakes once in awhile, bud.

  20. ^ If by multiple people you mean yourself.

  21. LOL is this all one person making 3-4 posts just to say they weren't wrong about something stupid in the first place? Man... this place is sad.

    To the anon that said about the mouse scrolling, it DID sound like you were saying Rez's mod works. You didn't explain it very well. Calm down and stop double-posting. It doesn't prove your point any better and you just end up looking like a tool.

  22. "^^ Perhaps you should attempt to EXPLAIN things better before getting in a hissy-fit before having to re-explain it again because you sucked at it the first time. You know, since multiple people misunderstood you. Own-up to your mistakes once in awhile, bud."

    I understood what was being said perfectly fine. It's you who lacks reading comprehension and is an idiot. All that person said was "^Actually, you do not need Rez's mod for your skins if you have a mouse with a scroll-wheel." Only a moron wouldn't be able to understand that it means if you have a scrolling mouse, you don't have to worry about Rez's mod not working.

    But you insisted that s/he was wrong and other people went off YOUR wrong information. So suck it up and STFU.

  23. "^ If by multiple people you mean yourself."

    Dude... you aren't fooling anyone. You're not going to jail. It's a video game blog. Relax.

  24. Actually it isn't just one person. I was one of the anons.

  25. Anonymous said...
    "^ If by multiple people you mean yourself."

    Dude... you aren't fooling anyone. You're not going to jail. It's a video game blog. Relax.

    LOL WHAT? Gurlbye.

  26. I also got what was being said...scroll thingy on mouse means you don't need Rez's mod. So how does that come across as saying it works when it was clearly stated you don't need it?

    Some of you are getting bent out of shape for nothing.

  27. I know right? It's like a big old alpha male showdown in here. So dumb.

  28. Okay this is my first comment here and I'm not trying to start a flame-war with any overly-sensitive people here.

    I am confirming that Rez's mod does NOT WORK. So if you like to actually SEE the extra skin tones you downloaded (which I do), it won't work after any of the new patches, or Late Night. Period.

    Now you can stop the childish bickering. :)

  29. Summary:

    - Mod needs to be updated to work with patch/expansion

    - If you want to use your non-default skins in the mean time, scroll through the skin selector until you land your desired one.

  30. ^ If only this was posted at first, heh. :P

  31. "^ That's not what they're saying dude!"

    "They're"... lol. Clearly all these posts are by one person who just HATES being wrong, no matter how silly it is. But it's funny how badly you derailed these comments with your sissy drama. It was entertaining to say the least.

    Thank you for the chuckle. :)

  32. Has anyone else been having crashes after installing late night when moving a family into an apartment or trying to play an existing household? This has been happening to me with no mods. It's pissing me off. Anyways, I'm uninstalling all the games and going to do a fresh reinstall and patching. Hopefully it's an issue on EAs end that they will fix soon. I've never had this happen with the previous expansions or stuff packs.

  33. ^ Personally I haven't installed LN yet, but I've heard of your problem happening to others on other boards. So you definitely aren't alone.

    It's not an EA-branded TS3 expansion pack without a ton of game-crashing bugs, right? XD

  34. Sorry if this has already been answered, but do all the popular sliders mods still work properly in Late Night, or are there updates needed for certain ones/all of them before they'll work?

    Figured I'd ask this here since this is slider-mod related. :)

  35. g i r w l t s a b c r n. w i o, i l t s. i w a y c a c. f f m i y w, i w t i. i w b y s. c i y c, l t w i l t b. d a f m, t f m i i w w. i o m k w f y t p m m, i w t t y b h c.

  36. "Sorry if this has already been answered, but do all the popular sliders mods still work properly in Late Night, or are there updates needed for certain ones/all of them before they'll work?"

    I'd also like to know the answer to this one; Specifically hearing from somebody who can confirm first-hand... since I've heard a few slightly different stories now.

  37. I've just installed Late Night. I am checking how well it works with this hack.

  38. Hopefully it won't crash like it has been for some of us.

  39. Hey, just tested it, works just fine. =)

  40. ^ So the sliders work with Late Night? Would you mind specifically letting us know which ones you tried?

    I use most of them; Jonha's various sliders and Delphy's height slider most importantly. Thanks again aWT!!

  41. aWT is unbelievably fast! Nicely done.

  42. I gave it a try this morning and it made my game crash. Either my computer isn't compatible or I'm placing this mod in the wrong place. Can anyone direct me to instructions for adding core mods to games?

  43. TS3 Late Night is sooo fun.

    Love it. It is exactly what the game needed. 10/10 stars so far.

    I just want to meet a vamp and become really skilled at the music instruments.

  44. Thanks guys. Well I basically have all the sliders I know of.. Delphy's, Jonha's, Bella's. They all worked fine. And so did the EA Breast slider. The muscle one didn't cause it's an overlay actually.

    Anon above, to install it you just have to put it in your Mods folder.
    Did you removed other mods/hack before trying this?
    Because I don't think it's this one that make it crash, since I loaded my game fine. "/

  45. Tum's and Heiret's also.
    The slider really doesn't affect in therms of compatibility though. Since all they just change the body morph.

  46. Rez's mod also seems to make the tone and breast sliders disappear, for me at least. They're there if I take it out.

  47. Okay. I am the first anon. I didn't realize that the NRAAS version only increased the number of sliders. I had thought it also increased the fat/fit ranges too, just not the facial sliders. Okay, now I am happy :D Also I just love aWT's cute kitty picture.

  48. I just read through this and lol'd at the patheticness of the UI Mod dramaz. xD ANYWAYS, thankies for updating this, I hate when things take forever to be updated. ;-;

  49. Did anyone get a load of Shivar/Claeric showing his ass and making a fool out of himself over at MATY last night?

    The thread is gone now..but screencapped for the lulz.

    Shows him unhinged and jumping the gun without resorting to logic to form his conclusion.

    Here is wizardmerlin's response to him:

  50. I'm glad to see this mod is being updated quickly, I'm waiting on a few others, but I was already starting to miss a few of the other sliders.

    And, to those having crash to desktop problems, if you're having Bridgeport crashes trying to move into a fresh town, try either moving all of the folders out of your Documents/Electronic Arts/Sims 3 folder or renaming that folder to "The Sims 3 Backup" or pretty much anything else.

    The game will recreate the folders when you restart it. You'll need to reinstall EVERYTHING you had though, sims, houses, game saves, etc. I and a few others on a forum had to do this yesterday to get Bridgeport to run and not immediately crash when I moved into a home. Now it seems to be working fine.

  51. aWT said:

    "Anon above, to install it you just have to put it in your Mods folder.
    Did you removed other mods/hack before trying this?
    Because I don't think it's this one that make it crash, since I loaded my game fine. "/"

    Ok. I did put it in my Mods folder. However, I have never downloaded any hacks into my game. Would taking out body sliders help or should I just delete my cache files and try again? I know I have a bunch of mods, just no hacks.

    Thanks for your quick response.

  52. Why in the world hasn't stupid MTS added a Late Night section yet?

    Even members have brought it up. Ambitions was up awhile before the ep came out. This is ridiculous. Tons of people already have the ep and the forum for it needs to be up.

  53. Thank you SO much AWT!

    I am so going to play a while before I start putting mods back in. I want to try the new stuff!! I'm soo sick of relentlessly testing. (You know the way EA doesn't and makes us do!)

  54. Luckily for me, I only use mods that are quickly updated.

    I know I can always depend on aWT, Twallan, and Rothchild to update their mods very soon after an expansion is released. Those three had theirs updated yesterday. Amazing.

    Pescado is also someone you can trust to update fast. Perhaps someone should make a list of creators who update their mods fast?

  55. I think EA may have made the custom skins available through scrolling as a feature. It wasn't listed in the patch notes, I do find it strange that EA didn't toot its horn for it. I even downloaded more skins, just to test this and scrolling the skintones, the new ones showed up. Maybe we don't need the 3rd party UI mod.

    Same with Large Address Aware. Ford has confirmed that it's already in the startup executables. I did rely on the LAA for my game, but played for several hours last night without a crash.

    I wish EA would confirm if they changed/created these features. The patch notes sucked this time.

  56. Wow! Now i'm going to download the Rez Delnava's UI Mod! Thank you aWT!!!!!

  57. erm, back to the first post...
    someone knows a mod that increases the range for facial sliders, which is updated for late night?
    (and which is not the awesome mod)
